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He is the custodian of Government property in land including trees and water wherever situated and at the same time the guardian of the interests of members of the public in land so far as the interests of Government in land have been conceded to them.
All lands wherever situated whether applied to Agricultural or other purposes are liable to payment of land revenue, except in so far as they may be expressly exempted by a special contract. Such land revenue is of three kinds, viz. The assessment is fixed on each piece of land in proportion to its productivity.
The assessment is generally revised every thirty years taluka by taluka. A revision survey of settlement is carried out by the Land Records department before a revision is made and the Collector is expected to review the settlement reports with great care and caution. Assessment is usually guaranteed against increase for a period of thirty years.
The Government, however, grants suspensions and remissions in bad seasons as a matter of grace and determination of the amount of these suspensions and remissions is made by the Collector.
As regards non-agricultural assessment, the Bombay Land Revenue Code provides for alteration of agricultural assessment to non-agricultural assessments. Cryptocurrency miners using Nvidia chips have affected the company's core gaming business—a source of concern among some investors.
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During adverse Seasonal Conditions, ensure proper submission of proposals for grant of remission of land revenue. Inspect irrigation sources. Attend to general Land Acquisition work including follow up on completion of post award action. Magisterial functions Exercise the powers of First Class Executive Magistrate conferred under provisions of Criminal procedure code and take such steps as are necessary for the maintenance of Law and Order.
Co-ordinating, monitoring and supervising the planning implementation and review of all developmental activities in the division. General duties Attend to the Protocol duties like. Review meetings Attend the following review meetings. Enquires Enquire into. Census Conduct the following operations. Monitor the following situations and take appropriate steps to mitigate the disasters.
Inter-departmental coordination Coordinate with Medical and health Department in the following work. Coordinate with Education Department in the following programmes. Clean and green: Organise and supervise the Clean and green programme by giving due publicity. He also has to do any other official work entrusted by the RDO.
Depiuty Inspector of Survey Supervises technical sections relating to correction of survey errors, boundary disputes, court cases, demarcation of lands etc. Review the revenue functions of Panchayat Secretaries. Verify Account No 1 to 12, cash accounts etc. Enquire into Pothi Cases.
Update revenue registry. Inspect crops. Verify boundary marks. Enquire and settle irrigation disputes. Propose remission for irregular irrigation Propose for remission of Taxes under various acts during adverse seasonal conditions. Initiate demand survey for social welfare land acquisition, take over possession of land, involve in Award enquiry, pay compensation and incorporate changes.
Identify beneficiaries under various schemes of housing and other development activities like. Recover loans and installments from beneficiaries under various schemes. Process D1, D2, D3 for attachment of immovable properties.
Issue Caste, Income, Anawari Certificate after due enquiry. Maintain the time frame for issue of these certificates. Inspect the Fair Price shop. Check the weights and registers like basic register , sales register etc.
Inspect the stocks to see that quality is maintained. Exhibit price list and ensure timely opening of shops. Monitor the remittance of DDs and lifting of Stocks and door delivery. Book 6-A cases. Look into mediators reports. Mobilise national savings. Ensure that the beneficiaries under Land Reforms assignments are in continuous possession and recommend for issue of pattas in case all the installments are paid.
Inspect the Inam Cases. Identify beneficiaries for assignment. Regularise Sivaijama occupations. Evict unauthorised occupations. Ensure physical possession of the assignees in case of assigned lands. Give information for the Hand Book of Statistics. During elections give information on List of Polling Stations, routes, Route details, total electorate, sensitive villages etc. Maintain P.
Attend miscellaneous works relating to Quarries, Forest Reserve, Forest offences etc.. Assistant Statistical Officer The Assistant Statistical Officer is trained in Computer operation and he is responsible for maintaining all types of data relating to the Mandal. He is entrusted with the following functions. Home Departments Revenue Land Administration. Print Share Facebook Twitter.
Survey number-wise crops cultivated, sources of Irrigation ownership due to sale of land, hereditary transfer, following the due procedures envisaged in the ROR Act. Issue of Pattedar Pass Books and Title-deeds, Under the Records of Rights Act amended in , 89 and to the occupants also who are in occupation as a tenant, lessee, mortgager of the lands to facilitate them to seek loans on the land from banks.
Under A. Land Reforms Act COAH , Determines surplus agricultural land and takes possession of the land declared surplus and distributes the land to landless agricultural laborers. Under Revenue Recovery Act: Recovering arrears of revenue namely by Distraint and sale of immovable property, attachment and sale of immovable property, and arrest and detention of the defaulter.
Relief and Rehabilitation in case of Natural Calamities: Like Floods, Cyclone, Hail Storm, Earth-quake etc and when a large number of people are affected, Organize relief camps and supply of food, water, Medicines, Clothing, Utensils, cash, etc. Maintenance of Law and Order: Through various sections of Criminal Procedure Code are invoked in case of any breach or apprehension of breach of law and order by Collector, Revenue Divisional Officer and Tahsildar.
