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So when i use a framework , i use different commands? Will it be a different syntax or is php again? I cant see how more easily i could possible make a http post request using curl , creating a database with pdo etc. I mean i set up what i need with 30 lines of code. Framework can do that even easier better or more secure? I could imagine that a framework would be nice maybe to implement a google map easier in a web page , to add RSS , pdf support and stuff like that.
Am i wrong here? But its super easy to make http requests using curl for example. What more do you need for a REst application? Actually REST is more than just curl requests. Also one more thing, I am not to support or refuse framework in general instances but in a REST based application, where i experienced the difference. The Overflow Blog. Podcast The first ten years of our programming lives. Upcoming Events. Featured on Meta.
Now live: A fully responsive profile. Candidate changes in Moderator Election — review your ballot. Linked Related Hot Network Questions. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled. For starters, it separates a web application's business rules, server logic, and presentation views. It contains numerous tools and classes aimed at shortening the development time of a complex web application.
Additionally, it automates common tasks so that the developer can focus entirely on the specifics of an application. The end result of these advantages means there is no need to reinvent the wheel every time a new web application is built!
Symfony is written entirely in PHP 5. It has been thoroughly tested in various real-world projects, and is actually in use for high-demand e-business websites. Let's begin with a closer look at its features. That's what is all about. A framework have all the main functionality implemented using the best practices acknowledged through years of experience. A framework is used in order to achieve better goals in terms of quality, security etc.
Speed of development for one. It also removes a lot of burdens that come with coding stuff manually and yes it means don't reinvent the wheel. I guess frameworks are designed to speed up development of web services and admin sites.
I use backvendor Yii extension and it really helps me to save time on the first stages. A good framework guides you through best practices for your architecture and gives you somee often needed functionality in a proven and stable way. So you don't have to reinvent the wheel all the time.
Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. Why use a framework with PHP? Asked 11 years, 10 months ago. Active 7 years, 2 months ago. Viewed 24k times. Improve this question.
While frameworks have some advantage the classic "don't reinvent the wheel" but also present two new problems: — magallanes. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. It provides an easy method to protect your application from cross site request forgeries. It offers Database and Eloquent Authentication drivers out of the box. It provides a basic HTTP authentication to authenticate users of your application without setting up a dedicated login page.
You can talk to other developers, get help, feedback and could also give something back to the community. One of the main arguments from the negative audience comes in this subject.
But those benchmarks are just bad examples. First of all, you should understand that Developers are more expensive than the Servers. Putting all of that aside, you can actually gain performance benefits by using a PHP Framework. They come with tools, that will help you do Caching, Benchmarks, profiling etc.
Moreover, Modern Frameworks have also great support for Dynamic Loading as they load code whenever needed. Getting started with a framework could give you that crucial morale boost that you might lack. A lot of toys to play with and to build cool things with it.
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