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Sims 3 why is my baby invisible

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It has happened twice in the past week, once when i invited a friend from Egypt and the other when a mascot visited,i chose reset lot NRAAS and worked good except my foreign visitor was elsewhere and i called her and she came over User Info: tbone Luckily enough, I had two Sims going to the University at the same time. My girl glitched, her profile box with her picture turned to a green square and she would not stop fixing a sink.

I couldn't click on her or make her do anything. Her brother was fine. I installed some mods - ErrorTrap and Overwatch.

I don't know if they worked or not. It was when I dropped the brother out of University that everything went back to normal.

He finally moved home and the girl went with him. When their hometown loaded, I could see her and use her. The game told me making the brother drop out would make him not receive his credits for the term.

However, when they got home, my girl was still a recent graduate and the brother still had his credits. My glitch started when she went to graduation. I saw another thread somewhere that said inviting people to the graduation can really screw up the game. I wondered why it kept asking me to invite people to her graduation even after I was done inviting people. So, try not to invite people to the graduation and see if that helps. User Info: faithb Okay I don't know who else needs a solution but I made an account just to answer this.

I had a problem with my sims 3, expansion pack up to university life. After I did some graphics settings and saved my file, I restarted the game only to find that both my sims are stuck at their last action and their pictures have turned green and yellow.

I could not select them either. The only thing playable, my dog. Anyway, I found a solution by making a copy of them and then evicting the original household. After that, I switched the active household to the copied version and moved them into my original lot. It worked like a charm.

User Info: kwanyuanqi. What I did when my sim was invisible was to go to a mirror and do "change appearance" then exit out and i could see him again. Try to do something like that. User Info: StarShock Omg my sim had disappeared and it was sooooo frustrating!!! I nearly gave up but i decided to go make her have a woohoo with her husband. She went under the covers, and when she came up she reappeared!!! Everyone try it!! It worked for me User Info: swimswag Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.

View in thread. It worked very well and the only thing I'm wondering about now is, according to that link you sent, why her "Everyday" clothing made her disappear, not her career outfit. Thanks again. March April Thank you! This saved my sim,I was so confused. It was the work outfit for my sim Doctor thank god going to the dresser worked! August I had the same issue.

Tried shower, didn't work. So I was going to exit out of the game and clicked save and my sim was visible again. Dont know if this will fix it completely and everytime but its worth a shot.

Yeah, I had the same issues. It did work for me too when I changed clothes. But it's kinda weird tho, she was wearing her work clothing singer in the Showtime expansion pack why is that "corrupted"? I am having the same issue right now but with an infant, its invisible, other sims can interact with it but I can't see it. The cake option does not age the baby either, the sim holding the baby goes through all the motions but then just picks the baby back up and puts in the crib.

Those files should be deleted regularly anyway, and every time you quit while troubleshooting. For reference, they are:.

If that doesn't help, go to Edit Town and evict the family and move them back in. But it still in game! What can I do now? The only way the code gets into the DC backup folder is when you install custom items - they are just not there otherwise I promise you, they are in the Launcher, its just a matter of going very slowly through them, and you will find them - I know it is frustrating, and difficult when you have a lot of custom content but they really are there To narrow them down go to installed content, just above you will see some tabs - Select the "Sims" tab - this takes all the patterns and furniture out of your way, so there is less to go through - I wish I could help more, but it really is a case of trawling and trawling until you find them Sorry hun, I wish it was better news!

Let me know how you get on ABOUT The DC backup folder The DC backup folder comes in to play when you share Sims The CC in your game doesn't load from this folder, Custom content loads from the Launcher For example if you deleted ALL the DC files, all your CC will still be playable in the game but when you go to share a Sim - it would still have all the pictures of the CC, but when anyone installs it, there are no Custom files with it The reason we say to delete certain files from DCbackup is because Some - like these boots - attach themselves to random Sims you make even when they are not wearing them.

I've found out the problem! Is because I have downloaded a family, and it becomes with the boots! I've uninstalled the family, but the boots is in the game and it isn't in the launcher : and now? When you install a family ALL the custom files that come with it should show individually in the launcher. The family itself it just a 'saved set of people with the CC on" Removing the family doesn't uninstall the bits it came with.

Trust me, I've installed families with nothing else in the game, all the files that come with it, show individually in the launcher. The only thing I can suggest is video the launcher and just tap down and I will slow it down in movie maker and see if I can see them - OR now you know which family they came with - uninstall everything and reinstall all the good stuff.

IF you do that don't forget to delete the family out of the downloads tab In future try to use thesimsresource. PLUS they have thousands more items to choose from than the exchange :. Rather than looking for the image, just look for "shoes" - just another way to narrow the search down. Okay, I've been reading every ounce of literature for days on end to get rid of these freaking boots. There's something wrong with my launcher, I've downloaded a heck of a lot of things but hardly any of it is showing up under "installed" and yet, it's all in the game.

