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What is the significance of doing a pentagastrin stimulation test

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I will be looking into your question and guiding you through the process. Please write your question below. A year-old store manager complained of a burning, gnawing pain, moderately severe, almost always in the epigastric region. The pain is absent when he awakens, appears in mid-morning, and is relieved by food but recurs two to three hours after a meal.

The pain often awakens him at 1 or 2 am. An endoscopic examination and x-ray studies with barium showed normal stomach function but the presence of duodenal ulcers. Gastric analysis demonstrated that the gastric juice pH fell to 1.

Fasting serum gastrin levels were normal. Recommended treatments for this individual are: Antacids: 15 - 30 mL of liquid or two to four tablets one to three hours after each meal and at bedtime for six weeks Histamine H2 receptor antagonists: cimetadine mg or ranitidine mg with each meal and at bedtime for four to eight weeks. Questions: 1. What is the diagnosis of this individual? What is the significance of doing a pentagastrin stimulation test?

What is the significance of doing a fasting serum gastrin level? What is the function of antacids? How do the H2 antagonists work to treat this disorder? WHat type of dietary and behavioral recommendations would also be suggested for this person? Fri, 4 Apr Report Abuse. Post as: Anonymous Non Anonymous. Keep me posted. Share on Facebook. Ravi Kant 's Response. I find this answer helpful. Are you sure you want to delete this answer? Yes No. Edit Answer here You found this answer helpful.

Disclaimer: These answers are for your information only and not intended to replace your relationship with your treating physician. This is a short, free answer. For a more detailed, immediate answer, try our premium service [Sample answer]. Ask a Gastroenterologist. Share on. Related questions you may be interested in What causes burning and gnawing in the epigastria region?

Suggest remedies for maroonish stools with undigested food particles. This receptor is largely expressed in the brain. When the receptor is activated, it in turns activates another receptor known as the phospholipase C.

This is a second messenger which can cause panic attacks. Usually, if pentagastrin is given intravenously, it may cause panic attacks. For diagnosis purposes, pentagastrin stimulation is used to elevate the levels of serotonin artificially. When the serotonin is elevated, the body shows symptoms of carcinoid syndrome. When the serotonin levels are thus elevated, the body experiences flushing. This diagnostic technique is specifically used for those who do describe flushing as a symptom but have normal or slightly elevated levels of biochemical markers for the syndrome.

This test is known as the pentagastrin stimulation test. Pentagastrin is also used in the stimulation of the gastric mucosa. This is done in nuclear medicine in order to detect Meckels diverticulum. The Pentagastrin stimulation test is a very popular test and has become the most widely used and accepted stimulation test for CT secretion. For the test to be performed the patient is made to fast overnight and the CT in the basal serum is tested in the morning.

Pentagastrin is then slowly injected intravenously.

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