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While Mohammad, the Kaaba and the Islamic religion seems to be very well documented in religious sources, I regret to say that there are few authentic Historical sources of Mohammad and Mecca. This is how we can rest assured that scripture-contrary , history devoid, archaeologically unsupportable and geographically impossible Islamic so-called "tradition", that suggests thousands of years of pre-4th century Mecca, is exposed as being a work of pure fiction that was created and put to the pen in the 7th to 10th centuries, without reference to any actual historical record that preceded the 6th century AD.

The suggestion of Abraham, Hagar or Ishmael were ever within 1, kilometers of the place where Mecca was eventually established about 2, years after Abraham roamed the earth , is a demographical and geographical impossibility. Compare the stark absence of pre-4th century historical evidence of Mecca, with the massive volume of evidence of Jerusalem, the historical and geographical epicenter of Judaism and Christianity. One quickly learns that archaeology increasingly confirms the Bible as a reliable source of ancient historical record.

One can hardly excavate anywhere near Jerusalem without finding ancient artifacts. There are a million artifacts just on display! But a featureless cobbled together unsymmetrical stone box would seem inconsistent with the detailed architecture of Hindu temples, let alone that available evidence suggests that the Kaaba did not exist until the 5th century AD when Asa'd Abu Karb built it, while the black stone did not arrive until the late 5th century likely from Yemen.

During those centuries before Muhammad, the Kaaba became populated with idols, dedicated to Arabian Star Family and jinn-devil worship, so the black stone wasn't likely ever considered a lingam or shivling either. URL The investigations of the historian who put together the following 77 minute documentary film, that aired on television in the UK, suggests an even sketchier picture of Islamic history:.

The Temple Mount link to this spot. If the Arabian's "Allah" commissioned the Kaaba to be constructed at the center of the world, below the gate to heaven, why then did YHWH Yahweh give David the site location and detailed instruction for a tabernacle on Mount Moriah , that was built by his son Solomon over 3, years ago, and rebuilt by Herod over 2, years ago, that stood nautical miles from where Mecca was eventually settled in the 4th century AD? The Temple Mount Wikimedia photo courtesy Deror avi.

The second temple having been thrown down every stone - just as Jesus prophesied - was replaced by God's people who are the " temple of God " in this new covenant era. To help put the absence of record of Mecca in perspective, the exact equivalent would be to suggest that there is not a shred of historical or archaeological evidence, that demonstrates that Jerusalem ever existed before the 4th century A.

This would obviously be a ridiculous suggestion regarding Jerusalem, yet it is an absolute matter of fact in regard to Mecca! Why not ask your Imam to direct you to some pre-4th century historical or archaeological evidence of Mecca outside of the created fictional "tradition" penned in the 7th - 10th centuries A.

Where do the Qibla of the oldest mosques point to? Mecca is located 1, kilometers - across barren desert - away from the Holy Land. The record of Abraham's journey as detailed in Scripture and confirmed by archaeology , precludes any notion of Abraham, Hagar or Ishmael ever having been in Mecca. Additionally, they lived over 1, years before the first overland route connected northern and southern Arabia, and over 2, years before Mecca was ever settled.

If Mecca had been the epicenter of Islam since the time of Adam , it would follow that there would be increasingly more archaeological evidence, the closer one traveled to this focal point of Mohammed's 7th century religion.

It also follows that there would be a greater pre-Mohammed historical record for Mecca than any other Arabian city, but no such record exists. From time to time you will also receive Special Offers from our partners that help us make this content free for you. You can opt out of these offers at any time. Guest Contributor. Randy Alcorn. New Visions. Tom Rapsas. How Awake Are We? When Waking Up is Falling Asleep. Daniel Thomas Dyer. Latter-day Saint. They face toward Mecca when they pray; they do not offer prayer to Mecca.

Mecca is a town, not a person or god. Stays in Mecca No one can own the property of Mecca because Mecca is not to be Owned. Christians are not allowed in Mecca, so there are no churches in Mecca.

The city of Mecca is located in Saudi Arabia. Mecca is in the province of Makka. Muslims call it Makkah, but some people call it Mecca. Mecca Menard's birth name is Mecca Windsor Menard. Log in. Saudi Arabia. See Answer. Best Answer. Mecca was founded in BCE. Study guides. Q: When was mecca founded? Write your answer Related questions. LitCharts Teacher Editions. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does.

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