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Amend the soil with 1 to 2 inches of sphagnum peat or an acidifying fertilizer, worked into the top 12 inches of soil before planting. Grow your berries in large containers if your soil is too alkaline to adjust. Compensate for clay soil density by heavily composting it and mounding the lightened clay to promote better drainage. Sandy soil will grow berries once it is enriched with a layer of compost or manure. Set the plants in rows with adequate room for the inevitable runners -- about 18 inches apart in the garden.
Cover the roots completely but leave the bud or crown exposed. Keep plants well-watered and add a layer of straw or leaf mulch, or a black plastic cover with slits for plants to poke through, to hold in soil moisture. The soil should be moist, not soggy. Once the plants fruit, be careful not to leave water on the young berries or they could rot. Prune runners for all new plants so the full growing energy is channeled into producing lush, large fruit.
If the plants bud before they are fully grown, pinch the first buds off to encourage healthier, more robust plants and better harvests later in the season. Gather your berry harvest before the noon sun heats the garden. Leave the fruit on the plant until it is at least three-quarters ripe red for optimum sweetness.
Pop those sweet, ripe berries into the fridge until you are ready to eat them. Rinse strawberries with cool water right before eating so they remain firm and fresh. Benna Crawford has been a journalist and New York-based writer since Crawford has a degree in theater, is a certified Prana Yoga instructor, and writes about fitness, performing and decorative arts, culture, sports, business and education.
By: Benna Crawford. How to Grow Wine Grapes in Virginia. How to Eat a Maypop When Ripe. For example, June-bearing plants will produce plants around June in most climates, but they have to start their growth process in the previous Autumn.
Different varieties have flavors that will vary. The fruit is known to have a strong aroma and flavor associated with a sweet crop. This is one good reason to use raised beds, which help keep the soil drained and are easier to fill with composted soil throughout the year.
You should plant strawberries in slightly acidic soil. It should have a pH level of 5. Additionally, mixing in aged compost or other rich organic matter will help keep the acidity at the level you need while providing essential nutrients to the growing strawberry plants. You can use this in your garden, where plants typically grow best in ground soil. Use a continuous-release fertilizer to keep your plants fed.
Did you know that your strawberry plant needs at least eight hours of sunlight every day? Make a strawberry smoothie for a quick healthy snack. Smoothies are delicious, nutritious and filling. Chop 8 large strawberries into small pieces and put them in a blender. Pour in 7 fluid ounces mL of cold milk, then add a finely-chopped banana, a handful of mixed berries, and a 1 tablespoon 15 mL of a natural sweetener like honey or agave syrup.
Blend all the ingredients thoroughly then pour the smoothie into a glass for a delicious and filling snack. Roast your strawberries to bring out their sweetness. Although strawberries are associated with a cool and fresh texture, roasting them in your oven can lend a whole new taste to them. The heat from your oven will cause the natural sugars within the strawberry to concentrate, making them sweeter to your tongue. The final result will hold a softer, mellower and more refined taste that makes a great post-dinner snack.
Create a strawberry jam for a delicious homemade condiment. Mash your strawberries to a pulp with a masher or a rolling pin. Then, once mashed to a pulp, add the mixture to a saucepan with a drizzle of lemon juice and 1 fluid ounce 30 mL of an alternative sweetener of your choice Stevia, syrup, or honey work best. Once you reach the desired temperature, transfer the jam mixture into small jars then refrigerate them for hours. Over time, the mixture will solidify. Stew your strawberries for a Christmas-inspired dessert.
Remove the stems of your strawberries then chop them into quarters. Put the strawberries into a bowl then rinse them with cold water. Dry the strawberries off gently then add them to a pot.
Place the pot on the stove and cook them at a medium heat. After 5 minutes, the strawberries will begin to release their juices. Keep cooking until a sauce-like consistency emerges with chunks of fruit still within. Turn off the heat and then add 1 fluid ounce 30 mL of a sweetener of your choice like Stevia, syrup, or honey for a healthy and tasty snack. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered.
Submit a Tip All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. Related wikiHows How to. How to. About This Article. Co-authored by:. Co-authors: 7. Updated: August 26, Categories: Berries. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 23, times. Did this article help you?