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He was raised primarily by her elder sister Bessie. As of , he is one of eleven actors to play "official" incarnations of Doctor Who. He was sacked from In Which We Serve for being late. Some believe that this damaged his subsequent film career and left Hartnell dissatisfied with how his career in films had turned out. He told co-stars on Doctor Who that he had been offered a role in Doctor Zhivago Whether this was actually true has been questioned.
He was the first actor to play the role of the Doctor in Doctor Who He accepted the part after Cyril Cusack and Leslie French had turned it down. He was the oldest actor, starting at the age of 55, to play the Doctor in Doctor Who until David Bradley was cast to play The First Doctor in 's Christmas episode as well as a small teaser at the end of the previous episode at the age of Peter Capaldi was also 55 at the time of his getting the part, but was still younger than Hartnell by a matter of months.
In , due to the actor's health problems, the decision was made to replace Hartnell as the Doctor but continue the series. The story editor of Doctor Who , Gerry Davis , came up with a unique idea: since the Doctor is an alien, he can transform into another man when he dies, thereby renewing himself. Hartnell reportedly approved of the casting of the versatile character actor Patrick Troughton to succeed him, a decision by Innes Lloyd , the then producer of the series.
However, his former co-star Peter Purves stated in an interview that Hartnell would almost certainly have felt very hurt that anybody felt he could be replaced in the series because he had become so attached to the part that he had originated. He first took the role of the Doctor to get away from being typecast as gruff military types and to appear in something his grandchildren could watch.
Throughout his tenure as the Doctor, he wore a wig when playing the part, as the character had long hair, whereas in private life he himself favored the traditional short-back-and-sides. Very few photographs exist of him dressed as the Doctor without the wig. He appeared in episodes during his three years on Doctor Who This was eventually overtaken by the Fourth Doctor, Tom Baker , who appeared in episodes over seven years. This heavy workload became tough for Hartnell as time went on and his health began to decline.
During his time on Doctor Who he began to increasingly suffer from arteriosclerosis, which caused him to often make mistakes while delivering his lines. Due to lack of time and money, scenes were usually filmed using one take, so these mistakes ended up in the finished episodes and are considered among fans to be something of a trademark of Hartnell's performance as the Doctor.
His was the only version of The Doctor who smoked In his case, a pipe. His final film role was a cameo in The Abominable Dr. Phibes , but he was cut out of the film entirely. As of , Hartnell's incarnation of the Doctor is the only version that has also been played by other actors, while still being referred to as the "First Doctor".
In the film Dr. Who and the Daleks , the Doctor is played by Peter Cushing ; though this was before regeneration had been created. He was a sergeant major in the army and often played one in films and television in particular the TV series of The Army Game Was disappointed and angry when "Doctor Who" co-stars Jacqueline Hill and William Russell told him they were leaving the series.
He got along well with producer Verity Lambert whilst making Doctor Who. However, after she left, Hartnell didn't get on with her successor, John Wiles , and his successor, Innes Lloyd , made the decision soon after joining the series that Hartnell would have to be replaced due to the actor's increasingly bad temper and difficulty in delivering his lines.
By nature, the actor could be slightly cantankerous and austere. According to Jessica Carney in her biography, William Hartnell's exterior was a defense mechanism in order to conceal his deep unhappiness. Claimed to have enjoyed the adulation he received when playing Doctor Who, especially from children.
Was offered the role of Doctor Who on the strength of his performance in the film This Sporting Life In an extremely rare TV interview from , William Hartnell talked briefly about his time on "Doctor Who" - saying that he didn't like having to act opposite the dalek characters as it seemed ridiculous.
Enjoyed life in the countryside when not working. His grandchildren would spend some of their school holidays with he and their grandmother. Was apparently very happy to make public appearances for children, dressed as Doctor Who.
Later in his career, William Hartnell grew concerned about becoming typecast as tough army sergeant characters. They found themselves at odds with Hartnell's political views. Such was his shame at being illegitimate, William Hartnell created a fictional biography of himself. Joined Frank Benson's Shakespearean company, upon deciding on an acting career.
Returned to the theatre in the late s, after a failed attempt to be successful in films. The actor's nervous breakdown during World War II left him with a stammer. Eventually he overcame this. Possibly due to the strain of committing to a TV series full-time, William Hartnell suffered a second nervous breakdown after leaving "Doctor Who.
Fellow actors regarded William Hartnell as a dedicated professional but also someone who didn't suffer fools gladly. Despite his best efforts, William Hartnell wasn't able to locate his biological father. I don't like anything blue or salacious or suggestive because I'm not that type of actor. Because you're not looking into human eyes, you know what I mean. You're looking at a metal object moving about, with a voice-over.
Space travel? Quite honestly, it scares me to death. I haven't the slightest wish to get in a rocket and zoom through the stratosphere. Somebody else can be the first man on the moon.
It doesn't interest me at all. I do, however, believe that there is life on other planets - and that they know we're here but haven't got the technology to get through. It may seem like hindsight now, but I just knew that Doctor Who was going to be an enormous success. Don't ask me how. Not everybody thought as I did. I was universally scoffed at for my initial faith in the series, but I believed in it. It was magical. We did Doctor Who for forty-eight weeks a year but I loved it.
His son-in-law is agent Terry Carney. He was sacked from In Which We Serve for being late. Some believe that this damaged his subsequent film career and left Hartnell dissatisfied with how his career in films had turned out.
In press materials in the s he claimed that his father was a farmer and later a stockbroker; it turns out that he had actually been born out of wedlock, as his biography "Who's There? At age 16 he was adopted by Hugh Blaker, a well-known art connoisseur, who helped him to get a job with Sir Frank Benson's Shakespearean Company.
He started as a general dogsbody--call-boy, assistant stage manager, property master and assistant lighting director--but was occasionally allowed to play small walk-on parts. Two years later he left Benson's group and went off on tour, working for a number of different companies about Britain.
He played repertory in Richmond, Harrogate, Leeds and Sheffield and had a successful run as the lead in a touring production of "Charley's Aunt. William Hartnell Actor. Physical Status Height 5' 8" 1. Began his film career in low budget comedies during the s. William Hartnell was born on 8 January , just south of St.
Pancras station in London. William Hartnell fans also viewed:. Keith Carradine. Patrick Duffy. Antonio Iranzo. Jeff Austin. Billy Braver. Marcel Cerdan. Ron Charles.