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All of the individuals charged as part of the Black Friday crackdown pleaded guilty to at least one offense. Despite the whopping array of charges against them, sometimes carrying maximum possible prison time of multiple decades, the longest sentence meted out was just three years. Additionally, some of them had to pay fines.

None of the cases went to trial. It's understandable that prosecutors did not wish to try their luck with the vagaries of the trial system especially given that their legal position was not exactly ironclad.

This means that, despite the zeal with which the accused were tracked down and forced to appear in court, there's no telling whether or not the charges they faced would actually have resulted in guilty verdicts if presented before a jury. Moreover, the government's legal reasoning remains untested, and so we can't be sure that United States v. Scheinberg, et al. The entire online poker industry was thrown for a loop by the staggering blow that was Black Friday.

Still, corporations that had already left the U. It was the sites that still served Americans that had to do some hard thinking, none more so than the three entities directly mentioned in the court filings. These reactions revealed what kind of operations they were, and the news about some of them was not pretty.

The largest poker site in the United States and the world at the time, PokerStars didn't delay in closing its tables to U. On April 20, PokerStars regained the use of its domain name as part of an agreement with the U. Attorney's office for the Southern District of New York [12]. The government entered this agreement in part to facilitate the return of U. In the last week of April, less than two weeks after Black Friday, PokerStars began allowing Americans to withdraw their funds.

They were even able to convert their Frequent Player Points to cash [13] and therefore derive full value from them. After the shock of Black Friday subsided, PokerStars continued to operate without issue in the rest of the world. It remained the largest online cardroom in existence notwithstanding the turmoil caused by its U.

On July 31, , PokerStars, Full Tilt Poker, and the Department of Justice reached a deal [14] whereby PokerStars would acquire all the assets of beleaguered Full Tilt see below and, in addition, the civil legal action against 'Stars would be dropped.

PokerStars fulfilled all the conditions of this settlement, so the civil complaint against it was dropped, and it gained all the assets of Full Tilt Poker. However, the criminal charges against two PokerStars executives were still outstanding and were not dismissed as a result of this agreement with the DoJ. Full Tilt was not slow in responding to the events of Black Friday by ceasing to offer real money games to Americans just a few hours after arch-rival PokerStars did.

Full Tilt, much like its larger competitor, also signed paperwork with the authorities on April 20 allowing it to regain its domain name as long as it pledged not to allow Americans to re-enter its poker room.

However, after these initial positive steps, things started getting progressively worse for the site and its former customers.

As April turned into May, users from the United States were still unable to cash out their balances. Representatives of Full Tilt assured everyone that everything was fine and that U. However, no such withdrawals were forthcoming, and even payouts to non-U.

All games on the platform around the world stopped. Then in September, Full Tilt's already tottering reputation suffered two serious blows. The revised court papers [16] revealed that the new allegations against Full Tilt were not really related to the UIGEA or other gambling violations but rather to defrauding customers.

Although a few keen observers had raised questions about the poker room's business dealings before, few suspected the extent of the shenanigans that had been going on at Full Tilt for years.

Plainly put, Full Tilt had been hovering on the verge of insolvency for a while. This wasn't chiefly a consequence of the disorder caused by Black Friday itself, the seizures of various FT bank accounts over the years, or dishonesty on the part of payment processors.

It was instead the result of the sheer greed of the higher-ups at the company. Despite assurances given frequently to users that player balances were segregated and kept separate from operating funds, in reality, all the money was commingled into common accounts containing both normal corporate balances as well as player funds.

Starting in , Full Tilt had trouble finding processors to handle echeck deposits from U. However, unlike more responsible enterprises, Full Tilt opted to go ahead and credit echeck depositors' Full Tilt accounts with these funds — despite having no capacity to actually collect this money from the bank accounts in question!

All of these questionable monetary tactics meant that according to the U. Making matters worse, it appeared that the financial reports filed by Full Tilt with the Aldernay Gambling Control Commission were fraudulent. These documents gave the impression that the firm had more than enough cash on hand to pay out its obligations to players.

This was far from the case, and when the house of cards began to topple, management followed a strategy of using incoming deposits to pay for backlogged withdrawals — the hallmark of a pyramid scheme [18]. Almost from the moment it became clear that Full Tilt was basically bankrupt, rumors began to abound of outside investors who would come riding in from the horizon and save the day.

This was perhaps a manifestation of wishful thinking on the part of both the players, who wanted eagerly to be paid their balances, and management who maybe sought to escape the opprobrium and penalties that they might face for pretty much absconding with customers' money.

Full Tilt revealed in a statement dated Aug. On Aug. This was contingent on several events happening, including the forfeiture of FT assets to the Department of Justice, the purchase of those assets from the government by Groupe Bernand Tapie, and an agreement that the new owners would be responsible for paying out the money owed to international customers while the DoJ would take care of American players through a remissions process. In November, word came out that the Department of Justice was on board with this arrangement, and Full Tilt's assets were turned over to the government.

This was followed by approval of the deal by a two-thirds vote of Full Tilt shareholders in December. The acquisition of Full Tilt Poker by Groupe Bernard Tapie seemed to be basically a fait accompli with just a few details remaining to iron out.

