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Should i become personal trainer

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Graciana Anissa Pundit. Is Ace a good certification? With that said, ACE is also an excellent certification - and there really isn't much difference between the two in most areas. Both are NCCA-accredited, widely accepted by gyms, provide excellent course materials and have similar recertification requirements. Batul Chojnacki Pundit. How much is the NASM exam? Boarisch Slot Pundit. Where do personal trainers work? Here are 9 places a trainer or fitness instructor could work you may have never considered.

Apartment Complexes. Community Centers. Online Training. Outdoor Boot Camps. Corporate Wellness. Resorts and Cruise Ships. Athletic Performance Centers. Client's Home. Binta Zekhnini Pundit. Leoma Carta Pundit. What is ACE certification?

They offer personal training certifications , as well as group fitness instructor and health coach certificates. Rosell Fernyhough Teacher. Is a personal trainer worth it for weight loss? If you've been exercising consistently for several weeks or months and aren't losing weight or reaching your goals, hiring a trainer may be a good choice. Teach you how to lift weights and do other exercises: Too often people focus on cardio to lose weight , but you need strength training and core training as well.

Gaye Polledo Teacher. How long does an ACE personal trainer certification last? Coraima Ansorena Teacher. You could train people with specific health issues like heart disease, back problems, or obesity.

You could choose a specific group of people to work with such as the elderly, teens, or pregnant women. You can also pick a specific type of workout to specialize in like Pilates, circuit training, weightlifting, or yoga. After you become a certified personal trainer you have a lot of job opportunities and they are not limited to just working at a gym.

Some of these employment options include spas, corporate fitness, resorts, working for yourself independently, training clients in their homes, and even working on a cruise ship.

If you are willing to put in the time and money to advertise, buy your own equipment, and purchase liability insurance , becoming an independent personal trainer that either works out of your home or visits clients in their home might be the right choice for you. Despite the added expense and work of marketing your business , being an in-home personal trainer offers you the freedom to set your own schedule, be more selective with your clientele, and even charge higher rates.

If you have always wanted to travel the world, becoming a personal trainer on a cruise ship might be the right choice for you. Going on a cruise is one of the most popular vacation choices in the United States. There are multiple cruise lines with dozens of ships that go on hundreds of cruises a year that leave out of US ports. Request a demo to get more information on how to get started today! Why should I become a personal trainer? Despite the added expense and work of marketing your business, being an in-home personal trainer offers you the freedom to set your own schedule, be more selective with your clientele, and even charge higher rates.

Table of Contents. Technique in all its glorious minutiae Basic fitness movements like running , deadlifts , and bodyweight squats look and often feel deceptively simple. But to properly perform even the most basic movements requires knowledge about and experience with form and body mechanics , weightlifting technique , and even physics as they relate to exercise. Heck, if something as specific as the degree to which your knee flexes during a squat can change the entire exercise , imagine how much a good trainer would have to know in order to coach these movements properly and even more so with highly technical movements like kettlebell swings or handstands Three-dimensional knee joint moments during performance of the bodyweight squat: effects of stance width and foot rotation.

Journal of Applied Biomechanics. Female recreational athletes demonstrate different knee biomechanics from male counterparts during jumping rope and turning activities.

Journal of Orthopaedic Science. Jan;19 1 If you like the idea of helping people master technique, make small adjustments to form , or drill a movement repeatedly, personal training could be your calling.

Structure, data, and evaluation Even though regular exercise is proven to help keep your heart healthy and manage weight plus killer biceps, better memory, self-confidence, and creativity , thanks to our unique physiological and genetic make up, everyone responds to it differently. Journal of Applied Physiology.

Effects of the amount and intensity of exercise on plasma lipoproteins. The New England Journal of Medicine. In addition to these biological factors, clients might have mobility limitations, old injuries, and just plain old preferences about what kinds of workouts they like. Working one-on-one with clients requires customizing, planning, and evaluating, starting with finding out or helping determine their goals, screening for movement and mobility , health and fitness history , and lifestyle factors, providing a baseline workout to establish their fitness level, and recording and assessing all the data before even beginning to establish a program.

All kinds of people Being a personal trainer means not just networking to attract clients, but establishing strong, lasting relationships with them. Because personal trainers spend their days working closely with a revolving door of personalities, it helps to be the kind of person who enjoys and even seeks out social attention What is the central feature of extraversion?

Social attention versus reward sensitivity. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Picture spending your days coaching client after client, staying attuned to their needs as they struggle through workouts, all in the stimulating environment of a gym.

Newbies, novices, and new kids on the block Surveys have shown that 50 percent of personal training clients have special medical needs like obesity, arthritis, and diabetes, and that about half of personal training clients are over 45 and identify as beginning and intermediate exercisers.

Science and research Trainers are the scientists who cook up the customized programming that will get us leaner, stronger, faster, and fitter.

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