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These are all considered as truck malfunctions or violations of the regulations that can cause your truck to be declared out-of-service by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration FMCSA. Skipping a designated checkpoint with a clear sign OPEN may also cost your license to get suspended by the Department of Transportation. Note: countries like Washington, Arizona, Indiana, California, Ohio, and Florida have the highest chasing rates, so you might want to skip that skipping.
However, given the technology of today, the Department of Transportation has come up with a feisty way to catch skippers and it is not advisable. You may skip a weigh station once, but you cannot do it every time. The thing about weigh stations is that you have to stop at each and every one of them, and the rules, limits, and regulations vary according to state, but if you are in compliance with the rules and nice to officers, you will have no problems whatsoever.
It really stood out to me when you talked about how weigh stations are crucial because they help prevent structural damage from occurring to highways because of trucks that have too much weight.
I would imagine that the scales that are used to measure the weight of trucks would need to be really sensitive. A more sensitive scale would be able to get measurements that are precise. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
Post Comment. One comment. Henry Killingsworth July 28, at pm. Leave a Reply Cancel Reply Your email address will not be published. Every vehicle exceeding 26, pounds will need clearance either from the Colorado Department of Revenue, the Colorado state patrol officer, or the entry weigh station port. All trucks and commercial vehicles are obliged to stop for inspection of size, weight, equipment, and smoke emissions at the designated checkpoints.
No exceptions here. Literally, every vehicle has to make the stop regardless of the size or weight. The Public Safety Department says the maximum single axle load allowed is Production, manufacture, storage, sale, agricultural, horticultural, livestock product or transportation vehicles, private passenger vehicles exceeding 10 passengers or Police officers pull over vehicles that are suspected of potentially exceeding the weight limits.
All vehicles over 10, pounds are required to stop. The technology used in the scales themselves varies. Let's take a look at some of the more common forms. Load-cell systems are the most popular technology used. Each cell is comprised of a durable material such as steel or concrete with one or more strain gauges attached to or embedded in it.
A strain gauge consists of a wire or wires that transmits a mild electric current. As the cell is subjected to weight, the wire in the strain gauge is altered or compressed slightly. The change in the wire results in a difference in the resistance to the current passing through it. The signal from each cell is sent to a junction box , where sensors measure the variance in the current and calculate the amount of weight the scale is supporting. The strain gauges in load cells can be either compression or tension based.
A compression strain gauge is based on how much the cell compresses when pressure is applied, while a tension strain gauge is based on the slight change in shape of the cell caused by the weight. A bending-plate system uses metal plates with strain gauges attached to them. As weight is applied to the scale, the plates are subjected to stress.
The strain gauge on each plate measures the amount of stress and calculates the load required to cause it. The amounts from each gauge are added together to get the total for that axle. Before you drive, make sure you know the regulations of every state that you are driving through to avoid any penalties, fines, tickets, or court fees. There is not a standard cost for an overweight ticket. It changes in cost depending on the state you are driving through, as well as the gross weight of your truck.
In general, if you are over by only a few pounds, the ticket will be minimal, and if you are overweight by thousands of pounds, your ticket will reflect that. Some states have a flat fee for ranges that you are over, while others will charge you per pound. Vehicle weigh stations are not optional for most truck drivers, but they can be planned and prepared for before starting a trip. If a driver tries to push their luck by avoiding or bypassing weigh stations they can be fined, arrested, and might lose their CDL certification.
You can create a profile with CDL to learn more. Toggle navigation Call Now! News Partner With Us. Create a Driver Profile Sign In. Find a Job Find a School. Request Info. Do truck drivers have to stop at every weigh station? What do weigh stations check for? Who needs to stop at vehicle weigh stations? What happens at weigh stations?
Why do semis get weighed? How do virtual weigh stations work? Why do trucks have to weigh in on the highway? What happens if a truck is overweight at a weigh station? What is the fine for an overweight truck?