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What is the difference between reflection and atonement

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Here we are—the events of yesterday and the day before have made a tremendous impact upon us. It was Thursday evening when the Last Supper took place. Afterward Jesus passed over the brook and into the Garden of Gethsemane and suffered there in a way that none of us have fully witnessed and certainly none comprehend. It was perhaps into the wee hours of yesterday morning that that continued.

Yesterday He was assaulted and abused by those in authority, both Jewish and Roman. He was condemned finally by Pilate and scourged. It has been less than twenty-four hours since we witnessed the awful scene of His crucifixion, as He hung there on the cross and suffered intensely again. It was a very, very dark time, and it has not been many hours ago. We hurriedly placed His body in the tomb before sunset yesterday.

Now here we are on this Sabbath. It is midday, and we are wondering, in doubt, and confused. We had thought it had been He who would rescue Israel. We had thought it had been He who was the Messiah, and yet He is gone; He is dead. What did He mean? Did He mean He had failed? He would never return? He is gone and it is over? Is there something more? Unbeknownst to you and me in this setting, in this Sabbath of doubt, He, His spirit, has been occupied elsewhere.

This morning He entered the world of spirits. Future records will confirm that He was expected there. Their sleeping dust was to be restored unto its perfect frame, bone to his bone, and the sinews and the flesh upon them, the spirit and the body to be united never again to be divided, that they might receive a fulness of joy. While this vast multitude waited and conversed, rejoicing in the hour of their deliverance.

And there he preached to them the everlasting gospel, the doctrine of the resurrection and the redemption of mankind from the fall, and from individual sins on conditions of repentance. That is what He has been doing this morning. And in the language of President Joseph F. And thus will the gospel be preached to them that are dead. Now, what awaits tomorrow we do not know. But in good time joy incomprehensible will come to us.

Tomorrow morning Mary and other women will be at the tomb. They will find it empty. Angels will declare that the Savior, not there, has risen. Peter and John will enter that tomb and find it empty. Later that morning, with the sun perhaps barely up, Jesus Himself will appear to Mary and speak to her, the first mortal ever to see the resurrected Lord.

He will show Himself to other women and to Peter individually. He will be with two of you on the road to Emmaus, and then toward evening, show Himself to His Apostles and perhaps some of us, gathered together, wondering and pondering over the marvelous witness of those who saw Him earlier.

That is what awaits us tomorrow, and it is glorious to contemplate. I wonder if we appreciate the expectations that devolve upon us because of what He has done and what He now offers to us. In one simple sentence, I believe the Savior revealed what was and always has been His overriding purpose and His motivation.

His purpose is to do the will of the Father, and His motivation is to glorify the Father. I believe it required all of that devotion, the full measure of His devotion to doing the will of the Father and the motive of glorifying the Father, for Him to be able to endure what He had to endure and see the Atonement through to its conclusion. The accounts of His suffering found in Matthew, Mark, and Luke, speaking of Gethsemane, emphasize how much He endured. It has interested me that there is no account of Gethsemane in John, at least in what we have of John.

I wonder if it was something he felt too sacred to touch or just too tender to recount. At least three times, it appears, He pled with the Father that He might not have to drink the bitter cup. In Matthew the account is:. The cause of scattering can be a particle, a density anomaly or even a surface anomaly.

Scattering can be considered as an interaction between two particles. This is very important in proving the wave particle duality of light. For this proof, the Compton Effect is taken. The reason for the sky being blue is also due to scattering.

This is due to the phenomenon called the Rayleigh scattering. The Rayleigh scattering causes the blue light from the sun to be scattered more than other wavelengths. Due to this, the color of the sky is blue. Other forms of scattering are Mie scattering, Brillouin scattering, Raman scattering and inelastic X-ray scattering.

Reflection is a phenomenon mainly discussed in optics, but reflection also has applications in various other fields. For light, reflection is mainly governed by the law that the angle of incident is equal to the angle of reflection at any given point. By then we had six children. But never through that long period of study did Sister Nelson murmur about the lack of material possessions. Oh yes, there was one exception.

I remember a night in Boston when we were walking down Boylston street. Our son has applied for admission to BYU, well aware of the fact that competition is keen for scarce seats here and that enrollment at BYU is a great privilege available only to a fortunate and steadily diminishing percentage of the youth of the Church. To each of you I feel a special debt of gratitude.

In my apostolic calling I speak with rulers, magistrates, and ministers of many countries. My assignments in , for example, took me to twenty-one different nations. It is known for good among many nations. Truly, the world is your campus. Now, if I had the wish of my heart, I would welcome a private hour with each of you. I would like to hear your own reflections and then listen to your resolutions for this new year and for this new decade.

