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A military member sent out to a forward location for longer than days would need to have that duty time recharacterized as a Permanent Change of Station move rather than a TDY or deployment.
Some are confused by the need for jargon to define all this until they learn that how the military handles certain pay and allowances. TDY orders may involve a per diem payment for meals, funds for lodging, etc. A deployment presupposes that no such expenses are necessary, except for specifically defined circumstances listed in the orders. For example, if commercial travel is required for a portion of the deployment, those expenses would be reimbursed. Such is the case if authorized on the orders or if the orders have been amended after the fact to authorize such expenses.
Deployments may trigger the authorization for hazardous duty pay or other payments, where applicable. TDY orders would not. A permanent change of station move see below would also include payments and authorizations that are not available under either TDY or deployment orders. One of those is the use of something called Stop-Loss. This is a practice where military members are not permitted to leave military service at the end of their military commitment due to mission demands.
Stop Loss can affect deployments because troops who get orders to deploy may or may not be at the end of a current enlistment. The military may choose to deploy these service members anyway and adjust the separation date accordingly.
This is usually not done arbitrarily. Stop loss is not always invoked, but when it is there is usually a high demand or shortage involved for certain types of career fields or duty. PCS orders authorize certain kinds of travel pay which is not permitted under other types of orders.
For example, a service member may be authorized to claim mileage, lodging expenses associated with the PCS move, and there may be a provision for permissive TDY orders for house hunting. Any cost of living allowance paid at the previous duty station, any housing allowances, and authorization for separate rations will change depending on policies at the gaining command or base.
By comparison, a set of TDY orders does not change any of these things. PCS orders indicate a more permanent hence the name relocation than temporary duty or deployments. Join Our Military Benefits Newsletter! This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Connect With Us facebook instagram pinterest twitter youtube. Related Articles.
Top 10 Deployment Tips for Military Spouses. PCS Packing Tips. Plan My Deployment. Unemployment compensation helps bridge the financial gap families face when they shift from dual-income to single-income status. The first thing to remember is that the state you'll be filing a claim with is the state you were working in before the PCS. You can check here to find the contact information for your state's unemployment insurance program as soon as you become unemployed.
You'll need to have information such as the address and dates of your former employment handy when filing, and the first check may take two to three weeks to get to you after filing is complete.
As with all things related to employment and PCSing, you'll want to know even more. Spending time talking to those who have navigated the unemployment process already will help, as well as talking to your local unemployment office before your move. For the latest military news and tips on military family benefits and more, subscribe to Military. While many families are eager to celebrate the new season, others are conflicted on which activities are safe to mitigate the The service is part of an effort by Transportation Command to modernize its approach to dealing with troops, treating them as Military spouses will soon have more opportunities to get a job with the federal government, including telework or remote For a parent, there is no greater loss than the passing of a child.
That's why Grace Darling Seibold A Valley woman who is one of only seven known survivors of an all-African American military battalion that served Sendik's Food Market in Mequon is giving back to hundreds of veterans, sending around on their Stars and Families and friends visited Lower Manhattan in New York City to honor their loved ones twenty years after hijacked It's been a week since 13 U.
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