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Should i shave my groin

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About a week before my surgery, I had to go in for preadmission testing — click here for my post on prostate surgery preadmission details. One of the main goals of prostate surgery — or any surgery really — is to avoid infection. If the patient does the shaving, he may not do a good job and create some nicks or cuts down there, and nobody wants that.

An open wound in an operating room environment is not a good thing. So I followed directions and did not shave anything down there — figuring they will do it if they need to, just like the nurse said.

I just think it looks better myself. And now my wife doesn't have to worry about getting hair in her mouth.. If you have any problems with razor burn or chafing just use a creme called Man1 Man Oil afterward. It is made just for the penis skin and contains some nice moisturizers. Helped me out a lot.

I am 60 years old and I have always kept things looking neat and clean between my legs. I have always liked a nice "contrast" between my skin and a nice thick, groomed "bush. I also make sure I keep my "treasure trail" equally trimmed, groomed and colored. Keeping up the trimming by use of a triple-edge razor in the shower and coloring makes you look and feel great! We both prefer the sexy, silky smooth feeling of going bare for each other down there. No hair, Don't care!

The best thing to use afterwards is a creme called Man1 Man Oil. Unlike baby powder or any other lotion out there, it is made just for the penis skin. It contains natural moisturizers like Vitamin E and shea butter and will keep your penis moisturized, clean and free of irritations. It is an amazing product.

I use the Norelco multi groom and works perfectly. No ingrown, no grains and a very clean look. I use Aftta by Mennen as an aftershave for The sensitive areas and in particular the formerly Harry patch above my rod. It seems to help calm the area does anybody else have a success story with this product?

Also, I just received the cool fix in the mail and just to try this product to…. Manzillian Waxing left me incredibly smooth for a week but then the nasty ingrowns arrived and take months to deal with with possible scarring.

I am headed to Lazor hair removal but will have to shave for the next year during the treatments until I am smooth for life So illustrations bother you? C'mon grow up! Thanks to the author!!!! I have a completely different take: Not bragging but the fact is that I have big balls and a Scrotum with a lot of loose skin. No electric shaver works on my balls. I've tried several. They all nick the folds in the skin. Shaving doesn't work well.

I can't pull out enough skin to avoid all the folds. Shaving cream is too slippery. The only method that works well for me is hair removal cream - the stuff that women use on their legs.

First, I cut off as much hair as I could using scissors. Then I bought some brand name stuff. Then I put some on the sensitive area on the back of my elbow to test for rashes or anything else weird.

It looked ok after 12 hours. Then I followed the directions. The stuff isn't rubbed in like hand cream. It's put on thick so it covers everything. I waited the recommended 5 minutes with my legs spread apart and then washed it off in the shower. There wasn't a hair left. It was all smooth without cuts or razor burn or the necessity for any after shave lotion.

I will never let anything sharp get near my balls again. All you need is some Gillette blades and shaving cream after you trim the hair with a hair clipper. Everything else is a waste of money. If it itches afterwards, brush the area with a hair brush. It feels good. I've been grooming my genital hair for over 15 years. When I first started, tried, I used a razor thinking I would like the area shaved. I will say that a very close shave will result in very soft and velvety genital area. But, when the hair starts to grow back, OWWW, it's extremely itchy and quite uncomfortable.

The other problem is that razors can cut very close and I ended up cutting myself in a couple of places and that irritation sucks as well. This method doesn't get a smooth as silk removal, but it's much easier to do and still leaves my genitals looking neat and trim. Since there is still very short pubic hair there is no to very little itching as the hair grows back. At first I used a 2 cover to avoid potentially cutting the area. But soon I just used the trimmer without a guide.

This gives the closet possible shave without a razor or a razor's problems. I have cut myself even with the trimmer and one time I didn't catch the cut and it became very irritated and red and a little pus came out of the cut area after a few days.

Since thin I make sure to be VERY careful to not get any cuts, and if I do I make sure to disinfect and use an antibacterial like neosporin or it's equivalent.

I apply it for a couple of days after a grooming and with that process I have not had a repeat infection or irritation. This article suggests getting an erection in order to get a better shave, but I find that an erection actually gets in the way of getting a comfortable trim. That could be just me though. I try not to get an erection, but as you guys know sometimes just touching that area makes it pop up and stand at attention.

Yes, there are guys who will say that drawing is a "normal" sized penis as theirs may be that size, but the reality is that the vast majority of men's penis's are not that big especially when flaccid. Trimming or shaving really does keep the genital area more comfortable and for me I feel lighter and more breezy.

Just be very careful to not get cuts, and if you do make sure to follow the articles suggestions on keeping things sanitary and clean. Also, make sure to use an antibacterial like neosporin it will and does help. I shave after a shower while I am still in there and catch my shaft, balls and a little of the plateau around the shaft about every other day with a "Harry's" razor. Thanks for the great article and the recommendation of products.

