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Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here The difficulties which the boy faces after deciding to hide in the shed are metaphorically used for the obstructions one has to deal with while walking down the road one chooses in life.
Also the other boys are the competitors which one has to deal with in life. Then another message; that of making the maximum use of any and all opportunities that life and luck bless one with is conveyed in the last few lines. The boy could have enjoyed the thrill of a glamorous victory which would have been ample compensation for enduring through all the frightening aspects of the toolshed; had he came out and declared his presence when the seekers turned away from its doorstep.
But he procrastinated; hoping that his delay would put the other children in awe of his brilliant hiding spot and earn him more glory as the victor, only to find out that his continued absence had made them lose interest and move on leaving him alone and disappointed. Thus is a very important message conveyed in a light and interesting manner, through a detailed description of a generally popular childhood game. Posted by H. Rehman on November 28, in Analysis of Poems.
As an english teacher, I do of course understand the temptation to fluff up our writing but sometimes it can come across as pretentious. Otherwise very good, keep it up!! Otherwise this is an incredible and deep piece which gives a greater insight into the thoughts and intentions of Scannel when first writing this poem. Well done and keep writing! Could it be during the war and the boy has been told to hide however he thinks it is a game because he is only an innocent child?
If that is the interpretation you are going with, explain how the last two lines make sense. Why would the boy be actively searching for his pursuers? You guys are very good. But I need analysis of the poem Half past two. The poem works on two levels.
On the surface it describes an ostensibly innocent game of hide and seek, one that we played both as kids and probably as parents with our own children. On closer scansion the poem works at a deeper level. Hide and seek becomes a game of life, one that may not necessarily have a happy ending. Hiding from people perhaps for too long and we suddenly find ourselves bereft, Just one notion hidden away in the jungle of imagery.
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