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Diarrhea is when you pass three or more loose stools in a day. If your diarrhea lasts more than a few days, your body loses too much water and salt. This causes dehydration, which can lead to death. Diarrhea is usually caused by an intestinal virus or bacteria transmitted through contaminated water or food. Diarrheal disease is the second top cause of death in children younger than 5 years.
About , children die from diarrheal diseases each year. Good handwashing techniques can reduce the incidence of diarrheal diseases by 40 percent. Improved sanitization and water quality as well as access to early medical intervention can also help prevent diarrheal diseases.
Tuberculosis TB is a lung condition caused by bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. TB is one of the top causes of death in people who have HIV.
The cases of TB have fallen 1. The goal is to end TB by This is commonly given to children. Cirrhosis is the result of chronic or long-term scarring and damage to the liver. The damage may be the result of a kidney disease, or it can be caused by conditions like hepatitis and chronic alcoholism.
A healthy liver filters harmful substances from your blood and sends healthy blood into your body. As substances damage the liver, scar tissue forms. As more scar tissue forms, the liver has to work harder to function properly.
Ultimately, the liver may stop working. Stay away from the behaviors that can lead to liver damage to help prevent cirrhosis. Long-term alcohol use and abuse is one of the leading causes of cirrhosis, so avoiding alcohol can help you prevent damage. Lastly, you can reduce the likelihood of contracting viral hepatitis by using protection during sex and by avoiding sharing anything that could have traces of blood. This includes needles, razors, toothbrushes, and more. While deaths from some diseases have increased, those from more serious conditions have also decreased.
Some factors, such as an increasing life span, naturally increase the incidence of diseases such as CAD, stroke, and heart disease. But many of the diseases on this list are preventable and treatable. As medicine continues to advance and prevention education grows, we may see a reduction in death rates from these diseases.
A good approach to lowering your risk of any of these conditions is to live a healthy lifestyle with good nutrition and exercise. Avoiding smoking and drinking in moderation can also help. For bacterial or viral infections, proper handwashing can help prevent or reduce your risk. While most bug bites cause only mild symptoms, some bug bites can transmit disease. Read on to learn more about symptoms and how to prevent bug bites.
Explosive or severe diarrhea usually resolves on its own with self-care. Learn about what to do and when you should see a doctor. Tuberculosis TB is a highly infectious disease that primarily affects the lungs.
Largely thought of as a disease of the past, tuberculosis still…. Learn the definition, symptoms, and causes of CAD by reading our…. Do you have a stomach bug or food poisoning? Discriminating between the two can be difficult. A stomach bug and food poisoning can be commonly…. Death anxiety is real, and it can control how you live your life. But it doesn't have to. The plague is a serious bacterial infection that can be deadly.
Flu spreads easily from person to person, usually when someone who carries the virus coughs or sneezes. A person can have the flu more than once, as many different strains of the virus can cause infection. They may belong to one of three different influenza families: A, B or C. Type A viruses tend to affect adults more severely , while type B viruses most often cause health problems in children.
Type C viruses are fairly uncommon. Pneumonia , a serious condition that causes inflammation of the lungs, can cause complications in people who have the flu. Pneumonia causes the air sacs in the lungs to fill with pus and other fluids, preventing oxygen from reaching the bloodstream. This can be fatal. Chronic kidney disease CKD causes kidney damage.
Damaged kidneys cannot filter blood as well as healthy kidneys. As a result of this, waste from the blood remains in the body and may lead to other health problems. Around 30 million people in the U. Being over 60 years old increases the risk of CKD, as does having a family history of it. High blood pressure and diabetes are most likely to cause the CKD. CKD develops in stages, and it does not usually cause symptoms until its most advanced stage.
In this article, learn more about CKD. When a person dies by suicide, they may have lived with a mental health condition — such as depression , anxiety , or bipolar disorder — for a long time. Suicide is the second-leading cause of death among people aged years. Establishing a strong support network, taking appropriate medications, and seeking therapy may help reduce the risk of suicide.