I see you as an assembly of individuals, each one a person with unique talents, hopes, challenges, and a powerful potential beyond even your fondest dreams. I would like to share with you a vision of what each of you can become in your own special way. I would like to provide such vision. He also took Moses to a mountain to see the scope of the work that was ahead see Moses There, power and authority, vision and purpose were given to them to qualify them for the work see also Isaiah ; Ezekiel I would like to share a similar vision with each of you.

Let us imagine that you and I are alone together on a mountaintop. We reflect first on your accomplishments that have brought you here. I met you initially as a handsome and bright elder on your mission. You rendered such wonderful service. Many people now understand the gospel because of you. Some have even joined the Church. They and their posterity will always hold your name dear to their hearts. Reflections on your mission should always give you a sense of deep satisfaction.

Now, William, what will your resolutions include as you begin a new semester, a new year, and a new decade? What would you like to be? Have you gone to a quiet, secluded spot to be all alone?

Have you really conversed with God as one man speaks to another? Have you really declared your allegiance to him and your availability to him, without any reservation?

Use me! Have you cleanly and completely declared your commitment to be a saint, an elder, a righteous disciple through good times and bad? Such a resounding resolution would bring joy to your Heavenly Father. Now I see Mary—beautiful Mary. You and your future husband plan to be sealed in the temple.

I reflect on days when you were small and so full of fun. Now you are a woman, mature and wise. What will you resolve in your heart to be? You will surely help your husband honor his priesthood as you share its blessings together.

I already know of your commitment to chastity. It is the powerful protector of virile manhood and the crown of beautiful womanhood. You will continue in your resolve to be clean—to avoid flirtatious or flippant behavior unbecoming a lovely daughter of God.

You and your companion should resolve never, never to make uncomplimentary comments about one another to anyone at anytime. Good habit patterns are best established during your courtship. Never stoop to demeaning words that hurt. Together, resolve now to make of your home a place of prayer. Make it a sanctuary of faith where servants of the Lord are always welcome and where scriptures are read and discussed together. You will both want to grow in true spiritual symmetry.

Words of encouragement from you will help him feel confident in his commitment to tithe, especially during your early years together when pocketbooks are so thin. Plan to introduce yourselves to your new bishop with resolution to help build the kingdom in the fraction of the frontier where you are called upon to live. Calls in the Church are not only opportunities to help others, but they will bless your lives, too. Now is the time to make that resolution to continue to serve the Lord.

God bless you, Mary and your partner, and may you always remain best friends. Next I would like to visit with Natasha. Your last name is usually mispronounced because of its roots in eastern Europe. Think of what has happened in that part of the world during the historic year of Surely your reflections include gratitude for recent events, not only in your country but in neighboring nations as well.

In ground was broken for a new Latter-day Saint chapel in Warsaw, Poland. The foundation is now in place. Throughout Poland our missionaries are doing well.

During our missionaries entered the German Democratic Republic. Hundreds of grateful converts of the Church have since been baptized. New chapels are bulging with faithful Saints who have made covenants to come unto Christ. The holy temple in the German Democratic Republic, dedicated in , has become a beacon of faith, blessing that country and its neighboring nations.

In Hungary, the first LDS chapel was dedicated less than three months ago. There, too, missionaries have been remarkably successful. In calendar year , the following countries have abolished constitutional guarantee of communist supremacy and have legalized a multiparty system with free elections: Lithuania one of fifteen Soviet Republics , Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, the German Democratic Republic, Bulgaria, and Romania. Freedom to vote is closely related to freedom of worship.

Both will be doubly welcomed by people who have waited so long. The year was one of enabling. The year of will be one of implementing.

Apostolic blessings and dedicatory prayers were offered in many other countries—all evidences of the growth of the Church, not only in your area but in other parts of the world as well. The year was truly remarkable.

Church membership has just passed the seven million mark. Conservative projections indicate that by the year , the Church will have doubled in size. Its membership will then number at least fourteen million. While we now have 1, stakes, by the end of the decade there will be more than 3, stakes and many more temples. Can you possibly imagine what could happen in ten more years like this last one?

The next decade could have Pentecostal potential. Truly the hand of the Lord is apparent. Keep your eye on this big picture. But while you survey large fields, cultivate small ones. Prepare to serve. Take full advantage of your opportunity for an education; it will be invaluable to you.

Complete the course you have begun, and then God can use you to bless people with the fruits of your education. Next, I would like to visit with Peter. As a relatively recent convert to the Church, you are so happy with the truths of the gospel that have expanded your mind.

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