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Neither did I have investors bugging me to know how much we would make from the movie. All I wanted was to have my name on a production that said directed by Daniel Ademinokan that I could show to anyone after introducing myself as a filmmaker. That was the ultimate plan. I also decided to make the film as short as 10 minutes. For a first time filmmaker, nobody was going to sit for 2 hours to see my film then decide if I was good enough as a filmmaker.
A short script with a sharp introduction was the key. I will deal with the concept of script writing and structure in subsequent articles. I finally shot the film in the crudest and most sincere way that I could.
I begged my friend who was an editor to help me cut the film and he did the best he could to save a desperate filmmaker like me. For those of you who are wondering what the title of the movie is and where you can find it I never gave it a title, you will NEVER see it anywhere because it is the most horrible movie I have ever done in my life. Probably in the history of the Nigerian Movie industry If the movie was so bad, why did I bother to write all this long talk about the process and blah blah blah?
I learnt several lessons while making that short film. I was excited to wake up everyday to film even when it seemed that my cast and I had no clue what we were doing. I was very focused and was willing to experiment with different angles and options while filming. I quickly realized the need to plan properly before starting a production.
I learnt quickly how to deal with and manage actors who were doing you a favour. Practical stuff, getting the gear, casting, schedules, quick decisions on your feet, telling the story and watching it come to life Some will argue that making the money is the ultimate high Chase the money first and that will probably be the ONLY time you will lay hands on it.
Focus on your craft Above it all Although only my family and a few friends got to see it, it gave me the drive to keep pushing; knowing that one day I would be at the oscars. I have gone on to film all over the world with all kinds of people and I have enjoyed an amazing, yet rising career as a filmmaker.
I have won awards locally and internationally with my films showing in festivals on different continents. I did not need anything special to jump-start my career. Do not let any circumstance or people discourage you. He was a guest lecturer at my school and he shared his story with us. Shockingly, it was not so different from mine! This further solidified my concept of taking the bull by the horn Stop giving excuses on why you have not done the film you want to do.
All the time you spend complaining to your friends and convincing potential investors The movie Journey To Self was premiered in Lagos recently and the reviews have been quite positive. Regardless of who the filmmaker is, I have always been a sucker for good films. The interesting part for me though is that the movie was directed by a female and for me this is like the icing on the cake! Would I refer to this movie as a chick flick? I probably wouldn't but because its an all female ensemble you would be tempted to but this movie touches issues that everyone can relate to I had a chat with the Director, Tope Oshin Ogun who has been one of the leading female directors in Nigeria for quite some time.
Before her journey into the directing world, Tope was a seasoned actress and formidable TV host. Enjoy our conversation. Amaka Igwe has been one of the leading female directors in Nigeria. As a matter of fact, the most prominent. Did she inspire you in anyway to become a director? Also, why the transition from acting to directing? Amaka Igwe sowed the directing seed in Tope Oshin Ogun about 10 years ago.
I was discussing a movie of hers that I was starting in and after the creative discussion, she told me "you should be a director". Of course I thought she was crazy at the time.
My transition from acting to directing happened on its own. My quest to know more about directing got me concentrating more on it and seeking to develop a career in it and somehow, my acting career got sidelined while fueling my new passion.
Why your choice of the director of photography for the movie Journey To Self? I had worked with Nodash on 3 other projects in the past, 2 of which were my multiple award winning short films. I have a great working relationship with him. He understands my language, style and what I want, so it was just natural for me to choose him for my next project. What camera did you film with and why?
When you were filming what choice of lenses worked well for you and can you break down why you used those lenses? We basically shot on all canon lenses. A mix and match of primes and zooms but mostly primes. The movie looks really great and the editing was on point. Who was your editor and what program did he use to edit?
Nodash the DP was also the editor. I chose him because I felt he had an advantage having shot the movie and also cos he had a clear idea of what I was trying to achieve.
He edited on Final Cut Pro. What file format did you edit the movie in? Did you have to convert to Apple Proress or did you just edit straight as H. It was shot on 5D like I said earlier and yes it was converted for editing. How long was pre-production, principal photography and post production? Did you have to do any pick up shoots? Journey To Self was shot in 10 days. All estabs and pick ups inclusive, except for the Abuja estabs which were shot by a 2nd unit. Pre production ran into a couple of months and post pro took a little over 2 months.
