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[Ebook PDF Epub [Download] Why does talc feel greasy

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Inhaling the very small particles that make up talcum powder can lead to lung irritation and respiratory distress. Continuous application of or exposure to talcum powder can negatively affect infants, children, teens and adults. Even asbestos-free talcum powder can cause irritation and inflammation of the respiratory system when ingested or inhaled. A type of lung disease called pulmonary talcosis is a rare disorder caused by the inhalation of talc through occupational exposure or continued inhalation or ingestion of talc.

A report published in BMJ Case Reports describes a year-old woman who had a 4-month ritual of inhaling cosmetic talcum powder. She developed talcosis 10 years later. The disorder involves inflammation, chronic cough and difficulty breathing. Many case reports of infants and preschool children experiencing adverse effects from talcum powder exist.

When babies or children inhale the tiny particles in baby powder, it can produce a drying effect on their mucous membranes and affect breathing ability. If enough powder is inhaled in one moment or over time, it can lead to serious lung damage.

A case report published in the BMJ describes a week-old baby who accidentally inhaled and ingested baby powder accidentally spilt on his face during a diaper change. He immediately coughed and choked on the powder, then vomited and refused to eat. Four hours later he was admitted to the hospital with severe respiratory difficulties.

Thirty minutes after hospital admission, his condition deteriorated and he went into respiratory arrest. After his airway was secured, he vomited a white talc-like substance. Talc granulomatosis occurs when intravenous drug abusers inject tablets containing talc that are intended for oral use.

Talc is used in these tablets to hold the components of the medication together. Research suggests that injecting talc into blood vessels can cause arterial obstruction, loss of blood flow to bone tissue, and the formation of granulomas in the lungs.

Granulomas are formed by an infection or inflammation caused by the presence of a foreign substance. If you choose to use products containing talc, choose companies that certify their product is talc-free, especially if you are using the powder or lotion in your pelvic area. There are many natural and safe ways to prevent diaper rash in infants and young children.

This homemade diaper cream will help reduce inflammation and skin irritation without putting your baby at risk. Magnesium oil is another safe alternative.

In the course of shopping for memory foam, I've noticed how differently they can feel from one another. Some are close to feeling like regular polyurethane foams while others have a very wet, greasy feel that tends to crush down to a hard layer and I don't like the feel of them Is there a different name for these or some way to tell from a description which type it is?.

After 5 years on my SleepEZ latex bed, I feel like I need some kind of change but even after all of the reading and research and trying different mattresses, I do not know where to turn to get the attributes I need. I need a bed that will hold my spine in a neutral position but I also need a top layer that will give soft comfort and eliminate pressure points. Unfortunately, every time I add a topper to my latex bed, I end up sinking in at my hips and losing the neutral spine position.

If you go with a mattress that holds your spine neutral, it always seems to be a hard, firm mattress that doesn't cushion your bones at all, but if you go with a soft, cushy mattress, your spine sags and it puts pressure on those pinched nerves. How in the heck do you find a mattress that satisfies both requirements? Can it be done or is it always a trade-off?

For those manufacturers or retailers that have been invited to become members, and for any consumer that wishes to find their "best fit" mattress, we hope you choose to take advantage of what TMU offers as we believe the value of our services and information, our willingness and ability to work on behalf of and connect educated consumers with the better retailers and manufacturers across the US and Canada, are second to none on the internet. Mattress manufacturer and retailer memberships are available for companies that sell directly to consumers, but are by invitation only.

Mattress Shopping Guidelines. Mattress Specifications You Need to Know. Finding a Great Mattress Outlet. Mattress Forum. Why is some memory foam very greasy feeling, like it's wet? Hello, I've been a member here for several years but the forum seems to have changed and I cannot figure out if I'm posting my question the right way, so hopefully bear with me.

Some are close to feeling like regular polyurethane foams while others have a very wet, greasy feel that tends to crush down to a hard layer and I don't like the feel of them.

Is there a different name for these or some way to tell from a description which type it is? I keep reading gel, gel infused, isotonic, etc. And while I'm at it, what is the proper way to post a new question to the forum? Hi SleepDeprived, Welcome back and thanks for your post.

I moved your question to a new thread; at the moment we have the "post new topic" thread open only from the expert dedicated forums while we add new user-friendly features and perform development work in the backend of the site.

It forms from at least two processes. Most large talc deposits in the United States formed when heated waters carrying dissolved magnesium and silica reacted with dolomitic marbles. A second process of talc formation occurred when heat and chemically active fluids altered rocks such as dunite and serpentinite into talc.

Most of the talc deposits in the United States are in metamorphic rocks on the eastern side of the Appalachian Mountains and in rocks metamorphosed in convergent terranes of Washington, Idaho, Montana, California, Nevada, and New Mexico. Deposits of talc are also found in Texas. Foliated talc: Talc is a metamorphic mineral that frequently exhibits distinct foliation.

Most talc in the United States is produced from an open pit mine where the rock is drilled, blasted, and partially crushed in the mining operation. The highest grade ores are produced by selective mining and sorting operations. Great care is taken during the mining process to avoid contaminating the talc with other rock materials. These other materials can have an adverse effect on the color of the product.

Contamination can introduce hard particles that cause problems in applications where talc is being used because of its softness or lubricating properties. Partially crushed rock is taken from the mine to a mill, where it is further reduced in particle size.

Impurities are sometimes removed by froth flotation or mechanical processing. The mills usually produce crushed or finely ground talc that meets customer requirements for particle size, brightness, composition, and other properties. Uses of Talc: Talc is used as a filler, coating, pigment, dusting agent and extender in plastics, ceramics, paint, paper, cosmetics, roofing, rubber and many other products.

Data from the United States Geological Survey. Talc: Foliated talc that has a black color in massive form but cleaves into thin, flexible, inelastic and colorless sheets. The best way to learn about minerals is to study with a collection of small specimens that you can handle, examine, and observe their properties.

Inexpensive mineral collections are available in the Geology. Most people use products made from talc every day; however, they don't realize that talc is in the product or the special role that it plays. It is mainly used as a filler. The platy shape of talc particles can increase the stiffness of products such as polypropylene, vinyl, polyethylene, nylon, and polyester. It can also increase the heat resistance of these products and reduce shrinkage.

Where the plastic is extruded in the manufacturing process, talc's very low hardness produces less abrasion on equipment than harder mineral fillers. When used as a filler in ceramics, talc can improve the firing characteristics of the greenware and the strength of the finished product. Most paints are suspensions of mineral particles in a liquid.

The liquid portion of the paint facilitates application, but after the liquid evaporates, the mineral particles remain on the wall. Talc is used as an extender and filler in paints. Rocks are made of minerals. The second most common mineral on Earth is quartz.

Log in. Science Experiments. See Answer. Best Answer. Study guides. Q: What mineral has a greasy feel? Write your answer Related questions. What kind of rock is sulfur? What is a gray and greasy mineral? What minerals have a greasy feel? How do you recognize greasy hair? What mineral has a greasy feeling and is used in writing? What do silky greasy glassy and pearly indicate in a mineral? What mineral hs a greasy luster when uncut?

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