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Why do i keep passing smelly wind

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Your gas may smell like rotten eggs because of the sulfur in fiber-rich foods. Sulfur is a natural compound that smells like spoiled eggs.

Many vegetables are sulfur-based. If you have a sensitivity or reaction to certain foods, your gas could have a foul odor. As a result, it is fermented by bacteria in your gut. Gluten intolerance , or in its more severe form as Celiac disease , can also cause smelly farts. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease where there is an immune response to the protein gluten.

This leads to inflammation and injury in the intestine, leading to malabsorption. Flatulence can be a result of this. Other than bad-smelling flatulence, Celiac disease can cause other symptoms:. Talk to your doctor to get tests and determine if you have any food allergies or sensitivities that may be making your farts smell.

Although uncommon, certain medications can cause smelly flatulence. Antibiotics kill off harmful pathogens in the body. They also destroy some of the good bacteria in your stomach, which aids digestion. Without this good bacteria, your gas may smell. You could also experience bloating and constipation.

Treatment for this cause involves changing medication, which you should not do without talking to your doctor first. Constipation indicates that you have a buildup of stool , or poop, in your colon. The end result is foul-smelling and sometimes painful gas. Taking over-the-counter laxatives can be a simple home remedy for constipation. Shop for laxatives. The State of Victoria and the Department of Health shall not bear any liability for reliance by any user on the materials contained on this website.

Skip to main content. Actions for this page Listen Print. Summary Read the full fact sheet. On this page. Symptoms of flatulence Causes of flatulence Common complaints with flatulence Foods to limit to reduce flatulence Laxatives and flatulence Reducing intestinal gas Seek medical advice for excessive flatulence Where to get help Things to remember. Flatulence, commonly referred to as 'farting', is caused by gas in the bowel. Ordinarily, the intestines produce between and 2,mls of gas, which is passed out of the anus at regular intervals.

The gas, or 'flatus', consists of a number of gases including methane, nitrogen and carbon dioxide. The varying smell depends on the ratio of gases, which is influenced by the foods we eat.

Flatus is generated by swallowed air, digestion, high-fibre foods and the by-products of intestinal bacteria. Some digestive system disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome, can produce excess gas. Symptoms of flatulence Passing wind is normal, but the amount varies between individuals and depends on a number of factors including diet. Some people pass wind only a handful of times per day, others up to 40 times, while the average seems to be about Symptoms of excessive or embarrassing flatulence include: passing wind often smelly flatus loud flatus abdominal distension and discomfort rumblings in the lower abdomen.

Causes of flatulence Intestinal gas is a normal part of digestion. The gas is produced by different means, including: Swallowed air — the mouth isn't vacuum-sealed, so small quantities of air are swallowed along with food and liquid.

The oxygen and nitrogen from the swallowed air is absorbed into the bloodstream from the small intestine, and any excess is allowed to continue its journey through the bowel for expulsion.

Bloating may also be caused by rich, fatty meals which delay stomach emptying. A high fibre diet can cause bloating in some people, but in others may relieve it. The fibre absorbs water in the gut and gently distends it, which can help to prevent the uncoordinated contractions that are partly responsible for bloating. Some people find that activated charcoal or de-foaming agents containing simethicone are helpful. Avoiding gassy drinks may help. The average person breaks wind up to 40 times a day.

Anything less than this is normal. Often people believe that they have excessive flatus is because an embarrassing incident like a loud or smelly fart in public has led to the belief that something is wrong.

However, if these events are severe, ongoing, troublesome or if you are worried about them you should discuss your concerns with your doctor. In addition, if you develop burping associated with chest discomfort, especially discomfort associated with exertion, or if you have difficulties in swallowing you should seek medical advice.

If bloating is persistent or associated with weight loss, abdominal pain or diarrhoea you should see your doctor as it can be a symptoms of more serious bowel conditions. Treatment revolves around diet or lifestyle changes and changes to eating and drinking habits as outlined above. Probiotics do help some people but there is no research to back this up. We fund life-saving research into diseases of the gut, liver and pancreas.

Champion our cause; help us fight digestive diseases and change the lives of millions of people in the UK by supporting our work today. Skip to content Search Menu Donate. Wind, burping, flatulence and bloating Download printable version. Overview 2. Symptoms 3. Causes 4. Treatment 5. This factsheet is about w ind , burping, flatulence and bloating Many people think that they have too much wind and flatulence, but in an otherwise healthy person, these events are absolutely nothing to worry about.

What is wind made up of? Some medicines can help to reduce wind. Speak to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist about which one may be best for you. Some processed foods contain ingredients that can cause wind: for example, sweeteners or preservatives. Talk to your specialist nurse or doctor if the wind continues. They may be able to prescribe medicines to help. They can also refer you to a dietitian who will be able to recommend other changes you can make to your diet.

The two most common problems are diarrhoea and constipation.

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