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Why does an egg get bouncy

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It will bounce! Background Information. The Glowy, Bouncy Eggs experiment introduces students to the chemical properties of eggs and shows them how a chemical reaction between the acetic acid in vinegar and the calcium carbonate of the egg shell results in a rubbery egg. Leave the egg in the water for 24 hours. The water will migrate from the side of the membrane where water molecules are abundant outside the egg to the side where water molecules are less abundant.

After 24 hours, the egg will be plump again. All of your life, your dentists, parents and others have been telling you how important it is to take good care of your teeth. Once you lose your enamel or once deep decay sets in, you need fillings and other treatments to reverse decay and restore the teeth. The egg becomes bouncy as a result of a chemical reaction between the eggshell and the vinegar. The eggshell of a chicken egg is made of calcium carbonate, and vinegar is a weak acid.

The vinegar toughens up the membrane of the egg making it bouncy! How Bouncy Eggs Work: When you place the egg into the vinegar, you see bubbles, which is the chemical reaction of the acid in the vinegar reacting with the calcium carbonate to produce carbon dioxide. Over time, this reaction has the effect of destroying the egg shells and leaving behind the inside of the egg. Eggshell membrane mainly consists of protein in the form of collagen. It also contains small amounts of chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine and other nutrients.

The egg becomes bouncy as a result of a chemical reaction between the eggshell and the vinegar. These small bubbles are carbon dioxide gas, which are the result of the reaction between calcium carbonate and vinegar. Once the shell of the egg is gone, all that is left covering the egg is a thin membrane. For just a bit bouncy, one day. If you want it medium, two days, and if you want it really bouncy, three days. How do you store the egg after the vinegar treatment? Place it in a plastic bag or any plastic container with a lid, and place in the refrigerator.

How Bouncy Eggs Work: When you place the egg into the vinegar, you see bubbles, which is the chemical reaction of the acid in the vinegar reacting with the calcium carbonate to produce carbon dioxide. Pour vinegar in until the eggs are completely submerged. At this point you will notice the egg is covered in little bubbles. Leave for 72 hours. When these two chemicals are combined, a chemical reaction occurs. Carbon dioxide is formed, which is why you see the bubbles.

The chemical reaction between the acetic acid in the cola and the calcium carbonate in the eggshell causes the shell to dissolve. Leave the egg in the water for 24 hours. The water will migrate from the side of the membrane where water molecules are abundant outside the egg to the side where water molecules are less abundant. After 24 hours, the egg will be plump again.

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