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What happens if you are cursed

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Really, there are 2 paths that you can go down to put an effective curse on your enemy:. As the emotion pushes through your physical vessel, it sets your every cell on fire with rage, shaking your body, driving you momentarily insane with anger. Once the hatred is gone, though, you are far from the end of the journey. The passing of the destructive emotions gives way to buried feelings of hurt, loss, sadness, loneliness, and the like. Screams turn to sobs, and you realize that what you have done is irrevocable.

Enter the Crossroads, Invoke the spirits of Death, and direct them to your enemy with no emotion, not a hint of anger, no thought for their suffering, no lingering on the past harm that they have done. You must divorce yourself entirely from all human sensitivity. You must become a hunter of humans, a sinister predator, unmoved by the horror of your own actions, and equally unmoved by the injustice of the actions of others towards you.

Through this avenue, the curse is performed out of real necessity, as all emotion has been removed. Such an internal compartmentalization is difficult if not impossible for most people, as is the ability to push these powers without the aid of the emotions. Through discipline and persistence, it can be mastered.

Whichever of these two your supposed magickal attacker may use against you, the one thing that you can be sure of is that he or she is going to have to work HARD to get you. What this means for you, the possible victim of a curse, is that in reality, the work that goes into a successful curse makes it quite unlikely that you have done anything so offensive to the one of the very small minority of black magicians capable of laying a powerful curse on you.

Even with all of these telltale signs, though, there is one fail-safe means of finding out whether or not you have been cursed.

Sit in meditation. Before you can break generational curses, we need to identify what they look like. Here is a partial list of family curses for your review.

The help of the Holy Spirit is vital in identifying a family curse. As you read this list, ask Him to give you a spirit of revelation. Under this curse, one is easily overcome by emotions and fear. These trigger a person to make foolish decisions and do crazy self-destructive things.

In this condition, a person has a continual inner struggle, internal warfare, and frustration. Confusion and depression are two key indicators of this family curse. This curse teaches why some are double-minded and have problems ordering their lives with the Word of God and renewing their minds. The LORD shall smite thee with consumption, and with a fever, and with inflammation, and with an extreme burning, and with the sword, and with blasting, and with mildew; and they shall pursue thee until thou perish.

Reoccurring is the indication of a family curse. Consumption is a wasting lung disease, emphysema, COPD, and lung cancer. Lung cancer is the number three killer. Inflammation of the brain leads to Alzheimer disease. They believe that it is God that should Judge and only God can deliver you from a curse which is a punishment from him. According to many cultures and religions, the people who can curse vary from culture to culture and the type of curse too.

In most instances, verbal curses are generally rendered by elderly members of the community mostly toward the younger members for whichever reasons. Such curses are said to affect the cursed even without their knowledge. In some religions, including the all known Christianity, such curses can affect the cursed and their future generations.

These, therefore, means or implies that one can be experiencing a curse that has been passed down through his or her family members. On the other hand, spell induced curses can be induced by anyone who is willing enough to go through all the trouble to ensure that evil or harm befalls their victims.

As explained before, these processes can be quite involving and sometimes even costly. This therefore follows that anyone motivated to impose a curse on another person, and has the means to see it through can curse whoever they want when they want to. In most religions, gods or deities can curse their subjects for various reasons, which could be the behavior of their subjects or un-satisfactory offerings made to them.

The earliest cases could probably be that in the bible where God cursed Cain Genesis :. You will be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth. This is the same for most religions that believe in a supreme being, the subjects of the supreme beings are well aware that they could be cursed for not fulfilling certain obligations or even engaging in certain unwanted practices according to the guidelines that have been put by the religion.

The emotional effects of a curse usually involve instilling fear and emotional instability of the victim. This may cause the person who has been cursed to make unwise decisions and go ahead to engage in self-destructive things. This type of curse usually ends up rendering the cursed in a state of mental illness or madness and their victims lose all sense of reality to the normal world.

The physical effects of a curse can vary from person to person. These can be classified into two. Mainly the is the curse to causes the inflicted to be unable to perform certain normal duties like reproduction, senses, walking, talking and many more. These effects render some form of disability to their victims.

Secondly, the physical effects can cause some sought of wound or sickness to their victims. Some of these illnesses might be hereditary and thus some people may come to the conclusion the sick people are suffering from some sought of generational curse.

For serious curses, the physical effects might lead to death. Some behavior can be attributed to curses all around the world. For these types of curses, the cursed folk might have no clue who might have cursed them while some believe that what they do is a result of generational curses.

Such behavior might include Stealing, alcoholism and substance abuse, sex addictions, bizarre cravings and many more. People who suffer from these kinds of curses might desperately want to stop those behaviors but are not able to. Yes, curses can come back to you and here is why. Whether or not curses can come back to someone heavily depends on the type of curse and the target of the curses. In most religions, it is believed that if people are not in a position to curse their supreme beings and they attempt to do so will have the curses come back to them.

