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Can Ekrem Imamoglu beat him at his own game? Beijing has its eyes set on using Afghanistan as a strategic corridor once U. Argument An expert's point of view on a current event. By Paul Osterlund. June 25, , PM. Tags: Elections , Turkey. So why are they so divided? Dispatch Fariba Nawa.
Argument Murat Somer. Profile Patrick Keddie , Sevecen Tunc. Trending 1. And sometimes they become the victims of these strongmen. But this happened even in Chile where you had a coup in So we see this and we see this, we saw this in with the kind of GOP political elites and some business elites backed Trump even though Trump was saying he could shoot somebody, he was very open about his violence.
And so you have this kind of blindness over and over again and the first big example was Germany. What about the way they lose their power? I know that every one of them loses the power in different ways, but what are the patterns, what are the similarities? So, the biggest principle is that, you know, they never ever go quietly. They psychologically need to stay in power to have immunity for prosecution, they cannot leave properly. So, then they fix things like Putin.
Or in Turkey. Everybody finds his own way. So, they have to find another way to fix this system. But, you know, sooner or later they cause resistance movements against them, especially young people. He is sucking all of the productive resources strive of the nation.
And Erdogan is, you know, they go after business. And this is a story we need to have much more reported in the media. They are going to modernize, they are building airports. They are doing all these good things. When in fact, these autocrats are going after businesses. And, and so slowly over time they, many people grow disaffected with that. And he tried everything he tried to have military support, he tried to fix the election.
And then at the end, he went for violence. As far as I understand, you are hopeful in Turkey. The victory of the mayor of Istanbul. So, do you think that this would be a game-changer in the future? Do you think that Mr. Ekrem Imamoglu can appear as a potential candidate for president in the future?
Is this what you see? I am not an expert on Turkish politics, but I studied that very carefully and I wrote about it in the book.
Because I was very moved, very impressed by this anti-populist playbook really that he used, and everything he did, and the message of radical love and going to the streets instead of, you know, having these masses, the leader who has this false emotion. You know Erdogan is always crying, and yet he is always threatening people. And Ekrem did something totally different. And so, this could be replicated. And now he had to go a lot because of course Erdogan did not want to, he tried to fix the system.
So, I find this very hopeful. So, I am hopeful in a medium-term that there will be more of a support for a different kind of politics. So you are saying that Erdogan would accept if Ekrem Imamoglu would be a candidate and if he would lose the elections in the future, he would accept the reality or the consequences. If judging from his behavior in now, what I observed, and judging from the personality and actions of all the leaders like him, because they have very, of course there is individual differences, but they have similar personalities especially when it comes to if they feel they are going to be ruined.
Virtually all countries have access to some renewable energy resources especially solar and wind power and could thus substitute foreign supply with local resources. Our research shows, however, that the role countries are likely to assume in decarbonized energy systems will be based not only on their resource endowment but also on their policy choices. As the United States emerges from the era of so-called forever wars, it should abandon the regime change business for good.
Then, Washington must understand why it failed, writes Stephen Walt. Ekrem Imamoglu, Turkey's secular opposition Republican People's Party's CHP mayoral candidate for Istanbul gestures as he delivers a speech at the launch of his campaign for the June 23 re-run elections, in Istanbul, Wednesday, May 22, Although the polling workers Erdogan was referring to also oversaw races for district administrators, mayors and municipal councils — races that the AKP and its coalition partners won — the YSK canceled only the vote for the Istanbul mayorship and called for a rerun on June In the wake of the annulment of the election, Imamoglu has received worldwide recognition for his positive outlook and mild-mannered approach.
Recent research in political science suggests that Imamoglu may benefit from the widespread perception that he has suffered at the hands of Erdogan. Imamoglu himself has launched a campaign focused on positivity and optimism. In a survey experiment conducted before the June general elections, Guiler finds that voters in Turkey are more likely to feel positively toward candidates who cite experiences of political suffering in their biographies.
Respondents who were told that a hypothetical candidate from the AKP had personally suffered because of his political beliefs were more likely to trust, feel close to, and consider voting for this candidate. This pattern held even when the sample was restricted to secular voters with low trust in the AKP prior to the experiment.
The benefit of political victimhood is not lost on Imamoglu. Imamoglu also joked that were Erdogan to imprison him, he might benefit similarly. Given prevailing wisdom and empirical evidence that political suffering influences public perception, one might expect Imamoglu to make his victimhood in the March mayoral election a central feature of his campaign. However, he soon discovered he was actually Greek, became Christian and then became an activist for minorities in Turkey despite originally joining the Turkish Army to kill them, as reported by The Arme nian Weekly.
Then they will realize that by destroying those peoples, they've actually destroyed their own ancestors and cultural heritage. The truth will set us all free and bring much needed peace to the region.