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Hence, the tissues die and go through the process of decay, medically termed as necrosis. It is caused by a bacterium; group A beta hemolytic streptococci which is common culprit in this type of disease, which targets the layers of tissue, which is termed medically as fascia, in your muscles. It is a serious and very rare disease condition. In occurs in 1 out 4 people. There are many different ways in acquiring the bacteria which causes the disease condition. The one common reason is when the culprit bacteria enters your body through an open wound, from a burn, a cut, surgery, or an insect bite.
You can also get it:. It is important that you keep in mind that this flesh eating disease occurs very rarely. So even if you have the factors mentioned above, the chances of acquiring it is low. The necrotizing fasciitis is caused by many bacteria. Bazan, DO. Necrotizing fasciitis is a rare but severe and rapidly progressive bacterial infection associated with significant damage and destruction of deep soft tissue structures such as muscle, connective tissues and fat.
While necrotizing fasciitis can be caused by different types of bacteria depending on patient-specific risk factors, one of the most well-known bacterial pathogens associated with this infection is Streptococcus pyogenes, also known as Group A Streptococcus. Patients who develop necrotizing fasciitis can have specific risk factors that allow bacteria to gain entry into the soft tissue spaces.
These can include breaks in the skin or mucous membranes, penetrating injuries due to trauma, recent surgical procedures, immunosuppressive conditions and others. However, this infection can also occur in healthy individuals of any age and with no clear or obvious predisposing conditions.
What makes necrotizing fasciitis so dangerous is that it progresses very rapidly usually within hours and can often trigger dangerous related conditions such as septic shock, multi-organ failure and loss of limbs, even when appropriate therapy and management is provided. Medical providers need to be acutely aware of patients who present with signs or symptoms that could point toward this life-threatening infection.
The most common body sites where necrotizing fasciitis tends to occur are the extremities arms, hands, feet and legs. However, necrotizing fasciitis can also occur in the head, neck and groin regions depending on the circumstances and risk factors. One of most important things is to recognize and make the diagnosis early and initiate treatment as quickly as possible. The treatment of necrotizing fasciitis involves aggressive surgical wound treatment, removal of the infected tissue, administration of appropriate antibiotics and general support of the patient to ensure appropriate blood, lung and heart function.
Many factors can play into the final outcome of a patient with necrotizing fasciitis. It may require multiple surgical procedures to treat and then additional procedures such as delayed wound closure or skin grafting. Each case is unique. Your doctor will be able to give you more specific information about your individual case. However, you can reduce your risk with basic hygiene practices.
Wash your hands frequently with soap and treat any wounds promptly, even minor ones. If you already have a wound, take good care of it. Change your bandages regularly or when they become wet or dirty. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC lists hot tubs, whirlpools, and swimming pools as examples of places you should avoid when you have a wound. Treating the infection early is very important to avoid complications. Cellulitis is a common bacterial skin infection. Learn more about its symptoms, how it's treated, and how you can prevent it in the first place.
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