This might cause serious repercussions to those who do so or even attempt to so. In this respect, therefore, curses can come back to one and sometimes even with worse consequences than initially intended for subjects.

In some cultures, certain people are believed to be protected against curses either by religion or spiritual protection practices. I remember something came over me at a young age and I would pray over and over God let your will be done in my life let your will be done in my life let your will be done in my life.

I believe that a young age card was pulling a miracle out of my spirit With my words and my thoughts and I believe that that is what got me through the psychotic break. I have been told by a prophet before it that the mental breakdown was not gods design or intention for me nevertheless it did happen. I believe that my life has continued to be difficult ever since then and while catching a break is just a nice idea for now but I have to continue on in reality and reality is difficult for everyone in different ways and for me a lot more than most people I know.

But what I have learned is how to regulate my emotions. Now this is a huge deal if you are struggling with youThank your life is cursed I would highly recommend getting therapy from a counselor for PTSD. This is a very difficult thing to do for me. It is much easier to just want to die in the mess that my life has been. It sounds like a lot of you are livingIn the past mentally spiritually and in your heart. I believe in the devil and in God because God really did save my mind from being lost and my spirit from being tormented by all of the horrible things I experience during the psychotic break.

I believe that lies are very strong over us when we believe them no matter how they can weather through the cars from somebody else or from an experience that we experienced or from ourselves believing them.

I really want to give you guys hope with this message because I see a lot of messages about just basically giving up. But the fact is that when we give up we are teaching our bodies that we have to stay stuck in those emotions and in those past memories.

But any type of hurt or pain can relate to mine. I read a story about a woman who was abused her entire life homeless sexually abused sexually trafficked had sexual problems with her family members who would abuse her all the way up until a great old age and one time there was a missionary walking past her and she reached out and she grab the machinery by the clothes and the missionary finally took her into her home and the missionary asked her why did you reach out to me what made you doThat?

But she reached out and changed it by having a leap of faith and an opportunity for a difference. After that because she had been through absolutely so much pain for years and years the only way she could heal her heart was by helping others.

Am I right? If you guys want to learn more about my story I post videos on Instagram. You can find me at Stargirl on insta. God bless. My birth date number, pythagorian numerology, is I should have led a charmed life. Every new life I have tried to start has been a failure. Everywhere I go, even keeping my past a secret, people treat me the same, they abuse me, lie to me, steal from me, leave me with nothing.

My mother died three years ago, before her death she told me my birth certificate was wrong, I had been born the night before, on my grandmothers birthday, she hated me by the way, her mother took me from her when I was born and hid me for three and a half hours, while my grandfather kept the doctor his Masonic brother, my grandfather was the head doodah that year, busy until after midnight when they presented me to him and THEN my birth was inaccurately recorded by direct orders of the Grandmaster of the Lodge, my grandfather.

My grandmother finally died two years ago, my grandfather has been dead a long time. I believe my grandmother cursed me and at the least, verbally abused me during those first three hours of my life, I was hoping everything would have lifted once she died, but I am still homeless and am not able to obtain a birth certificate with my correct birthdate and time and still feel, as I have my entire life, that something is off, not right and I am still unable to overcome and have a home and feel like I belong in this life.

I was told by a psychic years ago that I had been cursed and I cold not imagine who or why, until recently when I was told of my birth before my mother died. Can the curse still be removed now that my grandmother is dead? What if you were cursed at birth? I have experienced nothing but bad luck since the very day I was born, from physical deformities to nothing but sure bad luck.

Animals seem to take notice of me a lot, such as bees hornets wasps mosquitoes will never attack me birds fly up to me as if interested these are just a few examples. These are just a few examples of what I live with the last thing I want to say is that I truly believe I have the absolute worst luck a single person can have except for the life saving miracles. Please if anyone with true knowledge contact me, soon I will have to star trying to contact the supernatural by ouija board or other methods.

I have the worst luck with men. It seems the men who are drawn to me are all broken in some way that often results in them being unable to commit.

Could this be a curse? Your self confidence. Your self worth. Feeling that people were allergic to me caused me to develop a low self-esteem and become more introverted. I keep to myself a lot. I became a single mom at age 21, and the father of my child is a complete deadbeat. Recently, i got myself into bad debt by borrowing from mobile money loans apps.

Now, these lenders keep calling and texting my phone, as well as that of my guarantors. I feel doomed. I just wish my debt would disappear.

May God have mercy on us all. Alice, please take this out of pure love. But getting yourself into debt by making bad decisions is not a curse. We learn from our mistakes and we grow and make better ones. In addition, I recommend seeing a therapist about your feelings of having others being allergic to you. Get some help and talk to someone. Many blessings to you.

I truly feel my life has been cursed, no matter what I do it never seems good enough in life. I do not trust anyone, as most have betrayed me. Going to school is never going down the wrong path, first of all. I recommend seeing someone to talk through this stuff. Vibe higher, my friend. If possible can you tell me what the few things you were working on that help you face your curse, your situation is extremely similar to mine.