Mystified with those thinking the article was funny and not needed. Started trimming hair around the base of my shaft because condoms were pulling my pubic hairs, OUCH! The light allows you to see what you are trimming. Also use it to trim nose and ear hairs. Will last about 6 months to a year. With the trimmer remove hair on shaft, balls and anus. Last a week to two weeks.

The trimmer does not nick me and leave hairs long enough not to cause a bump. I have shaved my cock and balls with the surroundings since I was years old and now I am It looks so sexy and awesome when I am naked with others [both genders] and I recommend it to all.

I enjoyed reading this article. I love shaving my pubic hair and love the smooth feel. I enjoyed the article, but I work as an esthetician. It's my job to wax these areas, which I love to do on boyfriends. I also like to get them to wear panties for me. If a guy will wear a bra for me then I know that he is really into me. I don't want it to show under his guy clothes.

I like "manscaping" a guy's privates just the way I like. It's fun for both of us, and over the years I have never had any of my past boyfriends refuse me. Some salons offer waxing only for girls, but if you ask nicely they might let guys in too. Me too Missy. And yeah, I agree. This is quite a post and covered everything that guys needs to know.

Great post Jacob. I have to be honest You can shave this too, just make sure to be very gentle because it's not too easy to see where you will be shaving. You can always shave over one last time, just make sure not to press down too hard to prevent inflammation. If you are considering removing all of your hair, know that having none can increase your chances of getting and spreading an STD or two namely, HPV and molluscum contagiosum.

Clean up. Always make sure that you clean up your mess. Even if you don't care about all those hairs now, they build up later. Part 3. Exfoliate to keep your skin clean. This removes all the dead skin on the surface after shaving in addition to lining up your hairs and helping to prevent them from becoming ingrown. With your normal body soap, gently cleanse your pubic area. This will help to remove anything that might block your pores and lead to ingrown hairs and resulting infections.

Use a sugar scrub as your exfoliate to leave your skin smooth. If you don't have that, you can always make a paste with baking soda, which will get the job done too.

If you are a woman, do not get soap beyond your labia. In fact, soaps often upset the pH balance natural bacteria making the vagina more susceptible to infection.

Use Egg Oil. Egg oil contains several bio-actives which prevent infections or inflammations and help the irritated skin recover faster to it's original shape.

Massage egg oil well into the shaved area twice a day for a week. Leave it on until your next shower. There is no necessity to wash it off as it is easily absorbed into the skin. Rinse off any remaining pubic hair, gently pat dry, and moisturize. Aloe Vera, baby oil, or moisturizers designed for sensitive areas can be used. Egg oil containing immunoglobulins can avoid rashes due to micro-abrasions. Avoid moisturizers that may contain fragrances and coloring agents. No matter what you use, just make sure that it's unscented and it isn't full of possibly irritating perfumes.

Take care if powdering the area. Powders absorb the sweat and oil around the pubic area, which can reduce irritation and bumpiness. However, extra care must be taken not to get any of this powder onto the very sensitive areas of the vagina or penis.

Moreover, you should avoid smothering the skin, which can clog pores and may encourage pimples. Women should never put talc on their genital areas , as this is associated with an increased risk of ovarian cancer. National Institutes of Health Go to source In fact, talc is no longer used to dry-lubricate surgical gloves because it is believed to become toxic when applied to mucosal tissues. Go over the area with tweezers. If your razor misses a few hairs, simply pluck them out.

Make sure to do it gently, not forcefully. Shaving might make you a little more prone to ingrown hairs or skin infections. Not Helpful 19 Helpful If your hair grows quickly and you want to keep the area smooth, you may need to shave every days. Not Helpful 15 Helpful You can try waxing, sugaring, or threading. There are also hair removal creams formulated for sensitive areas, like the skin around your genitals. For a more permanent solution, look into professional laser hair removal.

Not Helpful 16 Helpful I always do this when I get those little red bumps you sometimes get when you shave. Just never apply any to the vaginal opening. Not Helpful 29 Helpful Shaving can cause itchiness because the skin gets irritated by the movement of the blade.

You may also experience some itching as the hair grows back in. Not Helpful 34 Helpful Full bush. You name it. Whether you have a freshly trimmed flowerbed or lush, overgrown jungle, you're in charge of your own foliage.

Along with that autonomy comes a range of reasons for why people do or don't prefer to have hair down there. Maybe you like the skin around your hoo-ha to be silky smooth for sex. Or maybe you would rather skip the irritated skin and save time in the shower. Curious how common your down-below grooming habits are? Researchers from a university in Belgium actually decided to explore pubic hair trends and the reasons behind them.

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