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Since the Math. The algorithm of subtracting 0. However, unlike the algorithm we developed above that takes a positive float and truncates it into an int value, the floor function both receives and returns a double value you can confirm this in the Java Class Documentation. Its sister function, "ceiling," performs a similar task: It adds 0. Neat stuff, eh? Check out the Java Class Documentation, and try playing around with these functions when you have some spare time.
It is a process that returns the closest finite number expressed to two decimal places. This means:. The first thing to notice when performing this task is that the process is nearly identical to rounding a decimal value to the nearest whole number, except the entire process is shifted over by two decimal places. By using the site, you consent to the placement of these cookies. Read our privacy policy to learn more. When rounding a number, Excel changes the number displayed in a cell but stores the complete number you entered.
So if you entered But it would store the full value: The comma and the 2 ,2 after the number indicates the number of decimal places to display. Truncate Round Joined Mar 25, Messages 1, The difference between the two terms is a bit subtle. In my opinion, explaining the difference in words could easily get confusing, so I would use a visual demonstration, accompanied by a brief oral explanation of each step as I do it.
When truncating, you simply remove all digits after the desired level of accuracy and leave the remaining digits alone. This could be demonstrated by writing the number on the board and erasing every digit after the hundredths place.
When rounding, you need to pay attention to the digit in the decimal place directly following the desired level of accuracy. If this digit is 5 or more, increase the preceding digit by 1, increasing the digit preceding that if increment the digit "turned over" to a 0; else leave it alone.
As before, I would demonstrate by erasing all the digits after the thousandths place. Then I would circle the new last digit i. Then I would erase the 8 in the hundredths place and replace it with a 9, finishing up by erasing the 7 in the thousandths place.
In a more complicated example, say rounding I would then do that, circling the new 0, again reminding of the roll over rule, to indicate that we now need to increment the last digit before the decimal place. I would finish up by erasing the 7 in the thousandths place, explaining that we leave the.
JeffM Elite Member. Joined Sep 14, Messages 6, Click to expand