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In other words, it's not enough just to supplement with leucine. You need all three BCAAs to maximize the benefits. Here's how to use BCAAs to their maximum effect to get the best gains in muscle size—and the greatest bang for your supplement buck. It's critical not only to get ample amounts of all three BCAAs but also to get them in the proper ratio. Your best bet is a ratio of leucine to isoleucine to valine. So, 6 grams of BCAAs should provide about 3 grams of leucine and 1. The highest you ever want to go would be a ratio, particularly post-workout, when leucine is driving muscle protein synthesis.
Any greater ratio would have too little valine and isoleucine. All too often you see bodybuilders walking around with a gallon jug containing water mixed with a flavored BCAA supplement. They sip on it all day to provide their muscles with a constant trickle of BCAAs, in hopes that it will stop muscle breakdown and increase muscle protein synthesis and, therefore, muscle growth. Sadly, this technique will have the opposite effect and actually can prevent spikes in muscle protein synthesis.
Research shows that you need to cycle your intake of BCAAs, having a couple hours in between doses, to create a true spike in muscle protein synthesis. How do you cycle BCAA intake to maximize all results? Though they get their name from their unique shape, these compounds are also notable for their effects on muscle performance and recovery, among other fitness-related benefits. Each of the three BCAAs plays one or more unique roles in the body; learn more about each of these functions below.
The most well-regarded of the BCAAs, leucine has attracted a lot of attention from scientists and researchers. This amino acid is responsible for triggering the process of muscle protein synthesis in the body, which is what creates new muscle mass and imparts greater strength after exercise. Even the metabolites of leucine the compounds created when the body processes this amino acid are helpful in this regard; one metabolite, beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate HMB has been shown to reduce muscle breakdown during a workout and may even help regulate energy levels as well 1.
The second of the BCAAs, isoleucine, is more about endurance than strength. The third and final BCAA, valine, plays many roles in the body, but the one of greatest concern to fitness buffs is its role in protecting muscles. Normally, muscle tissue is damaged during exercise, either due to the strain of the physical motions or because the body breaks them down as a source of protein, but valine helps prevent that degradation, preserving muscle mass and reducing recovery needs in the process.
Despite how the terms may sound, both essential and nonessential amino acids are actually necessary for the body; these labels simply refer to the dietary role of these compounds.
Most people who have relatively inactive lifestyles probably get all the essential amino acids — including BCAAs — that they need through their regular diet. Foods that supply BCAAs include the following:. Bent Over T-Bar Row. Bent Over Barbell Row. Middle Back Shrug.
Lying T-Bar Row. One-Arm Dumbbell Row. Stiff Leg Barbell Good Mornings. Full Range Lat Pulldown. Bent Arm Barbell Pullover. Chin Ups. Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns. Barbell Deadlifts. Lying Leg Curl. Romanian Deadlift. Butt Lifts Bridge. Palms-Down Wrist Curl. Barbell Incline Bench Press. Dumbbell Bench Press. Bent-Arm Dumbbell Pullover. Dips - Chest Version. Cable Crossover. Incline Dumbbell Press.
Barbell Bench Press. Push Ups. Standing Calf Raises. Rocking Standing Calf Raise. Alternate Dumbbell Curls. Close Grip Barbell Curls. Cable Preacher Curls. Cable Hammer Curl. Barbell Curl Against An Incline. Alternate Incline Dumbbell Curls. Alternate Hammer Curls. Exercise Ball Pull-In. Exercise Ball Crunch.