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[Ebook PDF Epub [Download] Eve online what does o mean

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New Word List Word List. Save This Word! See synonyms for eve on Thesaurus. We could talk until we're blue in the face about this quiz on words for the color "blue," but we think you should take the quiz and find out if you're a whiz at these colorful terms. Origin of eve —50; Middle English; variant of even 2.

Genesis Words related to eve brink , verge , night , threshold , vigil , evening. How to use eve in a sentence On the eve of the presidential election, Democrats had a mere 1-point advantage. Yes, I Like Christmas Music. Stop Laughing.

DCU Drone Control Unit, a now-defunct module that allowed carriers and supercarriers to control one additional drone. Removed in Citadel patch.

Deadspace Pockets of space typically accessed via acceleration gate which cannot be entered via normal warp. Commonly used for missions and complexes. Deathcloning Self destructing your pod to travel to your home station.

Depot Mobile Depot. Dictor Interdictor. Disco A ship fitting which uses a large number of smartbombs, typically at least one of each damage type.

Named for the graphical effects seen when they are fired. Discovery Scanner See Sensor Overlay. Doctrine A monolithic fleet concept, usually consisting of one or two ship fittings. Allows the FC to make decisions based on a known performance profile. See: BLAP program. Domi Dominix. DPS Damage per second. Damage Dealer when discussing fleet compositions. Dread Dreadnought. Dread bomb The act of jumping a large number of insured dreadnoughts into a fight in order to quickly destroy a group of enemy capital ships.

The dreadnoughts used in a dread bomb often do not survive; and so their job is to do as much damage as possible during their short lifespan.

Drop The act of jumping one or more usually capital ships on a target, to quickly destroy it. A booster used to improve turret tracking. Drone boat A ship which relies heavily on Drones for combat, like the Ishtar or Dominix. Dronebunny A ship in a fleet with a fast lock time, which other ships in the fleet order their drones to Assist, so that all drones in the fleet can rapidly and cohesively switch targets regardless of what their owners are doing.

DScan Directional Scan , which lets you see ships in space over long range or in specific directions. DT Server downtime.

ECM Electronic Countermeasures. EP Escape point see UniBombers. ETA Estimated time of arrival. Failcascade Failure Cascade. The escalating collapse of a corporation or alliance in EVE, either through leadership problems or other issues.

FAX Force Auxiliary. Firewalling A defensive strategy of using Smartbombs to destroy incoming missiles. Flag An engagement status caused by one or more illegal or semi-illegal activities. Flashy Being flagged as a legitimate target, or used as noun to describe a pilot that has been flagged, either by having a security status of See also: Legality Timers. Flip Can Flipping. Flytrap An armed POS that has no force field to appear offline to unsuspecting prey.

FR Flashing Red. Criminal flag. Freeport A dockable structure owned by a player corporation that has chosen to allow docking to all players. Freeport Mode, a feature of outposts. Frogs Slightly derogatory term for Gallente Factional Warfare pilots.

See also: Squids. FW Factional Warfare. Gank To ambush and destroy an enemy, without giving them the chance to fight back. See Suicide ganking. Gate Stargate Acceleration Gate. GF "Good fight". Usually said in local after a battle. Gimp To make a certain setup or attribute ineffective. Extreme version of Nerf. Godroll An extremely lucky Abyssal roll. Grid A discrete section of space generated by the presence of objects in space. Grid Fu See Grid Manipulation. Gyro Gyrostabilizer see Turret damage.

Hardpoint A ship attribute that determines the number of missile launchers or turrets that can be fitted. Hard skills Skills trained by characters as opposed to soft skills.

Heavy Tackle A tanky ship, such as a Heavy Interdiction Cruiser , which holds tackle on an enemy ship. This is in contrast to light tackle which are a fast ships with little tank. Hero Tackle A ship or pilot who flies in alone to Tackle an enemy ship, hold them until their allies arrive, and usually die taking their target with them.

HOC "Hold on contact". HP Hit points see Tanking. HS High Security space. Huffing Gas cloud harvesting. Indy Industrial. Injector Skill Injector. Insta-undock A method of safely undocking from a station by immediately warping to a bookmark directly off of the undock point. Instadock A method of safely docking in a station by warping to a bookmark within the station's docking radius.

Inty Interceptor. In Pipe A message to allies that you have initiated warp, or are already traveling in warp. Any active Shield Hardeners, usually commented as a reminder to turn them on before going into combat. IRL "In real life". Pronounce it like yam if Amarrian, like jam if Gallentian. Jetcan A temporary container created when jettisoning something from a cargo hold. JC Jump clone. JOC "Jump on contact", a common movement order in fleets.

Jump The act of moving between two solar systems. Jump Destroyer Command Destroyer. J-Space Can mean either "Wormhole space", in reference to the J present in all numbered wormhole system names, or "Jove-space", in reference of the area of space where Jovians live. K-Space Known space. Kinetic locked An aspect of certain Caldari ships like the Drake , which only receive bonus damage for Kinetic Missiles and not other damage types.

Kitchen Sink A fleet without a clear unifying doctrine. Generally used derisively. Links Command Bursts. Logi Logistics ships see Guide to Logistics. Loot The contents of a destroyed ship, which are left behind in a container when the ship is destroyed. Local The standard chat channel that shows who are in system while in high-sec , low-sec and null-sec. Does not show players in system while in wormholes. Locust A group of pilots running missions or moon mining in one large fleet see Locust Fleet.

LP Loyalty Points. Macro mining The illegal use of 3rd party scripts to automate the mining process. ME Material Efficiency see Blueprints. Meta Meta level see Techs, Tiers and Meta levels To replace a module with a another module of the same type but with a different meta level see Techs, Tiers and Meta levels Common or popular ships, fittings, and doctrines Examination of a game from an outside perspective.

Metagaming Taking actions beyond the confines of the game universe to gain an advantage. Mins Minerals see Mining. Mods Modules. Multiboxing Playing with two or more characters simultaneously. MW Megawatt, a unit of measurement used to describe a ship's powergrid output see Fitting Guidelines. MWD Microwarpdrive see Propulsion equipment.

Nano Nanofiber Internal Structure see Propulsion equipment. Nanogang A small fleet of ships reliant on speed, evasion, and hit-and-run tactics, rather than numbers or raw damage advantage. Napoc Apocalypse Navy Issue. Nerf To reduce the stats or effectiveness of something.

Opposite of Buff. See also: Gimp. Neut Energy Neutralizer see Capacitor warfare. The text exchange could go something like the below:. No one would use o7 in real life, and would likely just salute with their hand if they were face to face with someone. According to Crossing Zebras , these were created from a need in the game EVE to communicate and be personable.

It is assumed that the other players will be threatening, so a need for nice communication was born. This is also used in other games like Elite Dangerous. Before gaming, people were often wary of people they met in person on the street, and the wave and salute gestures were a way to show that no one meant the other any harm, since the people must take their hands off their weapons to do both gestures, particularly if they are military.

EVE has a large number of players who are both active and retired military, which may be where the terms arrive. In EVE, players are dropped into the middle of space, and can participate in free play, choosing their own path from a plethora of options.

Players can choose many different professions and activities in EVE, including war, politics, trading, exploration, and piracy, and can play with hundreds of thousands of other players across thousands of star systems. They were founded in and are a leading indie game developer. Some other common internet emoticons are below alongside their definitions.

These are commonly used as slang terms on sites like Reddit in their subreddit forums, or on other social media or gaming forums. Overall, o7 is used to represent a salute in online gaming, specifically in the online video game EVE.

It is used as a friendly, respectful greeting, and is used to show the other player that the person means no harm.

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