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How old is iceberg ice

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In glaciers, years of compression force out air pockets and gradually make the ice denser, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center. Justin Burton , an assistant professor at Emory University who has studied the physics of flipping icebergs, says that the phenomenon is occurring more frequently now due to climate change.

Outlet glaciers are rivers of ice that flow outward from an ice cap or ice sheet and into the sea. According to Burton, outlet glaciers have been retreating in Antarctica and Greenland, and this contributes to iceberg flipping.

A little bit of toothpaste comes out the tube, then it breaks off, and a little bit more comes out the tube, then it breaks off.

Indeed, the Antarctic Peninsula is experiencing some of the fastest warming in the world, and to see a monolith as large as the B15 iceberg as a precursor to larger ice-sheet breakups is a sobering thought.

Earlier that morning on our last day in Antarctica, our expedition team had fished growlers from the brash ice during a zodiac tour around a sheltered, iceberg-laden bay. Growlers are small hunks of ice of less than two meters that occur when an iceberg, or a smaller bergy-bit of between five and 15 meters, has disintegrated. Brash ice , while made up of small bergy-bits and growlers, as well as the nameless apple-sized ice chunks in a constant state of melt, is deceptively dangerous to ships in a way that massive icebergs like BY are not.

Indeed, earlier in the trip our ship was blocked from the entrance of Cuverville Island by a congested floe of brash ice, forcing us to disembark elsewhere. Yet, it was this type of brash ice that we later found ourselves up close to during our zodiac expedition, the air-filled watercraft skimming around the edges of bergy-bits and able to push small growlers out of the way with a pole.

In a sheltered bay near Esperanza Station, a scientific outpost staffed by the Argentine military, we watched lazy Weddel seals sun themselves on a shared bergy-bit next to two Gentoo penguins. Our expedition leader, an Irish biologist studying southern birds, fished small chunks of clear-bubbled ice directly from the water as he worked to dislodge a sharp edged growler from beneath the propeller.

He encouraged us to taste the ice, licking off the overlying salt water to find the pure, flavorless cold underneath. The fizzy pop of bergy seltzer is a familiar, yet unexpected sound. It sounds like a freshly opened can of soda, as the bubbles newly freed from the ice travel up toward the surface of the water. Yet the mundane sound of bergy seltzer belies the sinister power of melt against the bottom of the iceberg.

Each bubble released scores the surface of the ice, compromising its structural integrity. We held the ice shards in our hands to make it fizz, let our skin burn against the freeze, as our expedition guide hoisted the free-floating remnants of a tiny growler into the zodiac to be chipped apart and consumed in cocktails that evening.

The thick clusters of icebergs and ubiquitous loud honking of penguin colonies slipped past us as the ship began to rock more aggressively while moving outside of the shelter of the Peninsula islands. Yet, the farther we travelled from the sheltering island rock formations, the colder the wind became.

Park Passes. Technical Announcements. Employees in the News. Emergency Management. Survey Manual. Glacier flow moves newly formed ice through the entire length of a typical Alaskan valley glacier in years or less. Since its inception in , USGS has collected, preserved In the other 10 chapters, each of which concerns a specific glacierized region of Earth, the authors used remotely The Alaskan landscape is changing, both in terms of effects of human activities as a consequence of increased population, social and economic development and their effects on the local and broad landscape; and those effects that accompany naturally occurring hazards such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and tsunamis.

Some of the most prevalent Fifty years of U. Geological Survey USGS research on glacier change shows recent dramatic shrinkage of glaciers in three climatic regions of the United States. These long periods of record provide clues to the climate shifts that may be driving glacier change.

Glaciers cover about 75, km2 of Alaska, about 5 percent of the State. The glaciers are situated on 11 mountain ranges, 1 large island, an island chain, and 1 archipelago and range in elevation from more than 6, m to below sea level. Alaska's glaciers extend geographically from the far southeast at lat 55 deg 19'N. Introduction: The Portage Glacier, in south-central Alaska, is viewed by thousands of visitors annually who come to the U.

During the past century, the terminus of the glacier has retreated nearly 5 kilometers to its present location Between and , optimum satellite images were distributed to a team of 70 scientists, representing 25 nations and 45 institutions, who agreed to author sections of the Professional Paper concerning either The warming climate has dramatically reduced the size of 39 glaciers in Montana since , some by as much as 85 percent, according to data released by the U.

Geological Survey and Portland State University. Frozen bodies of ice cover nearly 10 percent of the state of Alaska, but the influence of glaciers on the environment, tourism, fisheries, hydropower, and other important Alaska resources is rarely discussed. Geological Survey. Characterization of the microstructures of an ice core reveals the mechanisms by which large bodies of ice deform and flow.

The simulation below reflects the predicted exponential rise in atmospheric CO2 concentrations, a 2xCO2 "global warming" scenario, with a concurrent warming of degrees centigrade degrees Fahrenheit by the year In addition it assumes that precipitation, primarily in the form of rain, will increase over the same time period about 10 percent based on the.

On a January 21, site visit Nick Stasulis and Charlie Culbertson chisled away some of the ice wall so a discharge measurement could be made. The ice walls showed the multiple layers of river ice, snow and slush that froze in over the winter. Skip to main content.

Search Search. Climate and Land Use Change. The age of the oldest glacier ice in Antarctica may approach 1,, years old The age of the oldest glacier ice in Greenland is more than , years old The age of the oldest Alaskan glacier ice ever recovered from a basin between Mt. Bona and Mt. Churchill is about 30, years old.

Apply Filter. Which mountain in the conterminous U. Mount Rainier, Washington, at 14, feet 4, meters , the highest peak in the Cascade Range, is a dormant volcano whose glacier ice cover exceeds that of any other mountain in the conterminous United States. Mount Rainier has approximately 26 glaciers.

It contains more than five times the glacier area of all the other Cascade volcanoes How long can we expect the present Interglacial period to last? No one knows for sure.

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