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Anderson proposes viewing relationships differently altogether. Though his words are immediately met with jeers, the professor keeps going, citing statistics pulled from that same disapproving audience: 89 percent of them have cheated or been cheated on.
In a relationship, he adds, monogamy is "fine for a while," but as time goes on, the amount of sex a couple has typically declines. The subsequent cheating is therefore often a biological response. Not because you failed to love, not because you don't respect your partner. Accepting this premise, he asserts, can have a positive impact not just on the adults in the relationship, but also the rest of their family.
Related: How to reignite the spark in your too-comfortable relationship. News U. Politics Joe Biden Congress Extremism. Special Projects Highline. HuffPost Personal Video Horoscopes. Follow Us. West Yes and I certain other critic's will point that out but he pretty much is consistently chauvanistic -. Wouldn't this type literary work come from someone who has consistent success, rather than someone with consistent rants on twitter talking about his lackluster life and baby mama drama?
They can't make me do it. I wont do it. I will not do it. I refuse to do it. I CAN'T. That's my baby all day long!!!! I just love that smile! I'm just waiting on the day i'ma kill it. Please wait till judgement day and tell the Lord that you are expected to cheat Please wait till judgement day and tell the Lord that you are expected to cheat…and see what happens.
Please wait until judgement day and tell the Lord you was without sin and was casting stones. OAN remind him you was judging folks He was on point. Not all men cheat, but the way society is created it's not a big deal if a man do cheat. We are expected to cheat, and we can get away with cheating a lot easier because we are men.
Just like we are expected to sleep around with a lot of women. To have a long list of women on your record is a good thing not a bad thing. If men were expected to cheat, wouldnt there be a different reaction from the women that are cheated on? Fool you got it twisted. Tyrese bye. OAN remind him you was judging folks….
Of course loyalty means everything, but Tyrese was just being honest about this subject called cheating.
There's a reason why majority of men all over the world cheat. Redeemed you know good and well you wanna hit that, quit playin, this post grabbed yo attention for a reason boo Dont worry we aint gon judge you, Im sure you get a lil nipple arousal or a peen excite erry now and then I don't think men are "expected" to cheat..
I think if men respected themselves more, then they would feel more content.. I do swear. But I'll be damned if you can have my Black Card. Point already gave me a pass anyway. What am I gonna do with you Plays Belly on the big screen and fast forwards it to the part when Tommy was given Kiana the business fresh out the shower! Yso you can thank ya gurl later. Cha Chizzle Stop tying ppl down with duct tape. That shyt hurts!! I haven't seen Belly either. And last week Belly 2 was on and 2 mins of what I saw made me change to the George Lopez show.
With that bullsh! I give you an high five for 43 cha cha. Tyrese is so yummy I better not let my husband see this. Baby Boy is one of my FAV hood movies I don't know what it is about that movie but I watch it every time it comes on and quote the lines dontjudgeme. I loved "Baby Boy" too, but I think Tyrese is bugging. First, I've never heard of the "cheating gene" that men supposedly have. Is it implanted in their penis? I know they have a head between their legs, so I guess the head balanced by their neck doesn't have a mind of it's own?
Sandra Rose, y didn't you tell me the JE twins house is on the market, foreclosed? Like they say, a pretty face is just that. Obviously, looks and brains have an inverse relationship like IQ in some men.