Your husband is known for his amazing writing skills. How do you guys work together if you ever do? Also being a mother, how do you balance that with directing? Both my award winning short films were written by him and we have worked together on a couple of other briefs as director and producer respectively. Being a mother of 4 boys and a director is not easy but beautiful. I have tremendous support from my husband who makes time to fill in for me when I'm busy and I do same for him.
We have a live in nanny but try as much as possible to spend quality time with the children as much as we can. We don't subscribe to surrogate parenting. We are very much hands on as regards the raising and care of our children. At least one of us is always present with them at any given time. Any tips for women who want to become directors?
Just go for it. See your self not as a woman, but as a human. Equal to any other achiever out there. Get up, get out, develop yourself regularly and be the very best you can be. No holds barred. Relentless I covered up. But, believe me, when I realized that the microphone was on while I was busy talking to myself and searching, I wanted to faint. Ibrahim, my boss then, came to the studio, when I saw him, I thought that would be the end of my job, but he smiled at me and gave me thumbs up.
When you got here, what target did you set for yourself? To be the best and touch lives. So, would you say you have been able to achieve that? We are still trying. We are still on the matter. Because, if you say you have achieved it, that means you believe you have arrived and if vice versa, it means you are not trying at all. At least. I have more than 30 awards to show for this. Of all the presenters here, who do you feel at home most with? I feel at home mostly with everybody, because I have worked with all of them at one point in time or the other.
Apart from Matse, the others worked with me before they had their own air-time. How do you prepare before you come on air? Some of those things that I would say tomorrow would have been sent today.
My major topic might not be a breaking news, so you should have sent it to the management to look at it and make corrections. How do you cope working seven days in a week? I work six days, the seventh day is a Saturday and that is when I do my personal stuff like MC for weddings and other engagements. The callers and my partners have been very wonderful and they have kept the fire burning.
What do you think makes a good on-air personality? It is the ability to be yourself; do things naturally, without trying to form or copy other people. It is the same way we talk while on air that we talk when you meet us one on one. When can a presenter be described as an achiever? I was interviewed by CNN, BCC and Reuters sometime ago, they said they kept hearing my name and that was why they decided to come and interview me. In my mind, I thought I had arrived, but I thought within myself again, am I actually there?
Can I go to America, UK today and get recognized? Even in Nigeria, how many states would I go to and get recognition? But as a broadcaster, I believe you can know within yourself if you are there or not. So, when is Yaw going to be called a father? Let us watch and see. Tell us about yourself. My name is Dorcas Ahanmisi Iragbeson, popularly known as Ira. I had my primary and secondary education in Lagos and Edo State. Why did you fall in love with broadcasting?
I like the way people do it. I love music and this signaled my direction. It was my in-law that told me that Wazobia FM was having an audition. I decided to give it a trial. I did my audition twice and two weeks later, they called me for an interview and I had to come again for like three times before I was employed. It was God all through and I joined in So, how has it been since then? It has been so good and smooth. I go on air on Saturdays and Sundays for my own programme. Was there a time you thought about throwing in the towel?
Tell us about your most exciting moment here. You know when you go on air and listeners call to tell you how they are enjoying your talk, you will be happy; so, everyday is a happy day. If a caller tells you something unpleasant while on air, how do you control your mood? How many callers do you want to hold to ransom? How many days do you work in a week? Six days. Marriage is a thing of the mind. I know that is the general belief about female celebrities or journalists, but that assertion is wrong.
We all keep relationships. What goal did you set for yourself when you got to Wazobia FM? Good one. The one that will glorify the name of God in my life. Have you been able to achieve that goal? But not all. Who do you relate with most among the presenters here? I enjoy working with all the presenters. We relate like brothers and sisters.
If I have any issue bothering me, I can discuss it with anybody. You have to research well to know what you are going to say on air. You need to know your analysis, your synopsis and know how to deal with your audience very well.
Can we meet Lolo? My real name is Omotunde Adebowale David…. Cuts in So, you are a Yoruba woman? I finished from Lagos State University. I practiced law profession for about three years before I changed my calling to another thing. I have always wanted to do entertainment through broadcasting.
