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How can i do quantum jumping

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You deliberately decided to quantum jumping into your preferred reality. Many people use quantum jumping to learn a new skill, have more money, or make the right choice. One of the benefits of quantum jumping is that you can tap into the version of you who became successful or who mastered something you want.

With practice, you can ask your alternate self how they made it. In essence, this process is similar to what I described in one of my articles on how to connect with your future self. You switch off your awareness in this reality and instead become aware of you in the preferred reality. Some people believe that we do this constantly without even realizing it. Everyone does quantum jumping, and usually, the changes between your current and future reality are insignificant.

However, sometimes, the change may be so significant that it seems like a miracle. I certainly had those experiences. And when you search back in your history, you may also recall that something changed quickly out of the blue. Although I believe that everyone quantum jumps. In theory, one could easily justify, I can manipulate someone. Every reality has pros and cons. I teach the process only those of my clients who I know that are spiritually mature enough to also deal with possible consequences.

Since the topic of parallel universes and quantum jumping is interesting, I invite you to share your experience or perspective on my Facebook page. What is your soul journey?

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To outgrow others means that you dare to go beyond others have ever dared to go. This is how to expand your energetic barriers. The daily embodiment is about bringing your mind, heart, body, and soul on the same page.

By doing so, we spiritualize every aspect of our being. We use cookies to personalize your experience. By using our website you agree on our Terms and conditions and Privacy Policy. Sylvia Salow. How to Quantum Jumping? Tap Into Infinite Versions of You. June 4, - Sylvia Salow. Share on facebook. What is the Age of Aquarius? Chris Hawke.

Related posts. This popup will close in:. Join the exciting movement of transformation. When you step into uncertainty, you allow a new probability, something new to come along, something new to happen.

Nothing miraculous can happen in thinking the same thoughts, doing the same things, and feeling the same emotions. Something miraculous comes when you step into the unknown. The only thing that can happen is everything that's happened in the past.

We're in kind of like a straight jacket. But when you step into the unknown, it might be a little bit, Whoa, what can happen here? But in the unknown of, well, what could happen, something really cool can happen. It's about being more spontaneous, do something you've never done before, go out and go to some yoga class. But sometimes what I do is when I'm driving home just from the gym, some simple, some very small version of it, I'll take a completely different route home because my mind isn't able to go straight to that thing.

And when you do something that you've I've never done before, what happens is the brain goes, Whoa, I've got to start making new connections here. And because I have to start making new connections, I'm going to make new assumptions about how reality is and about how I relate to reality. And in those new assumptions is when you could start to create a new neural network, which would, that new neural network comes to a new type of experience, a new type of way of relating to the world where change and transformation can happen.

It also tells yourself, Yo, I'm the kind of person that can do things I've never done before. Get a new type of results. And you also expand. Some people go in every day to work, they do the same things, have the same emotions, and they experienced the same things over and over and over again.

They're shifting, they're just not aware of it, but they're also shifting to the same type of thing over and over again. The key is creating a greater degree of change. If you want to create a greater degree of change, you have to be able to change your identity, change your identity, the human strength, the strongest human desire there is to remain consistent to the way that we define ourselves.

The ego will do everything it can to be right. Even subconsciously, like I don't know if you want to motivate more than 50, a year. Well if your ego says no, that's not the kind of person you are and you have to be right. Maybe part of you sabotage is yourself.

Well, that's the ego. Try and remain consistent with the way it defines itself. What I found to be the most powerful thing to do is to focus purely on shifting your level of consciousness. Because when you shift your level of consciousness, you're in a higher vibration and then you can create things that you want easier than ever.

I'm going to make this video go live when The Shift Experience Webinar is live and what you can do is join and have a mini shift experience yourself. I reveal all of that for the first time and the top of the description box below, and you can join that Webinar and I'll show you how to really create this shift in your life and it's both a shift in consciousness and shifting your vibration.

It's really a shift in identity, and you can experience that for yourself. Remember the three quantum jumps. You can experience this first off, change your assumptions, change your expectations, going in with a fresh attitude, and even seeing people as more maybe more positive when you used to see them as negative.

Visualize something, write it down on a piece of paper, state it as if you have it, and then let it go to your higher mind and burn it in a safe way or shred it, she edited. Thirdly, you begin to do is just to be, I like to go this way, be spontaneous because when you're spontaneous, you're in a completely new vibration and you create amazing things in your life.

My name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness. My areas of interest for this blog include motivation, meditation, neuroscience and enlightenment. The purpose of aarondoughty. I will openly and passionately share the tools, resources and processes that have made a difference in the quality of my life to help you do the same in yours.

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