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You may also be more likely to get an ear infection if you smoke or are around a lot of secondhand smoke. Having seasonal allergies or year-round allergies also puts you at risk. Developing a cold or an upper respiratory infection also increases your risk. If your only symptom is an earache, you may want to wait a day or two before seeing a doctor.
Sometimes ear infections resolve on their own within a few days. During your appointment, your doctor will get your medical history and listen as you describe your symptoms.
An otoscope is a handheld device with a light and magnifying lens that doctors use to check the health of your ear. A pneumatic otoscope can emit a puff of air in the ear. When air is pushed against your eardrum, the way the eardrum reacts can help diagnose the problem.
If the eardrum moves easily, you may not have a middle ear infection, or at least it may not be serious. If the eardrum barely moves, it suggests that there is fluid pressing against it from the inside. Another test used to diagnose and evaluate a possible ear infection is called tympanometry. A simple hearing test may also be done, especially if it appears that an infection has caused some hearing loss. The type of ear infection you have will determine the type of treatment.
In many cases of middle and outer ear infections, antibiotics are necessary. You may be prescribed antibiotics. Some antibiotics may be taken orally. Others can be applied directly to the site of the infection with ear drops.
Medications for pain, such as over-the-counter pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs may also be used to manage your symptoms. Another helpful technique is called autoinsufflation. You do this by squeezing your nose, closing your mouth, and very gently exhaling. This can send air through the eustachian tubes to help drain them. Shop for antihistamines. The outer ear should be carefully cleaned. MIddle Ear: Yes. The 'balance" nerve runs though the middle of the ear and any ear infection can trigger dizziness, nausea and related symptoms.
John Edwards answered. Stephanie Chuipek answered. Tanya Russo answered. Vomiting in kids: can be caused by ear infections. Acid reflux should be another consideration. Clarene Cress answered. Not uncommon: Ear infections often cause a child to feel dizzy, which can cause vomiting, but many children vomit with any illness or from medication.
That said, r View 1 more answer. Further evaluation: The causes of vomiting when longer than weeks are quite varied. The vomiting doesn't seem to be related to the ear infection, it would be good to Marianna Post answered.
Yes you should: You should, though i hope he is on antibiotic for the ear infection, and the vomiting can be the side effect of antibiotic, however 6 days if fever is Brendan Rice answered. See a physician: Unfortunately, there are many conditions that can cause those symptoms, from very mild like ear infections, sinus infections, etc.
David Houghton answered. Many causes: There are many causes of dizziness. Inner ear dizziness feels like spinning, and it can be dangerous but usually isn't. If it feels more like lighthea People also searched for: Dizziness inner ear crystals.
Fluid in inner ear and dizziness. Inner ear with dizziness and headache. Inner ear crystals dizziness treatment. Intermittent dizziness and nausea. Menopause nausea and dizziness. Inner ear. Treatments are different depending on the type of infection you have.
This nerve inflammation does not cause hearing loss. Labyrinthitis is another ear condition that causes dizziness and vertigo. With labyrinthitis, you do have a change in your hearing. Symptoms of neuritis range from a slight dizziness to a violent spinning sensation, which is vertigo.