What made you settle for broadcasting? In everyone, there is an internal drive that we have. I had been involved in anything entertainment right from my childhood.
Even when I was practicing law, I knew there was something more that I was looking for. I like the use of English and information dissemination. Do you have any regret leaving law for broadcasting? This is what I love doing. This is the profession that gave me the name and made me rediscover myself. So, how have you been coping being a mother and a radio presenter? Everything in life is priority. Great women are achieving greater things. Your home is not a barrier; it is supposed to be a pivot where you can fulfill your dreams and desires.
The best thing to do is for you to put your priorities in the right perspective and you can achieve anything. One could be gainfully employed and yet do something.
A lot of women are achieving as mothers. Very funny laughs. Well, the only reason why we are in the public eye is because of our job. If your home is not settled, it has nothing to do with your job. It has everything to do with you as a person and how you handle situations and issues when they arrive. We have a lot of married broadcasters that are doing great. When did you join Wazobia FM? This is my seventh year. Every job has its challenges.
Nobody would tell you that the days are always smooth. Some are high while some are low. It is a natural rhythm of life. Where there are mountains, there are valleys. So, when challenges come, I face them and hope for better days. In the past seven years, what has kept you going? I love what I do and the fact that you have a lot of people that appreciate what you are doing really gives you the strength to go on.
A lot of people had been waiting for Wazobia FM. Although we do the same thing every other station does, we bring it to you in the language of the people so that everybody can understand it. I love challenges and this has really helped me to move on. How do you manage to do so well in a language that is not peculiar to your tribe? I think it is a gift from God. If I stay with you for a while, I will be able to pick a bit of your dialect. When you got here years ago, what goal did you set for yourself?
I wanted to be the best. To be on top of my game. I saw it as a challenge and I wanted to surmount every challenge that will come my way. So, have you been able to realize that? I bless God. In a short time, I have been able to win about four or five awards. But I have other plans for the future. What makes a good on-air personality?
Your personality basically; your delivery. I used to say for some, broadcasting is a natural gift. What goes on in your brain is the next thing because you may have a good voice but lack intelligence. Good voice, charisma. You have to make people feel as if they are seeing the picture.
You must be someone that likes to read, teachable, assimilate things that are going on in your environment because, it is what you have that you bring for people to read. What is your advice to young ladies aspiring to go into broadcasting? They should focus because nobody can define your life for you. I believe beauty and brain should go together. If I can do it, then anybody can do it better. Where will you like to see yourself in the next few years? I would really love to have my own production company.
I want to do movies. I want to sing. I want to act, I want to travel. I want to go round the world to some beautiful places. I want to do Public Relations or be a movie director. Tell us more about your family. I love being a mum. I love my children. I have three kids now, two boys and a girl Oluwafunmisara. Oluwamurewa and Oluwadarasimi.
My husband is an amazing person. If you come to my house you will see that this is a loving family. Even my children call me Lolo sometimes when they want to get something from me. It is not easy, but for years now God has been there for us. Can we meet Nedu? I graduated in You are an Accounting graduate, why did you choose broadcasting? Entertainment has always been a part of me.
At times we lose focus on what we are supposed to do in life. That is why we need to be guided when you are choosing a career. That I should have gone for Theatre Arts or Mass Communication or something related to entertainment. Since then, I have been an on-air personality. I worked in the Northern part of the country for a while before I moved down to Lagos. Since you got to Wazobia FM, how has the experience been? Has there been any time you felt like quitting?
I love my job. I love making people happy and laugh. Yaw Naija was born on the 3rd of October in Generation X. Generation X, known as the "sandwich" generation, was born between and They are lodged in between the two big well-known generations, the Baby Boomers and the Millennials.
Unlike the Baby Boomer generation, Generation X is focused more on work-life balance rather than following the straight-and-narrow path of Corporate America. Yaw Naija is famous for being a Radio Host. He has over , followers on Instagram.
The education details are not available at this time. Please check back soon for updates. Yaw was born in the s. The s were an era of economic struggle, cultural change, and technological innovation.
The Seventies saw many women's rights, gay rights, and environmental movements. People born in the Year of the Snake are a symbol of wisdom and wit, often seen as humorous and gifted in literature and art. However, the snake can be overly suspicious, which makes them a bit paranoid.