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Piastra et al. Participation in PA and exercise can contribute to maintaining quality of life, health, and physical function and reducing falls [ 19 — 21 ] among older people in general and older people with morbidities in particular. The increased attention to the relationship between exercise and HRQOL in older adults over the last decade is reflected in a recent review, which showed that a moderate PA level combining multitasking exercise components had a positive effect on activities in daily living, highlighting the importance of physical, mental, and social demands [ 22 ].
To reduce falls, balance training is also recommended to be included in physical exercise programs for older adults [ 12 ]. The gender perspective and motivators for fall prevention are at focus in M.
Sandlund et al. Exercise training in older people has been associated with health benefits such as decreased cardiovascular mortality [ 24 ].
Explanatory mechanism likely to be involved following exercise was a change in the cardiac autonomic balance producing an increase, or a relative dominance, of the vagal component [ 25 ].
Furthermore, endurance exercise training in older people decreases resting and submaximal exercise heart rate and systolic and diastolic blood pressure and increases stroke volume [ 26 ]. This is especially notable during peak effort in which stroke volume, cardiac output, contractility, and oxygen uptake are increased, while total peripheral resistance and systolic and diastolic blood pressure decreased. Thus lowering after-load in the heart muscle, which in turn facilitates left ventricular systolic and diastolic function, emphasizes the importance of high intensity training also for the elderly.
Tamuleviciute-Prasciene et al. Exercise may also have benefits for the brain centers that support executive control. It may be that strong executive functioning in itself may facilitate consistency for this challenging activity. Poor executive control has been associated with lower self-reported PA rates over a 2-year period [ 27 , 28 ].
In the paper of M. McCaskey et al. In order to attain a high level of cardiorespiratory fitness, it is recommended to be physically active for 6 months or longer. These recommendations may also be applied to balance exercises in order to reduce falls [ 23 ].
Many elderly individuals are incapable of sustaining activities for this long on their own. Successful maintenance of PA typically requires substantial support and supervision. Even then, a high percentage of people drop out due to difficulties negotiating everyday costs of activity participation like scheduling conflicts and competing sedentary activities or health issues. This issue is highlighted in the study of T. Adachi et al. In addition, reduced bodily functions can make it difficult for elderly persons to maintain exercise under different environmental circumstances, which is demonstrated in the contribution of B.
Balmain et al. In this special issue, we have included papers that focus on the aging process and PA in a broad perspective, focusing on different aspects on PA, exercise, and older people. PA and exercise play an important role in the primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention, in the management of diseases, to counteract sarcopenia and falls as well as improving physical performance and activities of daily living, as these papers illustrate.
Promoting exercise among the older population is an important public health and clinical issue. A core issue is how to get older people with comorbidities to exercise. National Center for Biotechnology Information , U. Journal List Biomed Res Int v. Biomed Res Int. Published online Dec 5. Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer. Physical exercise is as essential for the elderly as it is for people of other age groups.
Recreation is the key to having a healthy mind, along with a healthy life. Besides improving the quality of life, exercising in groups also help you make new connections, get acquainted with new people and also continue to improve your overall well-being. For elders who recently went through a major procedure or live alone at their homes while their children are living elsewhere, it gets difficult to manage themselves emotionally and also becomes challenging to carry out even the smallest of tasks.
Hence, indulging in physical activities not only improves functioning but also improves the mental health in older adults. Here are some of the benefits of recreational activities for senior citizens.
Senior citizens, when gone through major health shifts, such as surgery, are often at great risk for depression and anxiety compared to other age groups. Hence, involving in recreational activities will be of great help to them and reduces risks in many ways. These activities bring out the lost sense of competence in them, boosts self-esteem, and refreshes them. Besides, involving in group activities also eliminates their need for company and the feelings of loneliness as well as isolation.
Further, it also improves mood and promotes positivity. Studies have shown that seniors living in areas with greater social capital had significantly higher physical mobility scores than those living in lower social capital neighborhoods.
The consistency of club meetings allows you to have regular contact with other people who share your interests. Volunteering in your community brings you a sense of accomplishment as well as providing important social interactions. Fitness centers combine two necessary activities for seniors: physical exercise and social activities.
Pet Friendly. Scheduled Transportation. Coordination with Healthcare Providers. Importance of Elderly Socialization. Why Do Seniors Need to Socialize?
January 17, Benefits of Social Interaction in the Elderly Consistently participating in social activities delivers multiple physical, emotional and mental health benefits for seniors.
The benefits of participating in activities for the elderly can include:. Risks of Social Isolation in the Elderly Remaining socially active is important as we age.