However, talks between the interested parties dragged on for months. Finally, on April 24, , poker media starting reporting that Groupe Bernard Tapie was unable to reach an agreement with the DoJ.

The feds demanded that GBP pay out all non-U. The investment group, on the other hand, was thinking more along the lines of restoring user balances on the relaunched site with this money becoming available for withdrawal over time depending on how much those customers played.

Negotiators were not able to bridge this gap, and the deal fell apart. PokerStars fulfilled to the letter all its promises to the DoJ. Consequently, the civil lawsuit against the firm was dropped with the stipulation that founder Isai Scheinberg would depart the company within 45 days, which duly occurred. Therefore, PokerStars was able to clear its name in the eyes of the federal government without having to admit any corporate wrongdoing.

The criminal case against Scheinberg remained active though. In November , PokerStars debuted the new Full Tilt, using the old software that it had acquired as part of the purchase and a player pool separate from that at PokerStars.

This state of affairs continued until May when the traffic at both sites was combined and the old Full Tilt poker client was retired. Full Tilt still exists in the present day, but it is just a skin of the main PokerStars room with all the same games, software, et cetera.

This did happen although the government of course took its sweet time about it. Almost a year after the settlement was made with PokerStars, the federal authorities selected the Garden City Group as the claims administrator [20] to restore FTP balances to their rightful owners.

Then in September , former Full Tilt players received emails giving instructions as to where and how to file their claims online. The payouts were made in nine separate waves beginning February and ending November Knowledgeable onlookers therefore didn't expect the highest level of ethical behavior from the sites in dealing with the Black Friday crisis.

Subsequent events proved to fully bear out this view of Cereus as a shady, dishonest operation. While the government fairly rapidly entered agreements with PokerStars and Full Tilt permitting them to regain their seized domains if they pledged to ban American players, the same didn't happen right away with Absolute and UltimateBet despite the government indicating that it was ready to offer them the same deal.

Absolute Poker, for its part, announced that it would have to check with its lawyers before signing any such agreement. Meanwhile, the two rooms continued to allow U. These users were basically contending for play money prizes, though, as Cereus paid out only a handful of withdrawal requests post-Black Friday, leaving the bulk of its customers empty-handed. Customers reported being unable to connect to gaming servers just two days later, and this functionality was never restored, effectively spelling the end of these two mismanaged rooms.

The Garden City Group, which was in charge of Full Tilt remissions, was retained to serve in the same capacity. Beginning April 10, , users were able to file online to receive a reimbursement of their funds.

In late August , the first round of payments were received by customers, and three subsequent sets of players got paid between then and September Despite initial worries that Black Friday was the opening volley in a coordinated artillery strike against the entire offshore poker industry, no additional sites were targeted in the coming months or years.

Thus, the list of U. Poker players located in the United States were still able to log on and play at sites and networks including:. In addition to individuals who shifted to other online poker rooms, there were a lot of Americans who quit internet poker entirely. The player traffic figures bear out this conclusion. This has proven to be a permanent phenomenon; player numbers have never regained their pre-Black Friday peak except during unusual, temporary circumstances like the coronavirus lockdown.

The consequences of Black Friday were felt not only by the largest online poker sites and their players but also by their many and varied business partners. Despite the undeniably messy way in which the authorities handled the shutdown of US-facing sites, it was left for PokerStars to pay back their players.

Eventually, the site was allowed to pay back its US customers, while a year after Black Friday it consolidated its position globally by buying its fierce rival, Full Tilt. The DOJ would pull another ace from its sleeve in late , however, after repositioning itself on the actual legality of online gaming in the USA.

In December of , the DOJ stated that the federal Wire Act, an outdated piece of legislation governing bets made across state lines, only applied to sports betting. Although some had stated that the Wire Act applied to all Internet gambling, including poker, it was not a view shared by all.

Indeed, the Black Friday indictments didn't mention any specific violations of the Wire Act. In addition, the new stance suggested that UIGEA should only apply to states where online gambling was already illegal. Not only did it mean good news for state lotteries keen to sell tickets on the Internet, it paved the way for individual states to introduce their own legislation if they wanted to.

Nevada was already considering legislation of its own to regulate Internet poker within state borders when Black Friday. However, they became the first US state to have a legal poker room when Assembly Bill was passed. Use of the term began by and began to see broader use outside Philadelphia around Later an alternative explanation began to be offered: that "Black Friday" indicates the period during which retailers are turning a profit, or "in the black.

On this day, many retailers open very early, often at 4 a. Later an alternative explanation began to be offered: that "Black Friday" indicates the period during which retailers are turning a profit, or "in the black. On this day, many retailers open very early, often at 4 a. You can search these words to find special offers on internet black friday deals for this back friday deals: black friday ads, black friday deals, black friday wiki, black friday sales, sales for black friday, black friday ads, black friday ads , black friday ads for , black friday ads, ads for black friday , black friday sales ads, black friday offers, black friday specials, best buy black friday, black friday best buy and more It has routinely been the busiest shopping day of the year since , although news reports, which at that time were inaccurate, have described it as the busiest shopping day of the year for a much longer period of time.

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