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Charm him when he starts running in and he cant commit. Sure, why not pick him into the AP Champ who loves to autoattack. I can't possibly see this going wrong whatsoever. He has enough crowd control and disruption that you are unable to stick to his allies and get off free ults.
You also have no reliable way to stop his powerball without using your own body to block him. Fear My Sting - Jungle Skarner [ Once even just 1 more champ is with him, his taunt will be a big problem, untill you get Qss. Gwen auto's can bounce off of him and can be a problem in the late game once he has a few items.
If he doesn't snowball you can 1v1 or counter-gank him. If your lanes are all pushed under tower its preferable as Rammus doesn't have great clear speed, 1v1 or solo objective potential. If he's forced to farm then it's ideal for you as that gives you gank opportunities and lets you scale for free. Same issue as Nunu, tell your laners or grab control wards yourself because if a Rammus is rolling full speed at an overpushed lane, they're probably already dead.
It is recommended to not fight him alone without the assistance of a teammate. Continue to avoid him during mid game but you try to steal his camps. Rammus has a fairly slow clear speed, so if you have good map awareness you will benefit nicely from a few invades. Going Rhaast is best in this matchup. You beat Rammus easily once you get Black Cleaver. Make sure to use your Umbral Trespass R during his ultimate to mitigate as much damage as possible.
Win through farm and objectives if ganking isn't a viable option. He probably won't invade you either. Rammus has a fairly slow clearspeed, so if you have good map awareness you will benefit nicely from a few invades. Defender Diamond Xin Zhao Player. He will be weak after because his combos are completely useless. Rush 6 and look for the counter gank.
Don't all in Rammus unless you are sure that you are able to kill him since he can turn the fight around really quickly. You can scare his Q off with a W, which will make him stop from committing. You can't kill him or outrun, only way to win vs a Rammus is to avoid fighting him and outmacro him. Your best chance of winning against Rammus is coutner ganking and engaging after his aftershock and skills are on CD. Taunts, dashes, and gets your attacks back to you. This one beated me when im playing Aatrox too.
Rengar Jungle by Heccie Rengar Player. Your chance to win is to kill him early game, although hes an hard match up, when you have Eclipse and Serylda, hes easy to kill. Kha'zix Important to pressure early - that will negate any presence a Rammus should have early on. Your best bet is to repeat gank your AP lane so they're really strong and can blow Rammus up after his engage.
Rush 6 and look for the counter gank, you don't want to get counter ganked by a rammus. There's really nothing he can do in this matchup, as you just kind of kill him. Make his team completely useless and he won't be able to do much. Countergank and collapse on him to get a free kill. He becomes unkillable once he gets thornmail. Take tenesity. Will Rammus's Q stop your W or the other way around?? Please inform me of this dilemma and fix me.. He will taunt you if you try to run or if he needs to stall your damage.
He will also build Thornmail sometimes too if he really wants to be mean to you. Build qss and run away from him. Try to avoid him. Just try your best to avoid him. He is weak to invades if you can get one off on him early, though, but still be very careful.
You cancel his q with your w. He is very tanky even if he has no item. Focus on ganking and play early scuttle. Nautilus His taunt is really frustrating to deal with, he builds Thornmail so negates your healing if you auto him. I would recommend eventually buying QSS into him. Budget Kayn's Season If you counter jungle him and take all his camps, you will out number him in gold, giving you the opportunity to carry the mid game with your E damage.
His powerball gives him insane engages, and is also used to prevent you from running away. If he builds Thornmail, simply taunting you will let him win the duel. Try to fight around walls, as Rammus has no way of crossing them. Vi Rammus is one of the few champions that he cannot do either to.
Rammus is as close to a permaban as you'll have when running this Udyr build. Jumpscare Udyr by Novachungus Udyr Player. Let the rest of the team deal with him and aim for their squishies instead. Ferrari Kayn by Pyro Kayn Player. Avoid him in fights. Take early objectives and invade. Wait out his W before E 3rd auto. If he just used his W on a camp he is a free kill early game. You can jump a wall if he tries to engage on you with Q and run in circles all day long.
