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Buddhism comes from your heart and the way you behave. It does not show by the way you dress or the place you live. Not Helpful 25 Helpful How often and for how long you like. However it is recommended that you have some kind of schedule for when to meditate in order to become used to it. A start might be meditation five minutes, one time every day, then maybe ten minutes, one or two times etc.

Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. By using this service, some information may be shared with YouTube. Buddhism has many complicated philosophical texts; do not feel frustrated if they confuse you.

Helpful 31 Not Helpful 3. Helpful 30 Not Helpful 4. Helping others is an essential part of Buddhism. They were excommunicated from Nichiren Shoshu in Helpful 28 Not Helpful 6. Helpful 25 Not Helpful 6. Submit a Tip All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published.

Related wikiHows How to. How to. Co-authors: Updated: January 14, Categories: Featured Articles Buddhism. Italiano: Diventare Buddista. Deutsch: Buddhist werden. Bahasa Indonesia: Menganut Agama Budha. Nederlands: Boeddhist worden. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 1,, times.

Reader Success Stories Mandy 6 days ago. More reader stories Hide reader stories. Did this article help you? Cookies make wikiHow better. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our cookie policy. About This Article Co-authors: Mandy 6 days ago. Ashlyn Renee May 27, It's very well-written, informative, and easy to read.

I've been searching for my own answers, researching religions, and doing my own thinking about life and spirituality. This article helped me realize that my beliefs are Buddhist! Thanks for convincing me that Buddhism is the right path for my life. Seji Dino May 25, This article was very approachable, and I feel so happy to have read it. I hope that I and everyone else can live life spiritually however they choose, and these articles help people do that.

Rated this article:. Nav Singh Jul 23, I don't feel like anyone is forcing me to join the religion. After reading all comments, I think it's a free religion, actually it's beyond religion. I'll definitely buy a book, read about Buddhism, start meditation and try to join a Buddhist community.

Andrew Baker Aug 8, Most of the doctrines of most of the world's religions reflect some small part of a great and absolute truth—a truth that perhaps should be considered symbolic rather than literal. As Joseph Campbell would say, all religions are true.

You just have to understand what they are true of. The other false assumption is that thinking the correct thoughts and believing the correct beliefs are what define religion.

For a great many people, there's an assumption that proper practice of ritual and behavior is what constitutes proper religion. But an attitude that is perhaps more accurate is that of historian Karen Armstrong when she says that religion is not primarily about beliefs.

Rather, "Religion is a search for transcendence. Of course, transcendence can be conceptualized in many different ways, also. We might think of transcendence as union with God or as entry into Nirvana.

But the conceptualizations may not be that important since all are inherently imperfect. Maybe God is a metaphor for Nirvana. Maybe Nirvana is a metaphor for God.

The Buddha taught his monks that Nirvana cannot be conceptualized and that any attempt to do so is part of the problem. This is really a way of saying the same thing the Buddha taught. It may be hard for humans to accept, but there are places our almighty imaginations and intellects simply cannot go. This is not to say that beliefs and doctrines have no value because they do. Doctrines can be like a flickering candle that keeps you from walking in total darkness.

They can be like markers on a path, showing you a way others have walked before. Buddhists judge the value of a doctrine not by its factual accuracy but by its skillfulness. In this context, skillfulness means any practices that reduce suffering in a meaningful, genuine way. A skillful doctrine opens the heart to compassion and the mind to wisdom. That might be why many consider it more of a form of psychology rather than a religion.

This handy beginners guide can help anyone interested in learning more about this spiritual belief system. Before we explore how to practice Buddhism, we should establish the basics.

First and foremost: how do we define Buddhism? Especially considering this spiritual tradition has over million international practitioners and is known to be one of the oldest religions in the world.

Buddhism is a spiritual tradition, also known as one of the most ancient religions that were started by the Buddha himself. Well, over 2, years ago in Nepal, a young man sat beneath a Bodhi tree to meditate.

After becoming Enlightened, he laid the foundations of this ancient spiritual tradition. The answer to this question is simply: yes. In fact, anyone can become a Buddhist. The best way to make this decision is to understand the core values of Buddhism before you embark on the Buddhist path.

Find out if the spiritual beliefs of the modern-day Buddhist align with your core values. Only then will you be able to practice Buddhism with appreciation and respect. When we think of the word, buddha , we often think of The Buddha — the man whose teachings became the core of Buddhism. In fact, there are branches of Buddhism that believe anyone can become a buddha — and that includes you.

A buddha is a person that is able to see the world with eyes unclouded by judgment or bias. Easier said than done, right? However, the Mahayana and Theravada are the two most popular schools of Buddhism. These schools possess some degree of similarity but are different in very many ways. For example, the Mahayana and Theravada have the same fundamental belief system but, the Mahayana focuses their teachings on being a Bodhisattva, while Theravada teaches more on the practice of Dharma.

There are Buddhist temples in many cities in the world. Each temple rises from a particular Buddhist school. Thereby, the teachings and classes would differ in some ways. The best way to choose a suitable temple is to visit the temples and make inquiries from the community.

Ask for the activities they offer and attend some classes to determine if you are comfortable with the atmosphere. Start from the Buddhist temple nearest to you. When you find the most convenient temple, join the community. Buddhism encourages communal living so you will be highly welcomed and guided gradually by both the devotees and the monks. Attend classes and make friends with others. Follow up with various other fun activities such as trips to various Buddhist temples across the world.

This can be a great way to involve yourself adequately. Seek guidance and ask questions, the monks are accommodating and will inform you gently.

If you feel anxious at first, see it as normal, you will get there with time. You can do this by taking refuge in the Triple Gem. This involves a ceremony of affirmation, where you publicly declare your commitment to the Buddha, the Sangha, and the Dharma that make up the Triple Gem.

During this ceremony, you vow to uphold the Five Buddhist Precepts. Before taking refuge in the Triple Gem, you must prepare yourself adequately for this special ceremony. Do not feel pressured to take refuge, instead understand very well the requirements and the process of the ritual involved.

This is where you profess your faith in:. You are likely to receive a certificate of affirmation and a Buddhist kata symbolizes the robe the monks wear. You wear this scarf in gatherings to show that you have officially taken refuge in the Triple Gem. Note that this ceremony of taking refuge differs with the different Buddhist schools. The community you have joined will guide you through this process once you make up your mind. Now that you are officially recognized as a Buddhist, it is important to keep living out your vows.

Remain connected to the community you have joined, form the habit of studying Buddhism, keep the five precepts, and follow the Eightfold Path.

Recognizing these Buddhist ways will keep you on track to experience the ultimate happiness, which is the goal of Buddhism. This is the best way to remain connected to the faith.

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