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However, sales of a corporation which is not required to file an income tax return in another state are considered to be this state. The Department of Revenue will issue a tax-exempt letter with proof of your federal exemption. Read more about non-profits.
North Carolina General Statute requires the Department of Revenue to notify the Secretary of State when a "corporation or a limited liability company fails to file any report or return or to pay any tax or fee required by the tax laws for 90 days after it is due. My corporation has been suspended by the Department of Revenue. What do I need to do in order to be reinstated? Does an inactive corporation or a corporation that has no assets have to file a return?
Returns are required through the date of formal dissolution or withdrawal through the Office of the Secretary of State. If a corporation is dissolved or withdraws from doing business in this State, is a return required? If a corporation is dissolved or formally withdraws via the Office of the Secretary of State, no franchise tax is required with the income return filed for the year in which the application is filed or with any subsequent income returns that may be required in connection with winding up the affairs of the corporation.
Soon, the four of us realized this game had potential and decided to take it indoors, recreating the fun and bonding over food, drinks, and some hatchet throwing. We wanted our business to provide more than just a place to play a game. Mark, a retired union carpenter, was raring to go. My husband, Stuart, was also eager to have a successful side business, but at the time none of us had thought this business idea would evolve into a major recreation industry.
Michael Vahey started Beach Gladiator, a Roll on rash guard. When we were kids, we both would vacation with our families at the beach. And we both suffered from the same issue: chafing. When we would run around the beach all day in wet shorts, we would develop a rash between the legs. This is a walk that looks silly because you are trying to hold your legs apart. The chafing I used to call it the rub-raw would be severe enough to last for days and put a stop to most activity for those days.
We tried Vaseline and other things, but it only provided temporary relief. The coolest thing about beach Gladiator is that it was started by just the 2 of us and we still have control over what we want the brand to be. The greatest influence on the product was and continues to be our kids, who were our first customers. In I quit my job in marketing and publishing in New York City and booked a one-way flight to Bali.
I was completely burned out and confused about the direction of my life. In the first weeks without a title, company, or convenient identity, I felt completely naked.
I came back to New York City feeling so good and got smacked in the face with reverse culture shock. In Bali, I met so many people running businesses while traveling, and I knew the secret to learning was to be surrounded by a community of kind people who could teach me.
Through product research, I discovered weighted blankets, and less than a week later, booked a flight to visit with suppliers and pick up samples. The moment I tried my sample weighted blanket for the first time, everything changed--I fell in love with the surprising, deeply relaxing sensation that crept in. At that moment, this business went from a project to a passion; the miracle of our bodies to self regulate and heal when given a nurturing environment is amazing to me. Outsource everything.
When I look back on it I definitely had the funds to outsource more and bootstrap less. If it wasn't for that struggle I would have never made it to where I am today. I was forced into entrepreneurship because I was not someone people could hire. I always got along with people at interviews and people liked me but I was not hireable due to the mistakes I made in the past surrounding my issues with drugs and alcohol as a teenager. Embrace the struggle. Good times can make you soft.
I appreciate my life now and keep an attitude of gratitude but I never forget where I came from. I never forget not knowing where my next meal would come from or not knowing where I was going to sleep at night. Believe it or not, I have had worse times and been worse places than being homeless but I won't go there here.
I loved learning things but always struggled with the long road of school which held no guarantee of success, just a guarantee of debt. My journey into entrepreneurship started as an early teenager hustling here and there just to put food in my mouth and fuel in the gas tank. My first real business was a landscaping business I started with a friend that didn't work out.
We thought it would be a good idea because he had the work and I had the business mindset of growing and scaling. The opportunity was there but we did not collaborate well. Even with my guidance he did not want to change his habits. I really liked the idea of this as it gave me the opportunity to work from anywhere and be my own boss which are two things I really wanted. I literally had no idea what I was doing when my Amazon business took off. In a sense, Amazon was my crash course in business.
It taught me how to hire and manage employees, how to set up payroll, how to outsource, how to do accounting, how to leverage credit and financing, how to market, how to do advertising. It taught me everything I know about business in the harshest way possible lol. Greg Hayes started Branch Furniture, a Modern office furniture business. My co-founders and I have no background in office furniture.
What we do have is plenty of personal experience with the problem itself. In my case, I spent the first five years of my career in institutional commercial real estate. I loved my job and the team I worked with, and I truly thought I would spend my entire career working for the same fund.
The change of scenery prompted me to think about a change of career for the first time. It was at Breather that the pains of procuring office furniture presented themselves to me for the first time. As a result, North Carolina garners some impressive accolades—year after year, from a number of sources.
North Carolina offers an unparalleled quality of life. Our extensive highway system, four international airports and two seaports make it obvious why North Carolina is consistently ranked as one of the top U.
Skip to main content. Find assistance. If you're expanding your business or moving to North Carolina, or making changes to your business, check this website for the business registration, licensing, tax and employee implications.
In addition, be aware that the state community college system has an excellent Customized Training Program for N. Business and Industry. If you are doing any of these under your own name, then the state considers you a sole proprietor.
Minimum state requirements are to pay sales and income taxes. Skip to main content.