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The digestive system refers to a group of organs that work together to convert whole foods into energy and nutrients that nourish the body; this allows it to function, grow, and repair itself as needed. The long tube in the body through which food passes is called the gastrointestinal tract GI tract.
In order for the body to benefit from the energy and nutrients provided by the food that enters it, there are six main functions of the digestive system:. While it might initially seem like a stretch to say that a spinal deformity can affect the digestive system, if you think back to that analogy of the spine acting as a telephone operator relaying messages throughout the body, the connection becomes clearer.
Postural changes, such as a prominent lean to one side, that can occur with moderate-to-severe scoliosis can also cause compression and contortion of the muscles, stomach, and organs. Are you experiencing diegstive issues or other scoliosis symptoms? Click here to contact us to learn more about our conservative approach to scoliosis treatment. If scoliosis is left untreated and allowed to progress unimpeded, scoliosis patients can experience the following symptoms:.
Scoliosis is a complex condition that takes many forms and varies from mild to severe. Its symptoms will differ depending upon a number of variables including age, cause, degree of curvature, and its location along the spine.
Depending on the location and degree of the spinal curvature, the passage of food through the intestines can become blocked, causing constipation.
Just as every case is different, the symptoms a patient is likely to experience can also differ greatly. As the spine is the primary means by which the brain communicates with the rest of the body and the rest of the body communicates with the brain, spinal disorders can cause a whole host of unexpected symptoms and issues, including impairing the digestive tract and bowel function.
Enter and space open menus and escape closes them as well. Tab will move on to the next part of the site rather than go through menu items. Scoliosis is an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine. It is most often diagnosed in childhood or early adolescence. These natural curves position the head over the pelvis and work as shock absorbers to distribute mechanical stress during movement. While the degree of curvature is measured on the coronal plane, scoliosis is actually a more complex, three-dimensional problem which involves the following planes:.
The coronal plane is a vertical plane from head to foot and parallel to the shoulders, dividing the body into anterior front and posterior back sections. The sagittal plane divides the body into right and left halves. The axial plane is parallel to the plane of the ground and at right angles to the coronal and sagittal planes. Scoliosis affects percent of the population, or an estimated six to nine million people in the United States. Scoliosis can develop in infancy or early childhood.
However, the primary age of onset for scoliosis is years old, occurring equally among both genders. Females are eight times more likely to progress to a curve magnitude that requires treatment.
Every year, scoliosis patients make more than , visits to private physician offices, an estimated 30, children are fitted with a brace and 38, patients undergo spinal fusion surgery. Scoliosis can be classified by etiology: idiopathic , congenital or neuromuscular.
Idiopathic scoliosis is the diagnosis when all other causes are excluded and comprises about 80 percent of all cases. Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis is the most common type of scoliosis and is usually diagnosed during puberty. Congenital scoliosis results from embryological malformation of one or more vertebrae and may occur in any location of the spine.
The vertebral abnormalities cause curvature and other deformities of the spine because one area of the spinal column lengthens at a slower rate than the rest. The geometry and location of the abnormalities determine the rate at which the scoliosis progresses in magnitude as the child grows. Because these abnormalities are present at birth, congenital scoliosis is usually detected at a younger age than idiopathic scoliosis. Neuromuscular scoliosis encompasses scoliosis that is secondary to neurological or muscular diseases.
This includes scoliosis associated with cerebral palsy, spinal cord trauma, muscular dystrophy, spinal muscular atrophy and spina bifida. This type of scoliosis generally progresses more rapidly than idiopathic scoliosis and often requires surgical treatment. There are several signs that may indicate the possibility of scoliosis. If one or more of the following signs is noticed, schedule an appointment with a doctor.
In one study, about 23 percent of patients with idiopathic scoliosis presented with back pain at the time of initial diagnosis. In these cases, a doctor may recommend spinal fusion. This surgery reduces the curvature of the spine and prevents scoliosis from getting worse. A surgeon may use metal rods, hooks, screws, or wires to hold a part of the spine straight while the bone heals. They may also use bone grafts to help the bone heal.
Children can usually go back to school after 4—6 weeks and can take part in sports after between 3 and 6 months. They should avoid sports that jar the back, such as horse riding and contact sports, for a year. In some cases, they may need to wear a back brace for about 6 months to support the spine.
A doctor will only recommend spinal fusion if they expect the benefits to outweigh the risks. The risks include:. Scoliosis usually becomes apparent from infancy or adolescence. The most common form of scoliosis appears in adolescence and is known as adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. It can affect people between 10 and 18 years of age. Some types of scoliosis can cause back pain, but it is not usually very painful.
This symptom is more common in older adults. If an infant does not receive treatment for scoliosis, they will be more at risk of problems later in life, such as impaired heart and lung function. The Scoliosis Association in the United Kingdom describe seven main types of scoliosis:. A doctor will carry out a physical examination of the spine, ribs, hips, and shoulders. With the aid of a tool called an inclinometer, or scoliometer, the doctor can measure the degree of scoliosis.
An angle greater than 10 degrees indicates scoliosis. Imaging scans such as X-rays , CT scans , and MRI scans can help the doctor assess the shape, direction, location, and angle of the curve. Scoliosis refers to an abnormally curved spine. It tends to arise in childhood or adolescence, and the cause is usually unknown.
Treatments, such as back bracing and surgery, can often help. A person should speak to a doctor if they suspect scoliosis, as early treatment can help prevent future complications. Millions of scoliosis sufferers are routinely misinformed about the accelerating nature of their spinal curvature progression.
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