Black cleaver super good against him. Run like there is no tomorrow when behind, because, as a matter of fact, there is no tomorrow for you if he is somewhat fed. He has a very low clearspeed so that is what you want to abuse. Thankfully he is in a bad spot in the current meta.
For red, he counters you with insane anti healing and just makes you useless in team fights by taunting you. For blue, he's just way too fucking tanky to do anything to. Unmei's Kayn Jungle Guide [ He has his Q that will stun you, his W for protection and you will take damage when u hit him when he has his W active and he also has his E taunt for 1.
If he has his W and E active he will still have the attack speed. What you have to do is NOT 1v1 him in early game. You have to wait for your R. You need to snowball and end the game early. Hell, he'll sneak in and taunt you to kill yourself. Popcorn your way to victory by Brakugon Urgot Player. Tente fazer cutelo negro caso queira enfrentar ele. Rammus can also invade your jungle and set you back. Always permaban Rammus. With his q you can't kite him and with his tons of cc you will not be able to play.
Try to avoid him early on and track him in order to play safe. He is your worst nightmare and hunts you in your worst dreams. You can still win the game if you have mages that can deal with him, but you'll have to wait for him to commit his CC and focus his allies rather than fighting him directly.
He just prevent u from doing anything. You have a teammate, which then My definitely meta guide on Attack Speed Udyr. You can solo him at all stages of the game. If he engages on you and he is by himself he is just dead. Even though he has point n click cc he is still a tiny threat to viego if you are playin properly. Witts end really destroys. Guia Maestro Yi However you can win if you get fed. Onhit builds are lowkey countering Rammus due to the extra damages per auto comming.
Speed King. Remember you will instantly stop him if you use your twisted advance on him, but you will get stunned.
If you're trying to escape him, try to use Bramble smash instead, so you can try to hit it with the knockback range. Maokai Jungle [ Rammus players usually build full armor, which makes him vulnerable to your AP damage. Stand behind minions to avoid getting knocked up by his powerball. After he uses his defensive curl, then it is a good time to target him. Tips: Invade in early game, save your empowered W for his E and put wards all over river so he can't gank.
Rammus is OK matchup. Rammus is the worse version of Nunu when it comes to the threat he poses. You'll need Anti-Tank and a good team to kill him. Way too tanky and will do more dmg to you than you will do to him.
Don't fight him. Patch 9. I'm never scared, you might not be able to kill him, but you can definitely outscale him. Dark Aura Rank 1 Kayn. S11 Challenger guide. Just let him use his spells on you first. After he used them, there is nothing more he can do to you and it is your turn to start dealing your damage to him.
His stun can be bad for you, but have your W ready to cast so you can negate it. You melt him once you get kraken slayer, but once he gest bramble vest it'll be hard to fight him. Topic Archived Page 1 of 2 Last. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. This topic contains spoilers - you can click, tap, or highlight to reveal them.
Boards League of Legends Who is the fastest champion in the game? User Info: profzX. I wish to be Kalista's soulbound, I'd be her supp and I'd KS, so she would shove her dirty, sweaty feet on my face, forcing me to inhale, lick and worship her. User Info: kkeevv. Quinn, Hecarim, or Rammus.
I think Quinn at 16 is the fastest. Net: Tsarius User Info: Revives. It's either between Rammus or Quinn. On paper it looks like Rammus wins but items could change this.
Forgive me if I'm wrong, but the bonus ms sounds like it won't be increased by something like Youmuu's active while Quinn's total ms will. Filter by. Win Rate Best Hecarim Items to Counter Rammus. Divine Sunderer. Sterak's Gage. Death's Dance. Best Hecarim Runes to Counter Rammus. Legend: Alacrity. Coup de Grace. Sudden Impact. Ravenous Hunter. Best Rammus Runes to Counter Hecarim. Font of Life. Legend: Alacrity.
Kills Rammus vs Hecarim Counter Stats Summary. Killing Sprees Largest Multi-Kill Damage Dealt Damage Taken Healing Done Vision Score Gold Earned Minions Killed