I've searched my entire system for the file name 0x53c8aac3afb1b0. I've been through the launcher so many times and it's not there. Please, there's got to be something I can do without having to delete everything. I really hate to think I'm going to have to live with this problem forever.

Seriously, my launcher is broken or something. A crap-ton of files are in the downloads sections, hardly any in "installed" so I guess this method isn't going to work for me There's got to be a way to find out what this file is during game play I have the hooker boots issue.

I have deleted the 0x file from my computer, I have uninstalled all installed families and deleted them from my game, I have searched for the boots in the launcher in install and downloaded one by one and they are not there, but the hooker boots are still in my game.

Is there any other way to get rid of them that I have not tried? I finally figured out how to rid them completely. I read somewhere to delete the caches after deleting the file or download. I did and it worked! Now I have high heels on my girl sim, but its much better than the hooker boots.. Chloe so sorry I hadn't been checking my comments, some version don't show in the launcher they are attached to Sims..

I haven't experienced this yet myself and I have 2. I saved them, deleted everything else and re-installed the good families. It took a good hour or more, but I have four families worth of awesome CC :. Ps - If you've deleted ALL your Ox codes including the good stuff that method won't work for you because even though your sims will have the thumbnails of the clothing, they won't actually be with the sim..

There's another bad CC that is a full outfit that has only an apron and a naked body. All my Sims around town are wearing it and it makes my game look really bad. Thanks for your help with the other CC though!

I have the apron too and I can not get rid of it. It has to be connected to a sim because it is not in the launcher. I went through every item in my launcher one by one. If you have over items or so other cc drops off the list.

You can try deleting accessories and patterns you don't use to see if they will come up on the bottom. Naked bottom and top and horse body appeared in my dcbackup and I deleted them and they still appeared. I carefully went through my installed content and it didn't appear even though the 1st time I had the horse body it was there and I uninstalled it successfully. It back again and I can't find neither of them but I did find af peggyzone streaked 3 times in installed content with no picture and I unistalled it so I hope if that worked.

I'll make a comment if it did. The dcbackup code.. It doesn't take them out the game. Just stops them spreading. There's two things you can try. Check the savedsims folder and delete anything in there. Second, if you have over I think its items they don't show in the launcher they drop off.

If this seems to be the case for you, delete accesories and patterns you don't use. Also check your objects tab as lots of lots and objects have been sticking to sims lately. They're not bad bits of cc but, you lose them to get missing items to come back on the launcher list. In future, when you install from the exchange. If you got to the installed content tab straight away the files just installed are bunched together at the bottom sometimes the top making it easier to spot them..

Let me know how you get on. Well let me know if you can. One way or another we'll find the solution. I deleted many clothing but it still didn't show up in the launcher I'm losing hope D:. Don't give up yet! Have you checked the 'savedsims' folder? Delete any sims in there. In Create-a-sim if it has a different logo to the ones on these files in this post let me know.

I somehow managed to delete your comment that you found it! I'm really pleased you did. What a relief! I know its a painstaking task! You can narrow it down slightly by using the "sims" tab in the launcher that takes all the patterns and objects out the way The horsebody is in Type as full outfit and the top is labelled top Some of the bad cc isnt labelled with a type, those are so annoying because you can only use the "all" tab to find thm.

I decided to copy the files of some of my items and then uninstalled my game without saving, reinstalled my game and added the filed but i watched the launcher and deleted the bad cc, thanks for your help. They totally glitch out my babies and toddlers and stuff. How do I get rid of them completely?? The dcbackup folder is how ALL files good and bad are shared. If there was nothing in there and you created a sim dressed in good or bad CC it would be saved with thumbnail pictures of the clothing but would NOT have the actual clothing.

These sticky files add themselves weather your sim is dressed in them or not that's why we all say.. You can narrow the search down by selecting the 'sims' tab in the installed content list. If this doesn't narrow it enough and they still don't show try deleting patterns, accessories and object you don't use and hopefully they will climb up the list for you to see and delete in the launcher.

Another thing, but it is time consuming. Create families with your custom sims in CAS. You can have 8 sims per family. You can then either delete all the customs after saving them via CAS. You have to completely close the game to delete from the launcher. After you've got rid of them all, go to your EXPORTS folder where all your new saved families are and drag and drop them to the downloads folder and install them. I'm currently searching for programmers, looking for someone who can create a program to help us when this happens.

Wish me luck! That will most likely be the horse body, the nude bottom or nude top. If you haven't already, try the Ox codes that will help you narrow down what you have.

