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Why pastoral counseling

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Some denominations recognize pastoral counselors as specialized ministers or deacons and may commission, license or ordain and endorse them accordingly check with the specific denomination as to commission, license or ordination. Each of these ministries have different nuances:. Pastoral counseling is an extended and structured conversation focused on the needs and concerns of the one seeking help Dictionary of Pastoral Care and Counseling. Biblical counselors typically use the Christian Bible as their sole counseling text and do not make use of psychological theory and methods in counseling.

In this context, Christian counselors may or may not be trained in the biblical, pastoral or theological counseling modality. The only time a state licensed counselor can legally involve religious Christian principles, morals, and activities is when the counselee initiates or requests counsel in those areas. Pastoral Care and counseling share common training, interests, and goals yet also include distinct differences.

These two areas of ministry sometimes overlap when it comes to care-giving. Pastoral Care is an extension of pastoral ministry that is aimed at providing emotional and spiritual support to individuals and families who are facing illness, loss, or other stressful situations. Pastoral care may include listening, supporting, encouraging and befriending.

While Pastoral Care often involves visiting the home bound or the ill and infirm; it is not limited to that. Most individuals not all who are trained to serve in pastoral care ministry are not trained, qualified professional counselors. Spiritual Directors focus on the spiritual awareness and journey of persons in their relationship with God. Spiritual direction is not counseling or psychotherapy. Christian Spiritual Direction involves a relationship with a wise and grounded person with whom to discuss and pray about what is happening in your life in Christ.

Some Pastoral counselors who are trained in spiritual direction may include that as part of their treatment, or as follow up, when requested by their counselee or client. Clinical Pastoral Counseling is a professional extension of the counseling ministries of the spiritual and faith communities.

Self-help Self-help for Low Moods. Self-help for Anxiety. Resources NAMI. Human Services. Return to top of page. A pastoral counselor is a trained mental health professional with an in-depth knowledge of religious or theological, and spiritual aspects and training.

Pastoral counselors, with the help of prayer, scripture teaching, and community participation, help a person in distress toward healing and transformation. Many people feel comfortable seeking guidance and support from their religion or religious scriptures.

When it comes to pastoral counseling and other forms of psychotherapy, pastoral counseling can be defined as a combination of traditional psychotherapy and teaching of life and faith. In pastoral counseling, a counselor uses psychological practices and theological resources to guide you on the path towards healing.

For years, people have been turning to their spiritual and religious leaders for guidance, answers, and support related to their mental health struggles. Pastoral counseling is based on the foundation of clinical psychology and pastoral education where a pastoral counselor is not only a clergyman but a trained and certified mental health professional.

The majority of people seeking counseling prefer mental health professionals with spiritual or religious beliefs. However, many people are not religiously inclined and may not benefit from pastoral counseling.

On the other hand, people with strong religious beliefs seeking counseling might benefit from pastoral counseling. Then, you might benefit from pastoral counseling! You can also click here to connect with religious counselors. While pastoral counseling can help you receive a faith-based approach to healing, there is still a need for traditional psychological principles to make this model a versatile therapy.

Not only a pastoral counselor can provide professional mental health treatment but they can also provide more spiritual and religious guidance. Licensed pastoral counselors can be ordained priests, rabbis, ministers, imams, or other religious or spiritual leaders.

These leaders who provide religious counseling are trained psychotherapists with backgrounds in religion and spirituality.

Not all licensed pastoral counselors have extensive training and education, however, those who do are licensed to diagnose and treat several mental health issues. Confidentiality is taken very seriously. The relationship between a pastoral counselor and their client is as confidential as a relationship between a professional psychologist and their client. Comfortability is important. Many people find being in the care of their religious or spiritual house more comfortable.

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