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So if you need to translate a document, you would count the number of words in the document and multiply it by the price per word.
How much is the price per word? Well, that varies from provider to provider. This page will provide you with some general guidelines regarding translation rates per word, and will also provide you with some practical ways of getting price quotes for translation services.
One fast and easy way to find out the price per word is to get an online price quote for translation services. To get an online quote from GTS, just upload your files and select the languages: the price per word and delivery time will be displayed in seconds.
Prices vary depending on language pair : the laws of supply-and-demand apply here and the price per word for obscure language pairs with relatively few qualified translators will be higher than language pairs with a large community of professional translators.
Cost of living in the target country will also impact the translation cost per word. For example, prices of Chinese translation services will be lower than prices of Norwegian translation services since the cost of living in Norway is much higher than in the PRC. Prices vary depending on subject matter : translation of general material that requires little or no expertise is at the low end of the cost scale. Prices per word get higher as the subject matter becomes more challenging.
Prices vary depending on service level: some companies sell translation services done by non-professional translators; people who know the languages but are doing the work to supplement their income. This is common practice of some of the online translation companies.
There are many reasons behind the costs of a translation. Some are related to the language, others to the type of text or media, and others depend on your requirements.
Not all texts are the same. Translating a commercial brochure, a financial statement, a binding contract or a very niche medical study requires different skills and knowledge. This, of course, impacts the translation cost. Different media hides different difficulties, and this translate into different translation pricing.
Localizing a website or an app, for example, in addition to translators may require the help of a programmer. Translating a document from a desktop publishing software like InDesign presents other challenges compared to a file from a word processor like MS Word. You need to have an understanding of how the software works, fix the graphic so that the file looks the way the designer intended it to be, and deal with amendments.
In fact, edits and revisions often force the translator to do the entire translation from scratch or require lots of manual edits. In some special cases especially with immigration , there is the need for a signed statement from the translator attesting the accuracy of the translation. This statement has to be signed by a notary public. The added cost depends mainly on the country of provenance. If your project is as big as it requires someone to manage it, then this will translate into more costs.
Technology is also disrupting the translation world. From the almost futuristic Machine Translations check this report if you want to change your perspective about MTs to the more common Translation Memories, translators and businesses now have tools that can help them to speed up their process, improve the quality of translation, and drastically reduce costs.
Some translators proofread their document by default. Although this will translate into an added cost, proofreading is required if you care about quality. We often forget that any time when purchasing a service or product we are dealing with people. Different pricing models are used to calculate the translation costs. Meanwhile, other standards are followed by the majority of the translators around the rest of the world:.
This is the most common way of estimating translation costs for languages written using the Latin alphabet. For a better idea of what might be the right cost, check out our calculator.
Again, check our calculator to gain a better understanding of the rates. This practice is common in German-speaking countries. A line is supposed to be 55 characters including spaces.
With websites, apps or big projects, you might want to consider agreeing on an hourly basis contract. Of course, in this case, the pricing might vary based on your location.
In the case of very short translation jobs, the translator might offer a fixed fee. However, this is a nice tool to understand what costs you should expect. Planning your content upfront and introducing technology into your workflow can drastically reduce your translation costs and at the same time improve the quality of your translations and decrease the turnaround time.
Additionally, here is a list of 10 mistakes you might be making when producing InDesign documents in many languages. Translation memory included upon request. Premium : high-quality translation for publication purposes. Full review by a second native-speaking professional translator. Translation memory and glossary included upon request. The table below shows indicative translation prices for different types of documents depending on the quality level requested. The prices shown are based on the translation of a general subject from Italian to English and a standard delivery date, which is about 2, words per day from the project's second business day.
Translated has offered multilingual translation services for over 20 years through a network of , native-speaking professional translators from all over the world. Thanks to this experience, we can respond to all your translation needs in terms of languages, formats, specializations, and delivery times. The quality of the final translation is ensured by our native speaking translators living in the country where the translated documents will be published, guaranteeing that the translation is accurate, appealing, and coherent in the destination country.
Translation Rates We have been selecting and training the best professional translators in the world since , supporting them with cutting-edge technologies to help over , clients in all industries.
Word count. Pay after delivery We trust you: feel free to pay within 5 days from delivery via bank transfer, credit card, or PayPal. Learn more. More complex need? We will help you get a quote for complex documents, PDFs, websites, software, and more. Barbara - Senior Account Manager. Contact us. Why Choose Us.