If you still cannot find them there's a couple things to do. After about items things drop off the launcher. Delete any patterns, accessories and object you don't use this helps them come up the list and show in the launcher. If sims in there are wearing the content it will stay in the game even if you uninstalled it via the launcher.

Nothing from the launcher that will be safe, but this type of file gets deleted with the sim. If this is the case you have two options.

If you still have the sims in your downloads folder after deleting from savedsims folder, reinstall them. Immediately after install go to the 'installed content' tab. At the bottom sometimes the top all the content just installed will be bunched together.

This is you one time chance to remove bad cc. After playing or closing the launcher it all goes random again. Option 2. You can try to find that sim in CAS, delete the Ox codes of the bad content and 'share'. It saves to your exports folder.

By removing the Ox codes, the bad cc can't be saved with it so its clean now and you can double click to install. I know its a bit much info, but its quite simple when you run through it.

With the savedsims part: You can just take them out the folder and put them on the desktop. Run the game if that hasn't fixed it just drag and drop them back to the savedsims folder and they'll work again. Thank you so very much!! I had so many of these things. I have decided though, no more CC unless it's store bought objects from TS3.

You are awesome though You're a sweetie! You're welcome and thanks! I'm a sims addict that's why lol : Another good way to get safe free content is TSR but not whole sims. No sticky files that way.

Just download them to the downloads folder and install them via the launcher. They are sims3pack just like the exchange. It takes longer getting individual things but you can SEE what ages and styles they are categorized in before downloading. I haven't had a ballgown in my gymwear for ages.. But nothing like the sticky ones that go around. I love you so much for this! You helped me so much to get rid of the "bugs". Thank you!! But I do have one problem with the horsebody thingy. I finally found it from the launcher but it can't be removed - it says something like "can't be removed because of something, check the log for more information" - however, the log doesn't say anything useful.

I really want to get rid of it! Hi i just kinda start playing sims 3 and i used exchange this help ig but in sorta on the side where i dont wanna do exchange anymore because i dont want those boots i had to really just get another pc and redownload my sims on that but i was woundering when you use exchange and then you have a baby does your baby have the regular skins and other things that it would have meaning like the stuff sims already gave you??

Hi Lexie, These files in this post including the boots attached themselves to the Sim not the clothing it comes with. When you download individual clothing and hair you don't have this issue. On the exchange the individual items are not great. I use the sims resource. It doesn't take that long to do, I spend a couple hours doing every time I get bored of what I have.

If you chose an item you like, look under the image, it tells you what age it's saved in and what styles, so you can see before you download if its' going to be ok. For example: nobody wants to see a ballgown in their gym-wear..

Free hair - Sizes are toddler, child, then teen through to elder are one size. I do use the exhcange now and then, but what I do is take everything out the game, put the exchange stuff in, clean it, and save the good stuff to sims.

Deleted everything the reinstall my stuff plus the new bits. This has been a big help, thank you so much! I'm still having an issue with bad CC showing up on babies, though. I thought it was definitely the "Night time-Day time everyday shoe" hooker boots but I deleted those in the launcher and deleted the.

I also deleted anything else I could find in this post. Do you have any idea what this CC could be? Hmm those are boots for sure because of the way they've wrapped themselves on the baby.

T-shirts stretch and bottoms go virtually invisible. If it goes and nothing lost great, but if content you like goes with it.. Some content may look and play perfectly fine in the game but just be badly categorized. I'm not entirely sure why and how sims get saved in the savedsims folder, but I know that when you unistall content from the launcher and one of those in there is wearing that item, it will stay in the game.

I'd actually already deleted all the Sims in the savedsims folder after reading how many issues arise as the result of downloading custom Sims.

I think it probably was the "Night time-Day time everyday shoe". After the baby grew into a toddler he was wearing them, despite me deleting them. Is it possible for more than one copy of custom content like those boots to exist in the launcher? I'd downloaded so much CC that not everything was showing up in the launcher. OTL Doing that had the added benefit of fixing a glitch I was having with werewolves not being able to transform into their werewolf form.

But thank you for the help! This site will continue to be really useful in determining what bad CC I should keep an eye out for. Well usually if you install the same file twice it only shows once. Resetting your sim helps in very rare cases. Crinrict's Sims 3 Help Blog Help for Bugs and instructions what to do if your game does not work properly. Problem My sim returned from vacation and now all other Sims are invisible. My Sim is invisible and it looks like the are underground.

Their though bubbles and microphones are hovering above ground My baby is invisible Cause There are a few cloth that can be the reason for that. Babies usually turn invisible if you remove a bad download that has made them look like a pole. Teens and men can have invisible bodies when they are pregnant and you forgot to download meshes for that.

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