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It is expected that these courses will help students develop critical thinking skills and explore new ideas in an environment that encourages interactive learning and intensive discussion. Enrollment in a University Seminar should provide first-year students the opportunity to work closely with faculty and to develop an intellectual community with other students around a shared area of interest.
You should take this University Seminar if you are interested in exploring death, dying, grief and bereavement from a number of points of view.
This course is an exploration of thinking about dying, death and bereavement. Although western culture and American culture in particular has a reputation for being death denying, we do in fact confront images of and talk about death on almost a daily basis.
This course will not be a study about death and dying in the news and popular media, rather it will about those who have thought about our mortality seriously and extensively. You should take this University Seminar if you would like to examine the historical and pedagogical influences on women's education. This course explores a variety of issues affecting girls and young women in education today.
The course applies a theoretically grounded and practical approach to examine the role of gender in elementary and secondary classrooms and beyond. You should take this University Seminar if you are interested in learning about your place in the scholarly conversation.
This course will explore the role of diverse voices in research through topics such as social justice, community engagement, and the impact of bias in an increasingly divided society. By understanding how to navigate a free market of information where dissemination is open to all, students will learn how to successfully generate high quality research; analyze the creation process; leverage their knowledge to craft strong lines of inquiry; and understand and protect their own contributions to scholarship.
You should take this University Seminar if you want to explore and understand the medical profession from the physician's perspective. This course will explore the formative experiences that create and mold the physician e. We will focus on the human, feeling side of what it means to be a physician using the reflections and insights of practitioners themselves as shared in short narratives, essays, poems, blogposts, podcasts, etc.
You should take this University Seminar if you've ever wondered "if we abolish prisons, what happens to rapists? If we abolish police and prisons, how can we address gender violence and ensure safety? We will examine the trauma resulting from sexual and intimate partner violence and the ways in which is embedded in other forms of historical traumas; explore how institutional betrayal replicates and sustains that trauma; and think about the criminal legal system and explore abolitionist ways to address violence.
Do your parents always make fun of you for pronouncing a word strangely? Whatever your quirk is, now's the time to celebrate it! Write freely and without embarrassment—a quirk is a quirk! It's not supposed to seem normal. The admissions committee won't judge you for your quirk. They want to learn the interesting parts about your personality. Student self-governance, which encourages student investment and initiative, is a hallmark of the UVA culture.
In her fourth year at UVA, Laura Nelson was inspired to create Flash Seminars, one-time classes which facilitate high-energy discussion about thought-provoking topics outside of traditional coursework. If you created a Flash Seminar, what idea would you explore and why? The topic you choose doesn't have to be high-brow or exceedingly academic— rather, you need to pick a topic that'll inspire thought-provoking conversations. If that conversation is, "What does Kim Kardashian say about the future of advertising?
As long as the topic is important to you. As with the other prompts, the word "why" is the most important of this prompt. You need to have a strong reason for wanting to explore this topic. If you want to talk about Kim Kardashian, that's cool—as long as you can indicate why this is a topic worthy of discussion. UVA students paint messages on Beta Bridge when they want to share information with our community.
What would you paint on Beta Bridge and why is this your message? As with the other prompts, the "why" is the most important part of this question. Whatever message you land on, make sure you have a good reason for it. Avoid trite or cliched phrases, like "Be the change you wish to see in the world.
What do you have to say? What message is personal to you? What lesson have you learned that you specifically can communicate? Poet Laureate, once said in an interview that " First and foremost: don't make something up here. Don't say that you spent months devoted to petitioning for the expansion of healthcare in your community if you didn't. Trust us: admissions counselors can sniff out a lie a mile away. You don't have to have done something monumental in order to have contributed to the "greater good.
For example, maybe you realized that cars were driving too fast through your neighborhood, so you went to your neighborhood association and convinced them to install speed bumps. Or maybe you saw that the local library didn't have enough children's books, so you held a donation drive to build up their collection. The action doesn't have to be huge, but you do need to explain why you got involved, and how that made your community better. Keep in mind that this prompt is specifically asking you to talk about a time when you took action.
For a lot of people, it's easy to be unhappy with a situation, but they never get so motivated that they do something about it. UVA wants to build a community of doers, and this prompt is designed to let you showcase your motivation and compassion. Your UVA supplement essay is a chance to show the admissions committee who you are.
Take that opportunity to flesh yourself out. You're not simply a collection of A's and B's printed on a transcript. You're a real person!
Algebra Seminar To be determined for Mikhail Ershov. This includes functional analysis and operator algebras, mathematical physics, harmonic analysis and PDEs, probability theory, and other research areas. Presentations at this seminar are accessible to beginning graduate students in analysis.
This calendar also lists talks at other UVA Math seminars which may be of interest to general analysis audience. Geometry Seminar Tuesdays at , Monroe Sara Maloni Thomas Mark Description The Geometry Seminar talks usually focus on aspects of low-dimensional topology and geometry, including knot theory and categorification, Floer homology, 3- and 4-dimensional manifolds, and symplectic and contact topology.
The lectures are often given by outside speakers, however UVa graduate students and faculty give talks as well. The ideal topics live on the interface between the two fields; luckily, the interface has been steadily expanding.
Lectures typically are of research level and are given by local as well as outside speakers. Graduate students in mathematical physics are encouraged to give presentations at this seminar about their ongoing research.
The seminars are held every Friday, during the fall and spring semesters of the academic year. We host research team events and program meetings.
Cancer Center members are welcome and encouraged to attend any of these meetings and seminars regardless of their home program. Learn more about research team events. Nov 05 Dr. Uri Ben-David, PhD.