He started stalking me and making me very uncomfortable like if I was standing in a meeting he would stand with his big stomach touching my back so I would step forward and then he would step forward to put it back on me. When I would get angry and say something he would cause a scene like I lashed out for no reason. I tried so hard to avoid him but he sets directly to the left of my desk and literally stares at me all day.

I try to clean it but it just grows back within a few days. Is this reversible? As I was typing this a bird tried to get in the screen of my open window. Do I need to take actions towards removing a curse? I send you my blessings feel free to ask me anything. I got an actual curse from god himself. Im 37 now and just attempting to level out back to a positive me. While those around me are negative constantly. Lifes so deep it may take years to decades to level yourself cause others will try to tip you side to side but once you hit your mark it will be a better walking away point for yall.

Trust me i figured out every life aspect you could imagine but love shared for one another makes all the stuggle unneccesary. But everone doesnt love the same. I feel like im cursed i all of a sudden got a wierd rash…every pet i loved died..

I was very badly Cursed by God to be a single and lonely man, and i never wanted to be in the first place at all. I was very Cursed by God to never find love. And i am a good looking man that keeps in shape as well. Then again , most women nowadays are just so very horrible to meet as it is. Especially since most women these days have no manners and personality at all, when many of us single men will try to start a conversation with a woman that we think would be very nice to meet.

A lot of very mentally disturbed women everywhere today unfortunately, and very dangerous as well. Hello Guest. I feel the same way. I am a warm hearted person and try to be good to everyone. But it seems I am never enough. My mother was incredibly abusive to me, school teachers always taunted me for being learning disabled, and female supervisors at work always mistreated me as well. I could give you another dozen examples to prove my life has always been cursed.

I hope some day may come where people like you and me can live happy lives without being cursed. Things would be so much better off that way. When I was born I was a quite kid and then my father died when I was 6. Hi there.. I believe your a good person, and out there..

You need to avoid associating with anyone who says negative things about you.. The more negatively you think about things, the more your going to draw in negativity.. Just remember your a good person. I will tell you more but I need help. My only son get married and turned on me his wife didnt like me I bought a house and put it in my sons name I got sick he evicted me I became homeless sick bought a car and snakes have a den in it got bite by a poisonous snake spend a lot of money on this car also cant get rid of bugs parasites my money is depleted.

Souns insane I know But it is all true! Wonder how I stay alive. By the grace of god.. I feel there is never a break for me and it just amazes me how bad luck always seems to keep finding me. Even when I try my best to think positive it just seems life keeps throwing negativity to me. If I could write a book about my life it sure would be a page turner. I just posted a topic about this on FB.

Lots of the people are defensive and point plainly on mental health. I know from experience. I would see a doctor and find out if your mental and physical health is fine and, if all is good, see a witch that can remove the curse. It takes many many tries too. But you have to continue with the ritual. You just summed up my life. In ANY situation whether something small like trying to upgrade my cell phone to getting surgery and anything in between…. If something can go wrong in any situation it does.

For me, I think I am under a curse. All my life, I will struggle for everything and when I start seeing the light, then the light goes off. I will struggle and when I rise to some extent, I started collapsing… would be on free fall. I raise money to some extent and before you know it, the money is gone. It has been a part of me since I was born and I honestly need help. I am a good person and I help people a lot because of my good heart. I always have a good beginning in everything I do and have a bad ending.

This isnt normal. When I wanted to get a new apartment and a car in ,everything collapsed within 3 months… I lost my business to problems I cannot understand. I struggled from after I lost my business till In , I started making progress.

I feel your pain. I get kibbles and bits and the get steak and lobster. They got rewarded for using me. There is no rational rhyme or reason for our reality.

All we can do is roll with the punches and let the chips that fall where they may. I just know that I am out of energy. I have no fight left in me. At 64, giving up is my best option. Not comparing yourself to others is easier said than done. Best of luck to you in your future endeavors. I really mean that. But, I feel like I have been cursed all my life! Not to go into finer details. But everything I touch or get involved with turns to crap!

It never seems to be that I catch a break! Even My wife seems to agree with me at the moment! As she thought I was just being paranoid? So without any further ado I am going to perform a ceremony that actually lifts this horrid curse from my life! HI there. Time and time and time gain. Since I was about Im 67 now.

Especially the last 26 years. What sort of ceremony did you preform. I desperately need help. I never really believed in these sorts of things. Curses seemed slightly far fetched to me. Until my older sister started telling me that she felt someone put a curse on our family. Long story short, that same sister of mine passed away in October , I lost my aunt my moms sister December , my great grandmother went into a vegetative state around August This Monday February 15th my father suddenly passed away, a day before my sisters birthday the one who passed away in We really need help as this no longer makes sense to me.

It seems like I meet women, the relationship is heated up. A month later we break up. The longest relationship I had was in with a girl I broke up with after dating for a year. Ever since my relationships last a month or two. The last relationship I was in, me and the girl I dated were very similar. Same indoor life style, we liked the same cars, colours. We even share a birthday.

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