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A pronoun is an independent part of speech that summarizes the subject, sign, number, but does not name them. Consequently, from all parts of the speech, the pronoun is distinguished by way of representation indication. In the speech, this notion duplicates nouns, adjectives, numerals.
Relating to the named classes of words, the pronoun has its own semantic features and syntactic functions.
The specifics of the semantics of pronouns is the mediation of their lexical meaning, that is, they are only filled with specific content in the field of speech.
In the view of this, pronouns are used only in the appropriate context, due to the specific situation that allows them to determine the scope of their values. The attachment of pronouns to the situational objective of speech determines their main functional purpose: text-editing. It means that pronouns can replace names of objects, sentences, even whole sentences and act as means of deployment and establish content links in the text. In this way, pronouns contribute to the reduction of the elements of the text, the condensation of the utterance.
It helps the language to sound more harmoniously and dispose of tautology. When talking about pronouns in the research paper, it is significant to identify which class of them we mean. Academic writers often ask whether personal pronouns can be used in any type of academic piece of writing. And before you started to panic, we recommend going with us to the next tips. If possible, specify exactly which group of people you are talking about. Using we in this way is acceptable if you want to emphasize the shared experiences of a particular group to which you belong.
Just make sure it is clear exactly who you are referring to. Scribbr Plagiarism Checker. Addressing the reader directly with the pronoun you is rarely appropriate in academic writing. To avoid it, rephrase or use the impersonal pronoun one. In older writing, you will often see masculine pronouns he , him and nouns mankind , firemen used as the universal or neutral. This is now considered outdated and biased. Some writers combine masculine and feminine pronouns in constructions such as he or she ; however, this often results in awkward or convoluted sentences, and it is not inclusive of all genders.
They has long been used as a singular pronoun in informal contexts, and a growing number of style guides including APA and MLA now endorse this usage in academic writing. As an alternative to the singular they , you can often simply pluralize the subject of the sentence, or revise the sentence structure so that no pronoun is necessary.
As with all pronouns, when using the singular they , make sure it is clear who you are referring to. If the pronoun could result in confusion, rephrase your sentence to name the subject directly, or revise the sentence structure to clarify. In the first sentence below, it is unclear if they refers to the teacher, the student, or both.
In the revised version, the subject is named directly, and it is clear from context that their work also refers to the student. In the example below, different possessive pronouns are used for each of the individuals mentioned she , they , and he , respectively.
Make sure not to shift between referring to yourself in the first person I , we , my , our and the third person the author , the researchers. Demonstratives are words that single something out in a specific context: this , that , these and those. To clarify your meaning when you use words like this, you can add a word or short phrase after the demonstrative.
Have a language expert improve your writing. Check your paper for plagiarism in 10 minutes. The antecedents nouns being replaced are clearly matched to each pronoun: her the girl , she the girl , it the dress.
Maintaining a clear match between pronouns and their antecedents becomes easier if you remember that pronouns come in three cases:. To avoid noun repetition and use pronouns effectively, you should remember the different types of pronouns and the way they can be used in a sentence:. Learning the correct rules of pronoun use can appear to be overwhelming—so many types in so many cases! However, checking the correct use of a pronoun is relatively simple.
First, read the sentence back to yourself and trust your ear. When multiple antecedents are involved, you can check your pronoun use by replacing each antecedent with its original noun to check that you are using the correct pronoun. Enago Academy, the knowledge arm of Enago, offers comprehensive and up-to-date resources on academic research and scholarly publishing to all levels of scholarly professionals: students, researchers, editors, publishers, and academic societies.
It is also a popular platform for networking, allowing researchers to learn, share, and discuss their experiences within their network and community. The team, which comprises subject matter experts, academicians, trainers, and technical project managers, are passionate about helping researchers at all levels establish a successful career, both within and outside academia.