Publication of Electoral rolls, calling up of claims and objections, conducting enquiry, and issue of Photo Identity cards to all Voters online. Miscellaneous Activities: The Officials of the Revenue Department discharges various miscellaneous activities like attending Protocol duties in case of visits of VVIPs, supervision of conduct of various exams, eradication of child labour, eradication of Untouchability, adult literacy programme etc.
Divisional Officers at Revenue Divisional Level. Tahsildars at Mandal Level. Village Revenue Officer at Village Level. Section B: Deals with Accounts and audit. Section D: Deals with Land Revenue and relief. Section E: Deals with Land Administration. Section F: Deals with Land Reforms.
Section G: Deals with Land Acquisition. Sub Divisional Offices. Tahsildar Offices. He inspects crop fields Azmoish , writes Sharas field inspection details in Pahani, collects land revenue, non-agricultural land assessment and other dues and keeps close watch on the villages within his jurisdiction to maintain law and order, The Assistant Statistical Officer ASO , who is under the overall control of Chief Planning Officer at the District and Directorate of Economics and Statistics at the State Level, maintains data related to rainfall, crops and population.
As per the administrative reforms the various sections in the Tahsildar Office are: Section A: Office procedure and financial activities.
Section B: Land Related activities. Section D: Establishment, Natural Calamities. Section E: Issue of Caste, income, nativity etc; certificates. Village Revenue Offices.
Conduct Census operations. Attend the Telephone Advisory Committee Meeting or on exceptional occasions, depute the Joint Collector to attend keeping the Post master General and other concerned of the meeting informed of the fact.
Issue and Renew licenses to pistols and Automatic Weapons. Public Servants. Write confidential reports of all Gazetted Officers of other Departments. Decide on transfers and postings of Tahsildars. Grant of leave of Tahsildars through Joint Collector.
Enquiry into allegations against the Gazetted Officers. Decide on transfers, grant of leave etc. Act as the Chairman of joint staff council of Village Officers. Civil Supplies. Review and supervise procurement of food items through Joint Collector. Planning and Development. Deal with all works relating to Planning and Development inclusive of all correspondence relating to Democratic Decentralisation. Irrigation Major and Minor. Adverse seasonal conditions. Order for remission when there is widespread damage due to adverse seasonal conditions through District Revenue Officer.
General Elections. Act as the District Election Officer. Road transport authority. Agency areas. Look after Agency Administration and Development. Inspect the subordinate Offices at random. Discretionary Grants. Sanction funds under discretionary grants.
Public servants: -. Review the tours and grant Casual leave to Gazetted Officers. Sanction T. Bills of Gazetted Officers. F and to Government servants.
Grant Leave to Deputy Tahsildars. Decide on the transfers and posting of Deputy Tahsildars. Deal with the service matters relating to Deputy Tahsildars Subject to the condition that the Collector can interfere with the orders if he so chooses Maintain Personal files of Deputy Tahsildars.
Planning and development. Exercise powers under the following acts. The Construction of tanks and Kuntas in patta lands Rules, Deal with the correspondence relating to Flood, Famine and other natural calamities.
Civil supplies. Completely in charge of the Civil Supplies work. Seek powers under Criminal Procedure Code. Legal Matters. Small Savings. Leases of Railway Lands. All other Leases. Land revenue and loans. A Land Revenue Act for Telangana only.
Review the Record of Rights Work. Land acquisition. Assignment and transfer of land: — Deal with Assignment of Lands, House sites Political sufferers also Transfer of land from one Classification to another.
Transfer of Land from one department to another. Deal with Alienation of Government Lands. Estates abolition. Pass orders under Estates Abolition Act Encourage social forestry and deal with cases coming under relevant forest acts and rules. Land reforms. Andhra Tenancy Act, Mines and minerals. Decide on Mining Leases, Licenses and certificate of approval for major and minor minerals and mines under the The Mines Act, Fire accidents.
Miscellaneous acts and subjects: — In addition to the above activities function as per the powers conferred by the following acts The Income Tax Act.
The Sales Tax Act. District Revenue Officer. Public servants:. Deal with disciplinary proceedings against Upper Division Clerks U.
Cs , Lower Division Clerks L. Cs and Typists working in the subordinate offices, when the punishment proposed is beyond the competence of Revenue Divisional Officers and Spl. Hear the appeals preferred by U. Cs, L. Cs and Typists working in subordinate offices against the orders of Revenue Divisional Officers and Spl. Sanction Increments to Dy. Order on arrear claims of Dy.
Tahsildars, U. Cs etc Order on Travel Allowance T. Bills of Dy. Tahsildars and correspondence relating thereto. Grant leave to U. Deal with service Matters relating to U. Deal with disciplinary proceedings against U. Deal with transfer and posting of U.
Maintain Service Registers of the Collectorate Establishment. Maintain Personal Files of U. Deal with correspondence relating to T.
Bills Non-Gazetted Establishment.