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If you leave that field blank, Thesis will generate a thumbnail for you based on the Post Image field. Save your post, and if you are displaying Teasers anywhere on your site, you should notice the thumbnails appearing next to the teaser text already. If you want to manually retrieve these pictures somewhere else featured posts, sidebars, etc.
This technique works for anything — flash animations, videos, banner ads, etc. Really, you can insert any chunk of html you can dream up.
This is the basic method in Thesis of adding any content beyond what wordpress automatically generates. Now you should see your image inserted once before the content begins but alongside the sidebars on every page. On pages that list multiple posts, if you want the image to appear repeatedly before each post, change it to read:. The possibilities are endless — you can discover all sorts of places to hook into by reading the Thesis Hook Reference List Now, if you only want the image to appear in certain places, you need to add a conditional statement to your function in this case, to limit the banner to the home page only :.
Now your image will only be inserted into the page if the condition is met. Of course! Thesis automatically generates custom CSS classes for pages and categories.
On category listing pages e. Combined with the files in your custom folder, you now have everything you need to perfectly recreate your site somewhere else. Install it, activate it, and go to the plugin settings page.
This will result in two files downloaded to your computer. By default, WordPress displays the author of the post and when it was posted. How about adding some additional information? This example adds tags and categories to the Thesis byline, each on a new line, and with the needed classes to match the other byline items.
Place these styles in your custom. Now each teaser will fill the full width of your content column! Hmm, I see what you mean. It is quite odd that the subsequent posts do not pick up the template.
Thanks Dimas, your far more informed than me. I think I will go and check phpmyadmin and see if I can see it in the db. Really confusing me at the moment though that it would work for one property post and not another. I spoke to Chris today and 1. Really appreciate all your replies mate. Could you give my code a once over and see if something sticks out to you? However, the redirect function does not seem to be firing. Very useful, thanks!
I have applied your code for one of my custom post type, but it looks like the new template is being used for the list of posts, rather than for the post itself.
Am I missing something? I can preview them but not see them if I publish them. Gnarly, dude. Is there a way we can do this on custom taxonomy page?
I used this code on my CPT but i has no luck on custom tax pages. Louisa July 7, at pm Permalink. Thanks for this brilliant solution, Dimas! David Alexander July 21, at pm Permalink.
Dimas July 21, at pm Permalink. What version of the Thesis theme is installed? Ditto WordPress? Thursday, March 11, AM. The lady in question has not got back to me since her initial enquiry so I will just have to wait until she does before letting you know which version she is using. As I am always trying new themes out myself I do know that sometimes Writer will occasionally have problems especially with some of the 'full width' themes but I just delete it and then try again, it usually succeeds eventually.
Thursday, March 11, PM. If she's running Thesis, she will have access rights to that support forum. Lot of smart and helpful people there, very knowledgeable about Thesis configs. Friday, March 12, AM. I have tried this many times, I guess the best software to work with wordpress is BlogDesk.
Wednesday, April 7, PM. I tested with plugins off, too. Anyone get this combo working? I like your analysis of the dangers associated with free themes. I used to use free themes and became endlessly frustrated. StudioPress was my first premium theme purchase. Then I purchased Builder and ElegantThemes. Thesis is on my list to buy and try. I heard Thesis is rolling out a 2.
That should be good. Do you know the release date of Thesis 2. Peter L. Top 10 Angelina Jolie Movies. HI, I just found this page, you have so many good articles here.
I love thesis……. Tahap dan Cara belajar Bahasa Inggris. Awesome review! I find I switch back and forth between Thesis and Genesis — it all boils down to how much design or minimalism I want to have on a site. I love thesis, Its just awesome. Code Less, Design More. We can design as we want. I love it… Thesis rocks. If we are unable to design ourself, we can opt-in for pre-made thesis skins which are just awesome though premium Koundeenya would love you to read..
I run the eleven40 Theme from Genesis and I love it… However. If I were to ever make a change it would be to Thesis. There are so many amazing Thesis blogs out there. Ryan H. Ryan Hanley would love you to read.. Trust is a Gift. Thank you so much for weighing in on the Theme question because so many bloggers need to know what many of us are recommending so they know they are making the right choice. I use that to update posts, invite those who qualify into our private forum and usually put into my Twitterfeed so their new content is automatically tweeted.
Bloggers: Promote Your Blog Here. Having tried many other WordPress themes for Thesis is a professional theme created by DIY Themes which comes with built-in search engine optimization no additional plug-ins needed , a unique approach for customization and fantastic customer support. It also worked like a charm but adding social media features without breaking the advanced theme design ultimately got more and more difficult.
And I fell in love. Thesis is not free. This article covers tips from my ongoing journey of customizing Thesis the way I want. Did you mean to include a link to a post you wrote about customizing Thesis? Relevant links are always welcome. That is why using CommentLuv Premium or the free versions of CommentLuv and KeywordLuv is such a good idea — so you can build incoming links, share what you most want us to know in TWO places, and link to your blog so we know you actually have one.