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Who asked what is truth

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Others believe truth is a collective judgment, the product of cultural consensus. Still others flatly deny the concept of truth altogether. Even more to the point: Truth is the self-expression of God. That is the Biblical meaning of truth. Because the definition of truth flows from God, truth is theological. Truth is also ontological—which is a fancy way of saying it is the way things really are.

Reality is what it is because God declared it so and made it so. Therefore, God is the author, source, determiner, governor, arbiter, ultimate standard and final judge of all truth. He was also making it clear that all truth must ultimately be defined in terms of God and His eternal glory.

He is truth incarnate—the perfect expression of God and therefore the absolute embodiment of all that is true. Jesus also said that the written Word of God is truth. These statements are not both true, because they deal with something objective and exterior to what we feel or think. Don't quibble about this by asking questions like, "How do you define God?

Jesus believed in absolute truth and made it the fundament of life. He prayed to his Father for his disciples: "Make them holy in the truth; your word is truth" John He also said, "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Of course, it wasn't really truth at all. Yet today the will and beliefs of the majority, or the noisy minority, seem to be regarded as truth. This means the view of the majority holds sway, or even of the minority when it has the clout. The highest truths in other religions do not go far enough and do not offer a clear promise of salvation and eternity. The founders of other religions were men who explored the meaning of divinity; Jesus Christ was, and is, divinity incarnate. Jesus clearly states that He alone is the true path to God: ' Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life.

No one comes to the Father except through Me. And Jesus' holy living, miracles, sacrifice, death, and resurrection reinforces the unique claims He spoke about Himself. The Bible — which is referred to as 'God's Word' , and which Christians are asked to read and wholeheartedly apply to their lives — reveals the truth.

The Bible states: ' "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. The truth is revealed in The Bible as the person and character of Jesus Christ, and His teachings, and the reality of God's promises.

Jesus Christ is the truth ; He is the absolute standard and embodiment of truth. The Holy Spirit of God gives the revelation of the truth to individual children, men, and women.

Anything that does not agree with the revelation of this truth is falsehood, error, heresy, or deception. The Bible does not provide every answer to every question of life, but it does provide much of what God wants to share with us about Himself, His Son, His Spirit , and His eternal purpose. The Bible provides standards and morals for living; separates truth from experience, truth from error, truth from deception, and right from wrong.

The truth, as the disciple John writes, ' "Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. A common Western society response about the existence of God is ' I can't see or feel Him ', or ' You don't believe in that do you?!

Such reactions may be attempts to quickly sidestep a possible deepness to life. A truly perceived 'nothing there' by a person who has searched for God is probably caused by a rebellious attitude or life of wrong that separates the person from God and cannot be restored without Jesus — ' But the proud He knows from afar.

Another quite common response to the existence of a God is: ' There's no God [or loving God] — look at all the trouble and bloodshed in the world However, much of the trouble and bloodshed of the world emanates from humankind's daily rebellion against the true God — living a selfish misdirected life according to one's interpretation of standards or lack of standards, ignoring God's existence, denying God's existence, or refusing to follow God's truth.

If, at the moment of death on this earth, a person still denies God, then The Bible tells us that that person will face eternal separation from God. Some mock this, saying that even if this were so, what does it matter? But after the post-death realisation of what has been lost forever, there is also Biblical evidence that eternal punishments will match earthly crimes. Ever since Christianity was established, as history has recorded, corruption and wrongdoing have infiltrated Christianity.

The Christian faith has been manipulated by non-believers, deceived believers , and errant believers seeking to further their own selfish ambitions, causes, and empires.

If we follow The Bible's teaching then we must seek to understand its entirety and not glibly take verses out of their context. We must not add or subtract from the message of The Bible what we want and what we do not want — it is not right to obey one teaching such as blessing the poor and then disobey another such as committing adultery. One terrible example in history is that of 'The Crusades'.

These religious quests by nobles and kings of Western Europe should never have happened if 'The Crusaders' were really heart-changed Christians: ' "You shall not murder.

Even secular consciences generally agree that the taking of life is very wrong. The Crusaders disastrously ignored much of the teaching of The Bible and poured much zeal into seizing worthless religious relics and murdering the inhabitants of Byzantium and Palestine, all under the banner of a cross.

These atrocities, centuries ago, still feature in some minds and cultural divisions today. Despite the considerable darkness in some Christian history, the lamps of the faithful have shined brightly. Scribes have faithfully duplicated The Bible scriptures so that the message would be preserved — over 5, Greek manuscripts, 8, Latin manuscripts, and many more manuscripts in other languages reveal the integrity of The New Testament. From King Alfred the Great, through to William Wilberforce, the Wesley brothers, and Billy Graham; God-fearing and dedicated Christians have carried God's message through the generations and made a stand for God's truth to make a righteous and eternal difference for the society of their time.

In eternity there will be some surprises; some of the unlikeliest of 'saintly' people will be present in heaven. William the Conqueror and Oliver Cromwell are recorded to have repented for their crimes on their deathbeds, and the actor Steve McQueen became a Christian before he died of cancer. The truth revealed in The Bible is open for all to embrace right up to the point of death with the implication that you cannot foretell the day of your natural or accidental death.

The severity of the sins and crimes in our lives before we know God does not decide whether we are eligible to embrace Jesus' sacrifice. In Britain, a revival — of people receiving Jesus into their lives — has taken place in prisons for over a decade. Some of the most desperate and shunned British people have experienced God's forgiveness and now have an eternal relationship with Him, while moral and respectable business people and charity workers do not know Him.

This is just part of the conundrum of The Gospel and the path of faith; one of my attempts of expressing it in was through a poem ' Dark Reflection '. Why do many people hate Jesus Christ and Christians so much? Apart from the many warnings and predictions of this hatred that The Bible declares e. It is a subjective decision Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.

Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. What did Pilate mean by asking "What is truth? Asked 9 years, 8 months ago. Active 5 years, 11 months ago. Viewed 31k times. Improve this question. Community Bot 1. Affable Geek Affable Geek Was Pilate the original moderator of this site? We can't handle the truth!

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