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As was foretold, we've added advertisements to the forums! RoboChocobo Registered User regular. For the last 2 months I've noticed a stench growing stronger in my Dorm Room. I'm not sure on the cause of the odor. I can smell it in various parts of the room.
It reminds me of the kind of "musk" that people have. Normally I'd try not to be an ass about something like that. It reminds me of him, but at the same time there isn't any one thing in the room that I can pin the stench on. It's almost all over the room, and feels stronger in certain places.
I don't want to start a spanish inquisition over it all, but I don't know how much longer I can take the stench. It just invades everything.
No amount of fresh air gets rid of it, and I can't seem to track it down. I think it might be his towels which he leaves on the floor, or his dirty clothes which he dumps at the bottom of the closet, but that doesn't make sense because otherwise the smell wouldn't be over at the other end of the room as well although it DOES seem weaker over here Since it's probably just my Room mate in general, do you have some low tech remedies I could use to mask the stench?
I normally would just ask him if he smells something, or bug him about it, but there's a bit of tension right now between us over his "living habits" and I just want to keep things going smoothly.
So what should I do to mask it? This is just a stop gap for now, so you don't need to worry too much about long term for the moment. Just some advice and any personal experience with this. Please hurry, I don't know how much longer I can take this stench before I accidentally snap at my room mate.
RoboChocobo on October October edited October Check to make sure there is no mold growing in your bathroom somewhere. Voro Registered User regular. Get some Lysol Disinfectant and spray the shit out of everything.
That's taken care of most odors around my apartment. Voro on October We don't have a Bathroom or Sink. My Roommates a slob much in the way that one might remember the line from the Catcher in the line, except a bit more Like he doesn't leave a bunch of junk lying around like I do he has a bit more storage space to be fair , but he just dumps it all in his closet.
I've seen him leave cereal bowls wth some milk still in them lying around without throwing them out. Very sloppy with his available space, and it's a pain in the ass that way. Gihgehls Registered User regular. Is roommate a pot smoker? Gihgehls on October EggyToast Registered User regular.
Or do laundry? And if he does, does he hang up his bathtowel or just leave it in a pile on the floor, never washing it? All of those things can lead to nasty BO lingering in a space. Be happy that you're making a future girlfriend a happy and b possible.
EggyToast on October Dropping Loads Registered User regular. Your roommate probably also hates the smell and can't figure out what it is. Be teammates, and try and figure out the cause together. College Life. Jan 5, Jan 18, Jul 29, Jan 17, Contact Us. Jul 26, OCM Life on Instagram. Interested in being featured on this blog? The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually.
Just double-click and easily create content. Static and dynamic content editing A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. Oct 19, Oct 18, Oct 17, Oct 1, Sep 30, Sep 7, Sep 3, Aug 23, Aug 22, Aug 21, Aug 19, Aug 18, Aug 9, Aug 6, Aug 5, Jul 21, Shop College Essentials Now that you're all moved in, stock up on college essentials you still need. Dead mice and their decomposing carcasses, enough said.
A seemingly easy fix would be to make a quick stop at the convenience store and get a plug-in, scented air freshener. In whatever case, neither are recommended. Another possible notion, if you want to take it a step further, is to buy an air ionizer; however, if you did your research, you would find that Consumer Reports issued a statement in that harmful ozone levels were being omitted by these products, raising health concerns.
Cleanliness: Clean laundry and bed linens, constant trash removal, and vacuumed rugs is the first step. Fresh Air: Since odors are in the air, replacing bad for fresh air is incredibly helpful. Absorption: Odors that are settled into an area need to be absorbed. Charcoal, baking soda or even cat litter works well to absorb odors. Place a container with either substance in and around the source until the odor is gone; then, throw it away. If your room is experiencing mildew problems, these also work effectively in areas with excess moisture.
For carpets or fabrics containing food or fluid spills, a good blend of vinegar and water can absorb scents that regular soap cannot. Blot the surface with pressure.