In this article, learn more about dealing with suicidal ideation, including how to get help. Also, establishing an ongoing relationship with a doctor and undergoing regular screenings for conditions that run in the family can aid prompt treatment if these conditions do develop. Vincent J. Tavella, MPH Answers represent the opinions of our medical experts. All content is strictly informational and should not be considered medical advice.
Looking to take up a new hobby this year? We look at five past-times that are not only fun, but which could have significant benefits for health. There are many ways to improve cardiac health, and watching what we eat is one of the most important. Here, we provide details of 16 heart-healthy…. Stroke blocks the blood supply to the brain and can be life threatening. Learn more about strokes, including the types, symptoms, and how treat and….
Heart disease is a major cause of death. In this article, learn about the different types, how to recognize the symptoms, and what treatment to expect. Alzheimer's disease is the most common type of dementia. Symptoms include memory loss and cognitive decline. Learn more about it here. What are the leading causes of death in the US? Medically reviewed by Vincent J.
Heart disease. Gonorrhea and syphilis are triggered by two bacteria Neisseria and Treponema pallida and are transmitted sexually. In man, gonorrhea produces urinary incontinence, urethra pain, reddening, penis burning sensation and testicle inflammation. In women, it induces severe pain which reaches the trumps and uterus. Syphilis induces ulcered lesion syphilis chancre at the entrance site.
After that, it triggers skin eruptions, fever, hair loss, less severe hepatitis and gential condilloms, but if untreated, the lesions extend to the nervous system, leading to death. The treatment consists in extremely powerful antibiotics ceftriaxone, Cefixime, and others which are also extremely costly. It produces fever, shiver, sweating, cough with expectoration, muscle, head and thoracic pain, appetite loss, weakness.
This is the main cause of mortality in the world: it kills 3. It attacks especially patients with severe immunodepression, those that follow chemotherapy, people who are older than 75, asthmatics, smokers, alcoholics, those with renal insufficiency and children under 2 years of age. It affects especially the poor countries.
Antibiotics work in the case of the bacteria. Therapy includes oxygen, liquids, and physiotherapy. Patients with a simple pneumonia can cure in weeks, but elders or those with debilitating diseases can die of respiratory or cardiorespiratory failure. The vaccine trimetropin sulfamethoxazole is effective against the most frequent complications. Sleeping disease is triggered by the Tripanosoma gambiense and T. The American variant, T cruzi, is spread by biting bugs and cause the disease called chagas.
The toxins of the parasites affect especially the central nervous system and the heart muscle. It manifests through fever, edemas, sleepiness, and meningitis. It affects 60 million people, but only 4 million receive treatment, and it kills , people yearly.
It affects the livestock, being deadly or inducing low fertility, weight and productivity, with severe economical losses. It is found in the habitat of the tse-tse fly: over 10 million square km in 36 African countries. Chagas is found in certain areas of Central and South America.
DFMO, the effective drug, is already not produced. Vaccine exists only for the carrying livestock. There are also efforts to eliminate the flies in some areas. Tuberculosis is caused by the Koch bacterium. It is as old as the humankind. TBC was found even in mummies coming from the ancient Egypt and Peru.
About million people are estimated to have died of TBC since One third of the people carry the Koch bacterium, which spreads through the air and affects all the body, especially the lungs. It induces prolonged coughing, fever, shivering, bloody expectoration, weight loss, sweating, tiresome, and glossy eyes. It infects one third of the world population and each year another new 8 million cases appear.
Each second a person dies of tuberculosis. It is more aggressive in women and persons between 15 and 45 years old. It is worldwide spread, but its advance is rampant in Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Philippines, India and Pakistan, with over half of the new cases.
TBC has a treatment, but it cannot be eradicated because of the emergence of multiresistant strains if the long and costly treatment, of over 6 months, is interrupted sooner than it should.