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What makes someone a chess grandmaster

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People who get to the level without knowing any openings, without having ever worked with coaches or watched any video courses. People who have become Grandmaster just by playing 1.

Nf3, 2. Bg2 like our Grandmaster Hovhannes Gabuzyan. Or people who get to level without working too much on chess, like a super-strong Grandmaster Jobava Baadur. But do you know HOW talented these guys are?!

If you think you are not less talented than them… Well, I advise you to find sponsors, coaches, to work 8 hours a day and become one of the best players in the world.

Another problem is the budget. You might get to the IM level by just working on your own. But to become a Grandmaster without a coach - no way. You will need someone who will work on your games, fix your mistakes, and work on your weaknesses.

Not only to play at Grandmaster level but to get all 3 norms and pass the level a requirement for getting the Grandmaster title. Can you guess what I did first? I started looking for a coach. But not just a coach. For the one who will believe in me. Believe that I can do it in just 1 year. And there was little chance that I would become a Grandmaster ever.

The thing is that hiring a good coach is an expensive pleasure. Another problem is that you should participate in different International tournaments. To become a Grandmaster you should have a very strong character. Just playing strong chess is not enough. Almost all the Grandmasters have faced such situations during their chess career.

But then I came back. And if you speak with other Grandmasters, you will see that almost everyone had similar stories. And many players, more talented than us, have quitted. To sum up, for becoming a GM you need to have these 4 qualities: 1.

Be talented 2. Work very hard 3. Have a strong character 4. Invest in yourself smartly. We have a must-read article about it. If you are less talented, then you need to push on the other qualities harder. Researchers have found that there are around million people playing chess. And there are just 50 million. For becoming a Grandmaster, as already mentioned, you need to make 3 norms and pass the rating. In the best 0. Now about positive. If after reading all this you still believe in your goal, you still believe that you can become a Grandmaster and nothing will stop you, I am shaking your hand.

And if you need my help, a piece of advice or anything, let me know. In the link below you can answer a few questions, and I'll see how can I help you the most. Before the game, when I needed to revise my analysis, it took me 3x more time, than from the others…. But promise me not to laugh hard One period of my chess career I was solving lots of compositions. Then I was saving the best ones in a special file. Not because I knew that after some period I would become a coach and I would need it, but because my memory was so bad that after some months I would solve them again.

Because all of them seemed to me to be new ones. I was not good at blitz. So how did I become a Grandmaster? I just outworked everyone. My family, coaches and my friends know how much I dedicated to chess and my dream. Instead, every time that you win, lose or draw against someone your current rank is compared to their current rank and then a number of points are either added to in the case of a win or draw or subtracted from in the case of a loss or a draw your rating.

Thus, nobody stays at the same rating for very long in the FIDE ranking system because every time that someone attends a tournament, they will win, lose and draw matches and thus, their rating will go up and down accordingly. FIDE will then certify you as a player of that rank. The trouble with the FIDE rating system is that it was designed with a certain period of time in chess in mind and when there were far fewer chess players than there are today. In , not quite 50 years ago as we go to press, there were just 88 chess Grandmasters in the whole world.

There are now over 1,! The vast majority of these players are rated at less than 2, points on the FIDE scale. These are players with a FIDE ranking of over 2, and there are only 36 players in the world that can lay claim to this. The amount goes even higher if they get a decent result in the tournament, but this is just for the top 5 chess players of the world. However, the first players of the world can also get over You have to take into account that apart from playing the tournaments and maybe winning them they can do other things generating extra income.

Most chess players also have a different way to make money apart from tournaments. For example Hikaru streams , Carlsen has an app , and so on. Advantages and Disadvantages of Playing chess. Is Playing Chess Online Safe? The best chess classes to progress as soon as possible to the next level, easily and without complications.

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