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Historically, each canton had its own army and money. That changed in when Switzerland came out of civil war and switched to the federal structure it has now.
This means that each canton now has its own government, laws, and constitution. There are 20 cantons and six half cantons in this country. The difference between half cantons and full cantons lies in the belonging seats inside the Council of States. Half cantons only get one, while normal cantons get two seats. You may know Zurich as an international metropolis, but it also happens to be the largest canton of Switzerland.
Its population consists of approximately 1. Legends say this canton was named after the first animal that was killed in the nearby forests, from the founder of the canton itself, Duke Brechtold V. Whatever the legend is, Berne is home to a large cultural heritage. The most populated area of the canton is the city of Berne, which is also the capital of Switzerland. Except for being the economic center of the canton, the city of Berne also holds the Swiss Parliament, situated in the Federal Palace.
Above all, Berne has a dreamlike landscape with its highest mountain being the Finsteraarhorn. However, Lucerne is a whole German-speaking canton, considered as a magnet for international tourists from all over the world. The famous Chapel Bridge dating from the 14th century is one of its most famous landmarks. Its population density number in was ,, and statistics show that this number is only increasing.
Its most popular city is the capital city, Altdorf. Uri has a population of 36,, with most people living in the lower Reuss plateau, since the other half of Uri canton is mostly a mountainous area. This canton is of great importance due to the fact that it was one of the founding cantons of the Swiss federation. Just another canton that shares its name with its capital city.
Obwalden has a population of 37, As of , Most of the population as of speaks German as their first language, whereas Albanian is the second most common. Obwalden is considered a half canton, and it is located in the Sarner Valley in Central Switzerland. This canton is also one of the three original cantons of the Swiss Confederation. If there, you can enjoy a fantastic degree view from the top deck as you travel up the Stanserhorn mountain.
Other than that, Nidwalden offers a wide variety of different outdoor sports activities such as rafting, kayaking, and paragliding. The canton of Glarus, also canton of Glaris, is a canton in east central Switzerland.
The capital is Glarus, which has the highest population number in the canton. The population speaks a variety of Alemannic German. What makes Glarus so attractive to tourists is its mild climate in the valley and its alpine climate in the mountains. Its territory covers the Linth, the Linth Plateau, and Walensee. It is known as one of the smallest yet richest cantons in Switzerland.
The canton is situated between the Prealps and the Swiss Central Plateau. This canton belongs in the Romandy area of the Swiss country the French-speaking part of Switzerland. This region is worldwide known for the delicious cheese they make. The canton is bilingual, with French spoken by two-thirds of the citizens and German by about one third. Its capital city is Fribourg. The western and northern parts of the canton belong to the Swiss Plateau and the southern part to the Swiss Prealps.
The canton of Solothurn belongs to the Espace Mittelland region and is in the German part of Switzerland. This canton is considered to be a hotspot of medical technology. As a pioneer in the field, the Canton of Solothurn has easy access to the know-how in fine-mechanics and handwork of the Swiss watch industry. The city of Solothurn is the capital of the canton and regarded as the most elegant Baroque town in Switzerland. If you received your last dose of vaccine abroad or a have had a positive molecular biological analysis e.
The Travelcheck allows you to check whether and under what conditions you can enter Switzerland. This website uses cookies in order to continuously improve the user experience on the site. By clicking "Accept", you consent to the use of cookies. Coronavirus — the Situation in Zurich Enjoy a vacation in Zurich or excursions in the region despite coronavirus. Here you can find various options if you require a Covid test. Limit tour requests to just one of these steps at a time.
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