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I was hesitant about reading it at first, but it was great! It's about a girl turning 11 who has her birthday repeat itself 11 times, everyone else not realizing it except her and one other person. She gets a "redo" everyday, so she can get in a ton of trouble and no one will know the "next day". Anyway, read it if you are looking for a good book! Thanks for reading!
Her Interactive. Her Interactive This looks really fun to me! Can't wait! But yeah. What could go wrong? Nancy says we have to get this USB to the police. So we go to see Ryan, and she starts crying to us that Victor yelling at her is killing her soul. She gives us the equipment to build the cage, and she and Ellie will take out the snowmobiles and try to ride for help. To put together the makeshift Faraday cage, we want to get some aluminum foil from the photo lab the silicon wafers are wrapped in foil , then wrap it around the box Ryan gave us.
Then we make a ground from a straightened paper clip and a binder clip. Man, I wish this game had been around when I was in grammar school. That would be funny. So tell her that her boss is a murderer, and she says she and Ryan will go for help. Ryan is on the day shift! Where the hell are you gonna find her? Man, Nancy has to do everything around here. Ellie tells us to hide behind Gray until the police get here, which seems like the only reasonable suggestion anyone has made so far.
Sucks to be Mason. What happened with him and Niko? Gray is relatable. He got stuck in that headspace and it made him crazy. Finally, with regards to what he was shredding — Niko made some discoveries that were very dangerous, like A-bomb dangerous. He made Gray promise to destroy his research if anything happened to him. Justice will be served! Or not. When we exit back out to the main lab, we see Gray knocked out cold on the floor. Well…maybe he just got the vapors? This is some exciting shit, after all.
Victor knocks us out, and puts us in the Faraday cage in the coil room. Why you gotta do us like this. He evils that he knew Victor had something hidden in the lab, and he was looking for it — that was why he wanted us to stay out of here.
How did the murder tape get in there then? Well, whatever. Anyway, he snarls that all he asked us to do was stay out of the lab, but no, we just HAD to go in. Well, damn, Victor, I thought you genuinely wanted us to solve this case! If I had known you were the murderer from the start, I would have handled this much differently!
But sadly for him, we figured it out. So now he has to kill us, too. And then presumably hire another detective and hope they get Ryan arrested this time? This could go on for a long time, Victor. The schematics for the circuit board will automatically pop up on the right, as well as the Tesla Coil book.
So the circuit board should be arranged like so, and the electricity will…escape from the coil…or something…science…something. Victor runs out from the control booth, and the electricity starts sparking off the railings and knocks him out.
This is a very fickle Tesla coil. Victor goes to the hospital, then to jail. A bunch of buyers come forward with proof that Victor was courting them, and they end up cutting funding to the lab. Gray tracked him down and found him trying to sell it at a conference, and they got into a public fight. Fucking Hardys. You should get out of there! You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account.
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This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Search for:. Ned texts us again. Ned, please find a hobby. I beg you. That was amazing. So then we go back to the lab and put the piece in the coil. We also tell her that we need a key card, and Ryan hands hers over. Thanks, Ryan! Like so. Niko goes into the lab… Gray leaves… Then Victor enters, sparky crispy death ensues, and then Victor leaves. Well, this is not good. On the other hand, the comment section is almost uncomfortably realistic.
Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. As ever, Nancy needs 0 minutes to process her trauma or anything like that, so we go straight into continuing our investigation.
We pass the security room, where we hear the shredder buzzing. Gray can only be up to something suspicious. We only heard him threatening to beat up Mason; I bet confronting him can only end well. The phone turns out to be full of texts between Ellie and Mason. But we thought they hated each other! Are they secretly besties? Actually, maybe not; even over text, Mason is still a dick. Well, except Niko. Ellie agrees that their theory is a little shaky, and Mason offers to mansplain it to her.
Ew, I take back shipping them a little. Instead, this is an opportune time to go through her stuff! Clearly, once we figure out these references, we will discover something important.
The note is referring to the books in the downstairs break room. I feel betrayed. Inside the compartment, we find another audio diary, plus an actual diary. Niko, make up your mind. That totally defeats the purpose. Fucking math. His final entry notes that Ellie wondered how much their project would sell for on the open market, and Niko muses that he should look into her finances.
Ellie confesses that she wants to leave TTT. Not because of the murder or anything, she just really longs for the humidity and lack of public transit in the South. We also confront her about waiting 30 minutes to call after finding Niko, but she tells us that the phones were out, and she forgot her cell phone.
Ellie, this game came out in Nobody was forgetting their cell phones in Ellie, you were reading his diary! Did he have a crush on anyone? Did he and Gray have a really tragic breakup? Ellie snipes at us to stay out of her things. That said, she kind of explains it by saying that Niko was kind of a big deal he has many leather bound books and mahogany furniture! Fair enough. Did Niko invent Cambridge Analytica?
We set off the alarm and get him out of the security room, and we can go in and look at what he was shredding. And then! We also find the kill switch for the Tesla coil! I hate him. We tape the shredded pieces back together, and find a drawing of some kind of machine. Then we put the key card we found in the cubicle area in the card reader. Certain squares have to be darkened based on the binary translation of the numbers to the left. You can just copy the picture, okay? The coil lights up, then deposits a note for us.
I fear that I can no longer trust those around me. Up next : At long last, we find a secret passage. A snow storm blows through, trapping us in the lab with our suspects. You are commenting using your WordPress.
You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Search for:. We also find a box of capacitors. Cool beans. We also find some more photolithography supplies, including a silicon wafer that we steal.
I bet nothing could go wrong! The etching of the circuit board is done, so we go back to the lab and pick that up. Why you gotta rain on my parade like this : We wake up in the photolithography lab. Under the table, we also find a suspicious key card. Hmm, who could this belong to?