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Accepted Answer. Almost 3 of these items will be given on Science career by the time you reach level Although Science career is a good bet, there are still other certain places you can put your bets on : Life fruit - Umm I got it on my Science career. Flame fruit - It will be given randomly on Science, either Life Fruit or this. But if you are a good, patient angler, you could possibly fish up one. Death Flower - If you sucessfully climb up to level 10 in Science, you will be given one.
An alternative way is that you have to try your luck at the graveyard. Other Answers. I found the Death Flower seed randomly, on a lot those seeds that say "unknown uncommon seed, very rare. Dunno if it works like the Sims 3 PC version too, where you find the Death Flower on the cemetary growing. User Info: greenlady This might sound weird, but when my Sim had to start writing reports in her police career, she found one in her neighbour's trash can User Info: tiffehkupo.
Meals made with life fruit, such as life fruit pancakes, do not have the same rejuvenating effect. The life fruit can then be found under 'Plant Spawners'. It is an ingredient used to make the dish ambrosia. Doing so requires mastery of the cooking skill and a deathfish , which requires fishing skill 7.
Ambrosia has better effects than life fruit alone, which include resetting the Sim's current life stage. If the Sim has been an elder and is a day until death, if they eat the ambrosia they will act as if they had just aged into an elder Additionally, it will resurrect any ghost Sim that eats it. A life fruit plant can be found and harvested in a tomb in the Pyramid of the Sky in Al Simhara, Egypt. Cookies help us deliver our services.
The Sims Forums. Categories Discussions Activity Best Of Sul sul Simmers! October 22nd - It's time for our Friday Highlights! You can check them out here! Holzibell Posts: 1, May in The Sims 3 General Discussion. I want to grow some rarer plants as my sim is nearly at the top of her gardening level, and I'm still only growing basic types.
Any suggestions on where I can harvest these, particulary life fruit? Thanks, Holly. May edited May You can find Special Seeds required for growing Life Fruit around the science facility, look around the grounds there. Also around the graveyard too, they tend to be more deathflower seeds, but until you plant them and they grow a bit you will not know what you have collected.
Keep going back and collecting till you find some, and good luck.