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Drinking milk or having other dairy products can make snoring much worse because it leaves a layer of mucus in your mouth and throat. This mucous adds to the blockage of the airways. Also, try to avoid eating a big meal just before bedtime. When your stomach is full, it can push up against your diaphragm and affect your rhythmic breathing.
It helps to determine what type of snorer you are in order to really pinpoint how to stop snoring. Taking the time to determine this and why you snore can help you find the right solution and get a good night of rest consistently.
To figure this puzzle out, ask your partner to help you keep a sleep diary to monitor your snoring. By observing patterns in your snoring, you can often determine the reasons why you snore and what makes it worse. If your mouth stays shut while you snore, it may indicate a problem with your tongue and nasal passageways.
If you snore with your mouth wide open, this could be an indication that the tissues in your throat are more likely to be causing you to snore. Sleeping on your back often causes you to breathe through your mouth. This can making snoring worse. If you snore in any position no matter what, it could be a sign of a more serious problem, such as sleep apnea. Please have a visit with your doctor if your snoring is loud enough to keep your partner awake, you wake yourself up, everything you have tried does not seem to help or you snore in any sleeping position.
You may need a more specified approach or more individualized details from a health care provider to determine how to stop snoring in this case. This extra fat can cause the airway to be more narrow and affect normal breathing by creating an obstruction in the oropharynx during sleep. In this case, snoring can be even more pronounced. This particular cause is notably higher in men than women because men tend to put on weight in their neck more than women.
When you lay on your back, the fatty tissue adds pressure onto the airway, blocking it off. Maybe this is why rolling over can sometimes help. The good news is exercising, losing weight and treating obesity can be all it takes to end your snoring, and that will create better overall health too.
Snoring and excessive weight can affect children as well. A study published in the Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health revealed that snoring and sleep apnea were significantly higher in obese children. This is just one more reason why staying fit and healthy, as a lifestyle, is the way to go. As you reach middle age, typically 45—64, your throat becomes narrower and the muscle tone in your throat decreases. Why do men snore more than women? A narrow throat, a cleft palate , enlarged adenoids and other physical attributes that contribute to snoring are often hereditary.
Blocked airways or a stuffy nose make inhalation difficult and create a vacuum in the throat, leading to snoring. Keeping a clean house, free of dust, and a healthy body can help eliminate the snoring as well as the nasal and sinus problems. Alcohol intake, smoking and certain medications, such as tranquilizers and diazepam , can increase muscle relaxation, leading to more snoring. And, of course, smoking causes major problems with breathing in our lungs.
This includes electronic cigarettes too. Studies revealed that sleep positioning plays an important role in snoring and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Subjects were given positioning therapy using a head positioning pillow to see if snoring sounds were reduced in a study published by Scientific Reports.
In most patients, significant improvement was shown whether overweight or normal weight with the use of this pillow. In another study from Amsterdam, an average of 56 percent of patients with obstructive sleep apnea causing snoring was dependent upon supine and non-supine positions.
In fact, these conditions have been on the rise in recent years. Possible shared characteristics include intermittent hypoxia, nerve reflex, inflammation and leptin. Other links include medication, nose diseases, smoking, obesity, and gastroesophageal reflux disease. Notify me of new posts by email. How to Stop Snoring. Weight loss. Breathing through your nose. Getting enough hours of sleep.
Sleep study. Things to Avoid Because They Worsen Snoring Smoking irritates the insides of the nose and throat, and this can worsen snoring in a couple of ways. The most obvious is that swelling inside the nose can cause trouble breathing through the nose. Smoking causes so many health problems, but snoring is one that should improve just a few weeks after you quit smoking. Alcohol within hours of going to bed. Alcohol causes muscles in your body to relax, and it can worsen your snoring and also disrupt your sleep.
Alcohol in moderation is not harmful, so most people do not need to avoid alcohol completely. For people who snore, my general recommendation is to finish drinking at least 3 hours before going to bed so that alcohol has a chance to clear out of your system. Sleeping pills. Many sleeping pills , including those that can be purchased over-the-counter, have a similar effect as alcohol.
It is always best to avoid them, if possible. Melatonin does not contain the same components. Pillows that prop up your head too much to tilt it forward. A pillow that is very large or multiple pillows can tilt your head forward.
This can worsen snoring. A soft pillow for your head is usually a good idea, but too much of a good thing can create problems. Dehydration thickens the mucus in your throat and can lead to more snoring.
While you do not want to drink too much because that can force you to wake up to go to the bathroom, you also want to avoid drinking too little. You will also want to avoid liquids that actually worsen dehydration, such as alcohol or caffeinated drinks. So, how to stop snoring? Well, first it depends on what is causing the snoring.
Same with sleeping in the supine position — on your back. So what can you do to stop snoring? Try to sleep on your side Treatments to Stop Snoring There are several medical treatment options for snoring. These include: Snoring surgery Oral appliances for sleep apnea CPAP There is some date to support the logic that head position relative to the neck may increase airway.
Other treatments to stop snoring include: Stop snoring mouthpieces and anti snoring devices Snoring Remedies See the above pages to find out more information about how to stop snoring.
Body Weight and Snoring Snoring is on the same spectrum of sleep disordered breathing as sleep apnea. Gadgets and Devices to Stop Snoring There are many devices and gadgets that sold online that claim to stop snoring. Recommended Anti-Snoring Mouthpieces:. Provides 2 uniquely-sized mouthpieces designed to treat snoring comfortably and effectively.
Includes free case. Buy Now. Uses tongue Stabilization or Retention, gently pulling the tongue forward to open the airway. Self-molded, adjustable anti-snoring mouthpiece. In our article what to eat to sleep well , we show you some good alternatives for the last meal of the day to leave you feeling well fed and in optimum condition to minimize snoring.
Alcohol is not a good idea. You or your partner may have noticed that after a night of drinking you almost certainly snore, so try to hold off excessive alcohol intake if your goal is to stop snoring.
As for sleeping postures, to stop snoring you should avoid sleeping face up , always lie on your side in the fetal position. You can also raise the part where you lay your head with some extra pillows, this will decrease snoring. There are also some pillows that will help you stop snoring too, depending on the source of your condition. In our article what are the best positions for sleeping , we explain the best positions for a good rest. You can buy nasal strips that are ideal for reducing snoring.
Try them because your problem may be mild and they could solve it. You'll see how much better you sleep when you use them. Similarly, it is recommended that if you share a bed with someone, that this person use earplugs to sleep, effectively eliminating the sound and helping them to get a good night's sleep.