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Which twins are hereditary identical or fraternal

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In fact, you might not even recognize the smaller twin as a separate individual. A milder version of this is called twin to twin transfusion syndrome TTTS. Acardiac twins experience a more extreme form of TTTS that may result in developmental issues for the fetuses.

Treatments like surgery can improve outcomes, according to research. In semi-identical twins, two separate sperm fertilize one egg. The fertilized egg then splits in two. So, semi-identical twins share all the same chromosomes from their birthing parent, but only about 50 percent from their non-birthing parent.

Sometimes identical twins can be assigned the sex of male and female at birth. These twins start off as identical males with XY sex chromosomes. But shortly after the egg divides, a genetic mutation called Turner syndrome occurs, leaving one twin with the chromosomes X0. This twin will be assigned female at birth but may have developmental issues, as well as difficulties with fertility later in life, according to the National Health Service.

Once a person becomes pregnant, their body stops releasing new eggs for potential fertilization — except in some rare cases. A phenomenon known as superfetation can occur when a second egg gets released and fertilized after a person is already pregnant. In this case, both fertilized eggs will develop, but one twin will be slightly older than the other.

This is known as heteropaternal superfecundation — a common occurrence in animals but very rare in people. Twin pregnancies often come with an increased risk of developing some medical conditions. These can include:. A twin pregnancy has risks of complications, so parents should make sure to receive good prenatal care and seek medical attention for any concerns.

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Before addressing the issue of whether having twins is hereditary , we have to clarify the two types of twins and how they are colloquially known. There is no evidence or plausible mechanism for a hereditary nature of the conception of identical twins. The chance of having identical twins is 1 in , whether you come from a family of twins or not.

Interestingly, however, there are some families with a much higher than normal rate of identical twins, indicating that there may be some familial factor that influences this occurence. It is not yet clear on how exactly the gestation of identical or monozygotic twins occurs. For this reason it is difficult to determine if there is indeed a hereditary possibility that twins be repeated in the next generation.

The case of dizygotic twins is quite different from identical twins, and there are different factors that can increase the chances of such pregnancies. When asked if having twins is hereditary , the answer is that there is likely a hereditary component to dizygotic twins. This is not very rare but not as common as well.

Mostly twins look similar with several same features, and for a stranger, it is difficult to distinguish between them. There are two types of twins, identical twins and fraternal twins. Both of them are similar but more different at the same time.

The difference between identical and fraternal twins is that both of them have different scientific names. Monozygotic twins are identical twins , while dizygotic twins are fraternal twins. They are formed by different processes. In the case of identical twins, it is formed when the fertilized eggs split into two eggs, and therefore twins are born, while in fraternal twins, more than one egg is fertilized by the sperm, in case of identical twins, both share the same placentas while in fraternal twins both of them have different placentas, fraternal twins can be only Di-Di Twins while identical twins can be Di-DI twins, Mono-Di, Mono-Mono, and conjoined twins as well, except them there is much other difference among them, those are mentioned below.

In identical twins, the fertilized eggs of the women get divided into two parts within few days of conception, and the reason behind calling them monozygotic is that they are formed from the same zygotes. The fertilized eggs split then developed into two babies, and as they originally belonged to the same eggs, both of them may share the same placenta. It is a less common type of twin. Fraternal Twins are types of twins born with different eggs.

As far as your generation having an increased probability of twinning, this may be true depending on several factors more on that later. First, how likely is it that folks will have twins? The twin birth rate in was Why the sudden increase? This rise has been attributed to fertility therapies such as ovulation-inducing medication and assisted reproductive technologies. One such technology, in-vitro fertilization IVF , increases the chances of having identical twins. One study showed that this may be attributed to family history of twinning and strong ovarian functioning, as opposed to the IVF therapy by itself.

However, while this study did indicate a family history, researchers still indicate that identical twinning is not hereditary and this is really just a matter of chance whether a single fertilized egg divides into two identical embryos. Unlike identical twins, having fraternal twins does appear to be hereditary, but involves multiple factors. There are certain genes involved in ovulation that induce hyper-ovulation, or the release of multiple eggs.

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