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The opening in the lip can be a small slit or it can be a large opening that goes through the lip into the nose. A cleft lip can be on one or both sides of the lip or in the middle of the lip, which occurs very rarely. Children with a cleft lip also can have a cleft palate. The roof of the mouth palate is formed between the sixth and ninth weeks of pregnancy. A cleft palate happens if the tissue that makes up the roof of the mouth does not join together completely during pregnancy.
For some babies, both the front and back parts of the palate are open. For other babies, only part of the palate is open. Children with a cleft lip with or without a cleft palate or a cleft palate alone often have problems with feeding and speaking clearly and can have ear infections.
They also might have hearing problems and problems with their teeth. Joshua was born with cleft lip and palate. Read his story as well as other stories from families affected by cleft lip and palate. The causes of orofacial clefts among most infants are unknown. Obligatory errors - Exist due to structural abnormalities such as dental deviations or hypernasality These are not likely to improve unless there is a structural repair such as surgery.
Compensatory errors - learned articulation errors that can develop based on the way the child learned to produce speech sounds before a structural repair. That is, the child continues to produce sounds with incorrect placement even after a structural repair that allows for the correct placement is made.
Language Disorders: not as common as speech sound disorders, but can be associated with clefts. Expressive language delays Significant language delays in children whose cleft is due to a genetic syndrome Voice and Laryngeal Disorders Vocal Nodules Edema, or swelling, of vocal cords Vocal hoarseness Resonance disorders e.
Authors Laura L. Whitford Au. Jennell C. Birth defect: The formation of a face is a complicated process involving fusion of different tissues and cell types. There is a spectrum of abnormailities that fall into this category. Louis Gallia answered. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 45 years experience. Lip vs palate: A cleft lip is a cleft in the lip, unilateral or bilateraly. A cleft palate is a cleft of the palate - it may be in the front, left right or bilateral.
Or in the back - either of the bone of the palate of the bone and soft tissue. Paul Grin answered. Pain Management 36 years experience. Palate vs Lip: A cleft lip is an opening in the lip whereas a cleft palate is a split in the roof of the mouth. Mazin Kizy answered. Cleft lip only affects the upper lip. Cleft palate is an opening on roof of the mouth. Frequently these occur together. Cleft palate has different degrees of severity. Some much harder to deal with than others.
Clefting is one of the most common major congenital defects in humans. Scotty Bolding answered. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 28 years experience. Lip vs roof of mouth: A cleft lip is a lack of continuity of the upper lip leaving a defect or void of the lip. The palate is a hole in the roof of the mouth where the roof of the mouth did not fuse. These can occur separately or together. This defect happens while the baby is forming. Daniel Sampson answered. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 26 years experience.
See below: The palate is the hard and soft portions of the roof of your mouth. Some people will only have a cleft palate or an isolated cleft lip , but most people have a cleft that involves both. David Astrachan answered. Incomplete closure: During development of the fetus the palate and upper lip start separated from each other.
During development the palate and lip come together and ultimately fuse. Rarely the palate doesn't fuse leading to a space between the two sides cleft palate or the lip doesn't fuse cleft lip or both fail to fuse cleft lip and palate.
Earl Sandroff answered. There left is a malformation in both and possibly even holes that need to be fixed. They do make obturators to help with keeping the palatial situation to a minimum until surgery can be done. The lip likewise can be repaired with surgery at almost any time.
The opening can range from a small notch in the upper lip to complete separation on both sides of the mouth, extending into the nose. The bones in the upper gum line and upper jaw can be separated as well. A cleft palate is when the soft palate, toward the rear of the roof of the mouth, or both the soft and hard palate , located toward the front of the mouth, do not close completely during pregnancy. Cleft lip and cleft palate appear when the different facial features, which develop separately in utero, do not connect properly prior to birth.
The palate typically closes at 10 weeks gestation, while the lip closes at between five and six weeks gestation.