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Many of the above conditions listed have seizures as a symptom. However, miniature schnauzers are also prone to epilepsy. If your dog is having seizures, clear furniture that might harm her and otherwise seizure-proof your home.
We realize this list seems intimidating! But not all Schnauzers will have health issues, and some of these conditions are quite rare. In general, if your Miniature Schnauzer is showing any unusual symptoms, consult a vet right away. Also, your vet may recommend periodic testing for some of the conditions common to Miniature Schnauzers. Your Miniature Schnauzer can, if healthy, live years. Some dogs will not live as long, because of physical issues. Others may live longer, with good care.
Stripping is done for show-quality dogs. This requires removing loose, dead hairs by hand or with a stripping knife. Clipping, a less time-consuming process, is usually done for house pets. Clipping is done with a shaver to remove the topcoat and reveal the softer hair underneath.
Without regular grooming, Schnauzer hair can become easily tangled and matted. Only you can decide if your house needs a Miniature Schnauzer. These dogs are popular, and have great characters. Plus there are health issues you may have to contend with down the line. Are you ready for that? If the answer is yes, then a Miniature Schnauzer might be the dog for you. For health reasons, you may want to rescue an adult. Breed-specific rescues for Miniature Schnauzers exist.
But sometimes these dogs turn up in normal animal shelters too. But there are risks here too. You will have fewer options with age and health of your potential pet, as well as its show qualities if you care about that.
But be prepared, and be patient. Remember, it may take some time to find the right pup for you out of the limited numbers of Miniature Schnauzers that need rescuing. Breeders of Miniature Schnauzers can be found all over.
You can get a referral from the American Miniature Schnauzer Club. Research your breeder. You want to know that the breeder is ethical and responsible. So if you can visit the site, do that. This lets you see for yourself how your potential pet lives. Ask questions about health history and get documentation before you commit to a purchase. Make sure to avoid puppy mills.
These breeders just breed with money in mind rather than to create healthy happy dogs. Pet stores often buy puppies from puppy mills. So make sure to also avoid pet store when buying your Mini Schnauzer. Show-quality dogs are more expensive. If you just want a dog for your family, you might be able to find one for less.
If you want more help choosing a puppy, check out our Puppy Search Guide. Miniature Schnauzer puppies are the cutest things on the planet. Given the potential health risks, it may save you money and heartache down the line. Pups are usually available at about eight weeks old. You can find out about their development stages here.
Caring for a Mini Schnauzer puppy is a big responsibility. But we have some great guides to help you with all aspects of puppy care and training. Also, they will have different qualities to purebred dogs of both breeds. But, you still need to be careful and responsible if you plan to adopt a mix. Both parents should be tested for genetic issues, and the health of your pup should be examined carefully. Check out the Mini Schnauzer mixes below!
Take a look at some similar breeds that might be perfect for your family. They can suit city or country living if they get their regular exercise. This is also an intelligent breed that takes well to training. If you know any other great Mini Schnauzer rescues, let us know in the comments so we can add them to this list!
My wife and I are in desperate need of advice. We have a year schnauzer that has been a joy to own until about 18 months ago. Now he paces continually, wakes us up at sunrise, no naps. My wife is a heart patient and needs her rest and is not getting it. Oliver also use to ride in a car quietly, but now barks continually and jumps around in the car. Food is the main event — all the time. He is not overweight because of his diet, but you would think he is starving all the time. We have had Oliver to several vets, tried several treatments.
If you have any suggestions, or have experienced any similar things please let me know,. Still have a wonderful MS who has just turned 14 years. We live in a city and we have trained her to walk without a leash with us. Took some patience, lots of love and most importantly only positive stimulation.
A little snack everytime she stopped at the curb, sat on command or returned when called. Great little dog we can take with us wherever we go. Healthwise she has allergic skin issues. We have taken to grainless foods but sometimes she still has itch attacks where overnight she will chew two bald patches. Antihystamine injections at vet always work. Now she is getting old she has catharac which means in the dark-dusk she has to go on the leash as she loses us. Can still run around and lark when she meets a goodlooking wirehaired Dachshund.
Has always been a lovely dog with our kids when they were very small. Very family oriented and cuddly. She was diagnosed with lymphoma. My heart was broken. They truly are a wonderful breed. Our newest schnauzer, Henry, is 3 mos. He is our 5th schnauzer. After our last schnauzer passed from a liver tumor that burst.
Remy was only 10 yrs old we thought we would never have another dog, it just hurt too much to lose him. But then, after a year, we began to want another fuzzy face. So then came Henry. But, once you own a schnauzer you will probably always have one. All we can do is be happy while they are here and know that we have given them the best life we could. God bless all dogs and dog lovers. They are the best!! Such great personalities. I lost my 1st schnauzer from cancer…. He was the best little guy…close to perfect as you could get.
Bonnie was my first MS and lived to 17 and was healthy her whole life except for cataracts at around Stormie was my second and only made 10 years old due to G I lymphoma. Both were wonderful doggies. Bonnie was raised by a 75 lb put bull named Chopper who made 15 yrs. Now I have Mystie who is 3 in May. What a character! I hope she outlives me cannot go thru the heartbreak again. Do alot of research on your breeder, due to relatively high cost of breed many are only looking to turn a fast buck or adopt and rescue.
Also do alot of research on pet food and use top quality like Orijen, Arcana, Fromme. I grew up with mini schnauzers. We had one that lived to be Just bought my last one in December for my husband. Then my husband passed a month ago. I feel so bad for little Duece. But he has finally stopped whimpering constantly and now sticks close to me.
Wonderful, smart amazing dogs. We already had two Miniature Schnauzers. The other one has just left. She was turning 12 this Feb. I lost her on Jan. She was so cue. Both were great. I a thinking one more and know well how to handle and take care of little pet doggy miniature Schnauzer.
I miss very badly. I have also my spouse who was in military. It would be great t have one more Schnauzer and I love this breed. We have 3 miniature schnauzers. They are extremely intelligent, gorgeous to look at and fairly obedient. They have their moments. I told my husband as I have had dogs before they will settle at 3 then 4 then 5. There are numerous stories on the internet of Miniature Schnauzer that are or have lived to 19 or 20 years.
Yorkshire Terrier and Schnauzer Snorkie In addition to having an incredibly cute name, the Snorkie is a cute and loving pup. Your Snorkie will be a conversation point wherever you go! Pitbull and Schnauzer Schpit. How long do schnauzer Terriers live?
Contents 1 How long do schnauzer Terriers live? This is caused by tumors, usually in the pituitary gland in the brain. More rarely, the tumor is located in the adrenal glands. It can also be a symptom of medication. It can also make it more difficult for a dog to fight infections. Miniature Schnauzers are prone to several forms of heart disease. Heart diseases can, of course, have a negative impact on the Miniature Schnauzer lifespan.
Mitral valve disease is the most common form of heart failure dogs face. It then fails to open and close properly, causing a lack of blood flow. This causes the heart to beat irregularly.
Pulmonic stenosis is when the blood flow from the heart to the lungs is obstructed. Sometimes, dogs have such a mild case that it goes completely unnoticed. More severe cases can cause heart failure. There are two forms of this disease. Type II is most common and will cause a dog to bleed from their nose and gums, or have blood in their urine or stool. Type I is less common but can be more serious. Dogs either show no symptoms, or the disease is deadly for them.
Dogs with no symptoms are still a carrier for the disease and can pass it down if they have puppies. This leads to them being unable to use the hind leg that the disease occurs in. There are several ways to increase Miniature Schnauzer lifespan.
The best way to tackle any problems is head-on, from the very beginning. This means going to a reputable breeder. Of course, rescue is a fantastic option as well! We are by no means discouraging that. This includes seeing the parents and the rest of the litter. Parents and pups should all be healthy, with no hereditary diseases that they could pass down. They should be up to date on their vaccines as well. The next thing you can do to increase Miniature Schnauzer life expectancy is to keep an eye on them and care for them daily.
A healthy diet, hydration, and proper exercise are just as important for your dog as they are for humans! You also want to keep your dog clean and well-groomed. Also remember that, often, the first warning signs of a health condition show themselves through changes in behavior. If your dog is acting weird and you can take them to the veterinarian, you might be able to diagnose problems early.
Taking them to the vet regularly. Regular check-ups are the best way of ensuring your dog stays healthy and happy. While at the vet, you can also keep your pup up to date on their vaccines. And any flea and heartworm preventative they need. However, some Miniature Schnauzers are over 20 years old! So the Miniature Schnauzer lifespan can be huge! I have 6 mini schnauzers.